014 - Peace and Solidarity March in Flemingdon Park, Grenoble Public School, North York - 2015-11-20

Jane’s Walk 2016 Festival Weekend is Friday, Saturday, Sunday: May 5, 6, 7.

Among the 200 walks listed so far, one might be of particular interest to Toronto area readers of 30Masjids :

Muslim Women and Public Safety

This new walk is inspired by the same November 2015 events which inspired me to lead The History of Muslims in Toronto Jane’s Walk, a month later in December 2015.

About this walk in their own words:

“Last fall Torontonians were jolted when it was reported that a Muslim woman was the viciously attacked on her way to pick up her children from school.

Although severe, this incident sparked conversations pertaining to the numerous ways Muslim women experience a lack of safety in public spaces.

Through personal stories and placemaking insights, this walk will uncover the direct and nuanced attacks that Muslim face when navigating their local communities, academic institutions, the legal system and city-building processes.

This participatory walk will invite everyone to consider the ways we can co-create a greater sense of belonging and safety for all women in public spaces.”

Walk Leaders comprise a cross-cultural team of five Women with distinct backgrounds.

muslim women and public safety - jane's walk

If I wasn’t leading my own separate un-related Jane’s Walk elsewhere in the city at that exact time, I’d certainly attend this one.

Their 2 hour Jane’s Walk begins in Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto City Hall in front of the burger joint on Saturday May 7 2016 at 1 p.m.

On Good Friday 2010, I found myself in Curitiba, Brazil. I joined the congregation and performed Jumah Prayers inside Curitiba’s ONLY Masjid, Mesquita Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib (R.A.).

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Walking Toronto through its Muslim history A Sunday Jane’s Walk will take participants through the west end, touring the site of city’s first mosque and other Islamic touchstones.

Each picture in this Collection of 49 Photographs was captured by Brampton Based Professional Photographer, Herman Custodio.

The History of Muslims in Toronto – A Special December Jane’s Walk took place on Sunday December 20 2015.

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A STEP BACK IN TIME - Walking Toronto through its Muslim history - By Sarah-Joyce Battersby - Toronto Star Touch - December 19 2015

HUGE THANKS to Toronto Star Writer, Sarah-Joyce Battersby and her team, Photographer Chris So and Digital Cartographer José Ongpin, for producing such an elegant Interactive Tablet News Story on Star Touch about Sunday’s Jane’s Walk!!

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The muggers who attacked a woman outside her son’s school, yelling “Go back to your country,” need a geography lesson, according to HiMY SYeD.

More than one million Muslims call Canada home, eight per cent of Torontonians practice Islam, and if by country they meant neighbourhood, that would be the Junction.

“We have fifth-generation Torontonians who happen to be Muslim descent, Muslim heritage. They’ve been here 50, 60, 70 years,” he said of the west-end neighbourhood’s Islamic roots.

Sarah-Joyce Battersby, Toronto Star, December 18 2015

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Lately, when it comes to Muslims in the News locally in Toronto or regionally in Peterborough, Ontario, it appears there’s a lack of understanding of Canadian Muslims by any number of fellow Canadians.

Yet, there’s also an earnest appetite to learn more about The Muslims of Toronto and our Community’s history.

To satiate such sincere hunger for knowledge, I will be leading the following Jane’s Walk:

The History of Muslims in Toronto – A Special December Jane’s Walk

TIME: Sunday December 20, 2015 – 11:00 a.m.

MEETING POINT: Runnymede TTC Subway Station Main Entrance.

WALK LEADER: I’ll be wearing a Green Jacket holding a Jane’s Walk sign.

Please help get the word and as important…

Join This Special Jane’s Walk!

See YOU on December 20th, and Thank You!

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"It's Packed" - Photo by Michal Hay

“It’s Packed” – Photo by Michal Hay

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Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International
1168 Bloor Street West, Toronto
Saturday December 5 2015, 7 – 9 pm

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The Beth Israel Synagogue opened its doors today to the Al-Salaam Muslim congregation which was displaced by a fire that closed its mosque.

Jesse Thomas has the story.

CHEX TV, Friday November 27 2015

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United Together - Hosting the People of Peterborough - Islamic Institute of Toronto - Saturday November 21 2015

On Saturday evening, The Islamic Institute of Toronto hosted The People of Peterborough for a night of Support, Discussion and Community Building.

The multi-faith event was a show of Canadian solidarity against the Hate Crime of Arson at Kawartha Muslim Religious Association‘s Masjid Al-Salaam in Peterborough.

A representative cross-section of the wider Canadian community turned out as you may see from their images and words live-tweeted during the event…

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Following the Hate Crime of Arson at Masjid Al-Salaam, Mark Street United Church in Peterborough invited Kawartha Muslim Religious Association to perform Friday Jumah inside their prayer hall.

Mark Street United Church - Muslim Prayers Friday Noon - Peterborough - November 20 2015

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Kawartha Muslim Religious Association - Masjid Al-Salam - 000

“We the members of the KMRA are shocked and deeply disturbed by the November 14th incident at Masjid Al-salaam.

“The damage of the incident which is now being investigated as a possible hate crime has been estimated to exceed $80,000.

“In spite of the incident, we are deeply touched and highly encouraged by the overwhelming support we have received from the Peterborough community at large.

“We will continue to work with all faith groups and concerned citizens in raising awareness of peace and tolerance.

“We are thankful to all those who have extended their support to our community and we look forward to strengthening ties with the broader Peterborough community.”

“To all those that have been asking where they can donate, an online fundraiser has been setup by a local community support group in Peterborough. The link is below, your support is much appreciated.”

Kawartha Muslim Religious Association

Powered by FundRazr

“On November 14th (2015), a suspicious fire was discovered inside of Peterborough’s only Mosque. Damages are estimated to exceed $80K. We encourage members of the community, of all or no faiths, to help the muslim community restore their place of worship.

Donations will be passed on to Dr. Kenzu Abdella, President of the Kawartha Muslim Religious Association, in trust, on a monthly basis.”

Update: This is now being classified as a “hate crime.”

In the time I have been composing this blog post, several more thousands of dollars have been added to the Community Support for Peterborough’s Only Mosque Fundraising webpage.

If you wish donate offline, you may phone St. John’s Anglican Church in Peterborough at 705-745-7624.

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Shaikh Abdool Hamid delivers Islamic Reminders on Mondays and Wednesdays in Masjid Toronto after the Dhuhr / Mid-Day Prayer.

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