Zoltan playing Connect Four board game with Muslim student London Wednesday July 10 2013

Mr. Zoltan! Mr. Zoltan!

Shouts the little boy wanting the attention of his Islamic Studies summer school teacher.

We are on the second floor of a building on Oxford Street East in London, Ontario.

London MAC Youth Centre Bulletin Board - July 9 2013

The Muslim Association of Canada, has transformed what was standard office space back in 2007 into the very busy London MAC Youth Centre of today.

Four days a week this summer, any number of Muslim students can be heard in the halls shouting, Mr. Zoltan! Mr. Zoltan!

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reflections on islam masjid dome

Sister Ayisha left a comment on the Reflections On Islam story from Ramadan Day 15 in 2011:

Salam and Ramadan Mubarak

Unfortunately the Reflection on Islam program has been discontinued on the radio.

But you can still listen to it on www.ReflectionsOnIslam.tv half hour before sunset time.


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diabetes ramadan plan to fast safely flyer wednesday july 10 2013

Got Diabetes?

Yet still eager to fast?

Too bad.

Until recently you were out of luck.

Fasting safely as option for Muslims with Diabetes is something new and still developing.

I first noticed the flyer pictured above pinned to a bulletin board the moment I first entered the London Muslim Mosque. Ever since, I’ve kept seeing the flyer at various Muslim points of interest I’ve visited.

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Adhan Al-Fajr / Dawn Call to Prayer

London Muslim Mosque – Wednesday July 10 2013

Close to one billion people will be fasting this Ramadan. It’s the one time we all come together as a family. But if we are a family, what would our family portrait look like?

Help us create the biggest and most diverse catalog of moments from around the world this Ramadan. Use hashtag #30DAYS and we will link your photos, videos, and gifs to our site.


Day 1 - Live 6 pm news broadcast by CTV London on start of Ramadan in front of London Muslim Mosque Tuesday July 09 2013

One of the first things I did after arriving at the London Muslim Mosque and praying my Dhuhr Prayers on time in congregation, was learning CTV London was coming to record a segment for their 6 p.m. news broadcast.

I happened to spot them in the parking lot as they arrived and found myself being a one person welcoming committee. I lead them to the office and introduced them to who they had come to interview.

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London Muslim Mosque Mimbar after Dhuhr prayers Tuesday July 9 2013


Day 1 of 30 Masjids Ontario


I’ve arrived in time at the London Muslim Mosque for afternoon Dhuhr Prayers having travelled by bus from Downtown Toronto earlier this morning.

However, Day 1 of 30 Masjids Ontario does not necessarily mean Day 1 of Ramadan in London, Ontario.

This Muslim Community determines the start of Lunar months by actual moonsighting reports, hence Ramadan locally will begin tomorrow, Wednesday July 10 2013.

Having personally decided to start my Ramadan going by pre-determined lunar calculations, it is already the first full day of fasting for me.

InshAllah, God-Alone Willing, I’ll spend more than one day here in London, with several different stories being shared on the blog. I’ve barely been here a few hours, and story-wise already have several promising leads.

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Masjid Toronto Main Prayer Hall Fajr Dawn Prayer time Tuesday July 9 2013

Masjid Toronto has appeared on the blog previously, so this is just a quick update.

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Night 1 - Masjid Toronto at Adelaide front entrance Monday July 8 2013

Masjid Toronto. At Adelaide. At 84 1/2 Adelaide Street East in fact.

This is Toronto’s newest Masjid. It’s been in the works for two years. This Ramadan all that planning, fundraising, and programming will bear fruit.

Masjid Toronto at Adelaide is located across the street from St James Park. The same park which became semi-famous for being the location of Occupy Toronto.

It is a few minute’s stroll east of the Financial District. Thus it is very convenient for the countless number of Muslims who work in the Downtown Core.

In lieu of stained glass, this second downtown location managed by MAC, the Muslim Association of Canada, welcomes worshipers and greets guests with the same Decorative Privacy Film dreamed up by Apex Window Films found on Masjid Toronto‘s windows over on Dundas Street West.

Night 1 - Masjid Toronto at Adelaide lining up for Isha Monday July 8 2013

I arrived a few minutes before the scheduled time for Isha prayers.

The number of worshipers on this first night of Ramadan 2013 were few. The Greater Toronto Area is experiencing a wicked storm and flooding on this night. Power is out for hundreds of thousands and commuters are still stranded on public transit at the same time as we are praying. The storm likely has kept people away tonight.

Perhaps three sisters at most are behind the newly crafted wooden barriers at the far end from me. Maybe 30 or so brothers line up beside me to pray.

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30Masjids Ontario Ramadan 2013 map initial


Over the past two Ramadans, 30 Masjids has visited many local Muslim communities around the Greater Toronto Area and shared some of their stories in word, photo, and video.

InshAllah, this year, Ramadan 2013, we’ll head out around the Province of Ontario and maybe, just maybe, to a few spots outside Ontario taking us across Canada as well.

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Bassam Tariq (@Curry_Crayola) , one-half of the two-person crew who created 30 Mosques in NYC and was the inspiration for 30 Masjids right here in The GTA, will be in Toronto on April 29 and 30th to screen his film, These Birds Walk.

You can meet Bassam in person at the first two of the film’s three Hot Docs screenings :

  1. Monday April 29   7:00 p.m.  – Isabel Bader Theatre
  2. Tuesday April 30  3:00 p.m.  – TIFF Bell Lightbox 1
  3. Friday May 3  9:00 p.m. – The ROM Theatre

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From ISEB, Islamic Society of East Bay, Community E-Mail List :

Dear Brothers and Sisters Asslam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barkatahu

On the day of 2nd of Rabiut Thani 1434 (February 12, 2013) Sr Mohsina Khatoon who was a resident of Fremont and the grandmother of Br Mohsin Hassan and Br Tashfeen Ashraf passed away.

May Allah (SWT) have mercy on her soul and accept our prayers and good deeds and grant her Jannat-ul-Firdaws.  May Allah (SWT) grant patience to her family.

* Salatul Janaza will be held tomorrow Wednesday, February 13, 2013 after Salat ul Zuhar at 1:00 PM.

Place: ISEB 33330 Peace Terrace Fremont, CA. 94555

* Burial will be immediately after Janazah prayers at Five Pillars Cemetery, 1761 Laughlin Road, Livermore Ca, 94550.


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