Labyrinths in Islam from HiMY SYeD on Vimeo.
The First Saturday in May is World Labyrinth Day.
That’s today.
This is the first time solar calendar World Labyrinth Day has appeared during Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic Lunar Calendar.
I have a another blog where I write about my Toronto and Vancouver City of Labyrinths Project .
What do Labyrinths and Islam have to do with one another ?
I use to think “Nothing.”
No Venn Diagram Overlap in these two areas of my life.
One morning in Ramadan 2009, after praying Fajr inside Toronto’s Dawah Centre Masjid,
I was allowed to realize Labyrinths In Islam have been hiding in plain sight all these years.
Ramadan 2009 was two years before I would start blogging 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan on this website.
Labyrinths have appeared on 30 Masjids before . . .
Two months before I began blogging 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan 2011,
I was on Umrah and spent time in The Holy City of Madinah.
On foot towards Masjid Qiblatain,
I found a Hedge Labyrinth and later made a sand Labyrinth with my foot . . .
Labyrinth related re-tweets originally made from Madinah in June 2011
Labyrinths are Unicursal.
They have one path, with no dead ends.
As long as you do not jump a line, you will always arrive at the centre.
Some Labyrinths are Pass-Through.
You enter from one side, follow the path, and exit.
You walked through the Labyrinth without encountering any dead ends.
By design, you cannot be lead astray. You do not experience anger.
When you inevitably arrive at the Centre, or when you exit a pass-through Labyrinth,
You feel a sense of accomplishment.
You are at peace.
No matter which path you took while walking a Labyrinth, you were rightly guided.
You may even want to walk the Labyrinth again and again or again after that.
Mazes are Multicursal
They have at least one dead end.
Sometimes many dead ends.
Maze are meant to puzzle you, to trick you, to frustrate you, to amaze you.
That is where the word Amazing comes from.
Mazes win when you get lost.
Mazes by design have many Innovations. You begin to doubt yourself.
Mazes lead you astray.
Many people give up in the middle of a maze, never finding their way out.
They become angry or frustrated or lose their patience.
Once abandoned, they may avoid mazes altogether, forever.
Labyrinths are The Straight Path.
aṣ-Ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm
الصراط المستقيم
Masking Tape Labyrinths
GTA EID, Toronto Ontario Canada, Tuesday August 30 2011 :
Eid Al Fitr Masking Tape Labyrinth
Vancouver Convention Centre, Sunday June 25 2017 :
Eid Al Adha Masking Tape Labyrinth
Eid Al-Adha Party, MAC Centre, 122 Kingsway, Vancouver, Saturday September 2 2017 :
Chalk Labyrinths
Pre-Ramadan Community BBQ, King George Park, Richmond B.C. Sunday May 21 2017 :
Chalk Labyrinth
EidFest at Playland, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory, British Columbia, Canada, Sunday July 2 2017 :
Eid Al-Adha🕋Masking Tape Labyrinth🍥
Vancouver Convention Centre, Tuesday August 21 2018
Masking Tape Labyrinth
Islamic History Month
Promenade, Vancouver Public Library, Saturday October 27 2018 :
Chalk Labyrinth
Windsor Labyrinth, City of Labyrinths Project / Day 13 of Ramadan 2013
Windsor Ontario Canada, Sunday July 21 2013 :