First Public Athan at the
FirstSecond Mosque in TorontoWitness the first public Azaan in the
firstSecond Masjid of Toronto.Municipalities across Canada have recently allowed for the public broadcast of Athan at Maghrib time during the month of Ramadan.
Many of us are accustomed to going to the mosque during Ramadan, however this year, with the pandemic, it is not possible.
So hearing the athan being broadcast acts as a source of comfort for Muslims.
Sister Sara Mill commented on youtube . . .
“This video is amazing MashaAllah,
I have been comming to this mosque ever since I was born and today I’m 17 years old!
The amazing community, the memories, get togethers, diversity is everything.
It’s really unfortunate that we cannot congregate at the mosque like we normally do,
but InshaAllah we shall reunite again soon.
Never thought I would see the day when the mosque would close their doors but this video brings back amazing memories,
Thank you Isna for making this!
Shoutout to Jami mosque OG, y’all know who you are!!!!!
Don’t recognize one person in this video except Sheikh Hamdi,
I think next time a video is done it should be with people who actually regularly attend the mosque!
Thanks for also including the neighbors,
May Allah bless all of you!
Dundas Street Mosque at 3047 Dundas Street West was Toronto’s “First” Masjid.
That building was sold with proceeds from the sale put towards purchase of 56 Boustead Avenue, a former Presbyterian Church, by Muslim Society of Toronto.
Jami Mosque is Toronto’s Second Masjid.
Jami Mosque is Toronto’s Oldest Masjid still in continuous uninterrupted operation.