It’s the late afternoon of Friday August 17, 2012.

Day 29 of 30 Masjids in 30 Days in the Greater Toronto Area.

I’ve parked my bike in front of Masjid Al-Ameen, The Islamic Centre of Clarington in Courtice.

At 60 KM from Downtown Toronto, this is the Eastern-Most masjid in the GTA.

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By Ovais Iqbal

On the platform of Minhaj-ul-Quran International Canada and Mississauga Muslim Community Center we recognized an individual who has done an excellent job over the last 40+ years to serve the Muslim Community in Canada especially for the Muslims in Quebec.

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We just wrapped up filming an interview about 30 Masjids.

The segment was filmed by OMNI TV (@OMNITelevision) Cameraman Walter with Reporter Meetu Khosla (@meetukhosla) conducting the Interview.

UPDATE (Friday 3:32 p.m.): From Meetu Khosla,

…wanted to let you know that we have decided to air your interview on Monday since Ramadan will be over, and it might be more timely.

Monday is actually much better. More people can watch the story on Monday than trying to catch it tonight with Ramadan related responsibilities being a priority over TV News. – HiMY

Watch for it on Friday MONDAY Evening on the South Asian Edition of OMNI News.

Will post a link once the interview goes online.

Thank You OMNI Television !

Can’t wait to see it!

UPDATE : VIDEO Now Online: Month Of Ramadan Toronto cyclist visited 30 mosques in 30 days.

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Asalam O Alaikum!

This is Sami from masjid e usman last night.. I was wondering if you could put up the picture or send me the picture from last night, thanks a lot and great talking to you yesterday!!

. . . WalayKumSalam Sami !

From left to right: Young Brothers Owais, Sharjeel, and Sami.

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By Javed Akbar, Pickering Islamic Centre

Ramadan is a month eagerly awaited by Muslims around the world.

It was during this month that the Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). It’s a month of initiation that systematically dismantles egotism and induces sympathy for the sufferings of the weak and the vulnerable. It generously grants us the time and space to understand what drives us, analyze our emotional blocks, wounds and anxieties and master them.

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What’s the Difference Between Aman Ali (@AmanAli) and Bassam Tariq (@curry_crayola)’s 30Mosques and our Toronto’s own 30Masjids?






My intention was to get to this much earlier in the month. Like in the First Ten Day of Ramadan…

Instead, here we are on the eve of the 27th Night of Ramadan.

However, as my brother Amir once told me.

If it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would ever get done.

This Blog and project, 30 Masjids.ca30 Masjids in 30 days in The Greater Toronto Area was originally inspired by Bassam Tariq and Aman Ali’s 30 Mosques Ramadan tour of New York City in 2009 and 2010.

They inadvertantly began a worldwide movement.

Muslims now blog daily visits to different masjids all over the world.

You can see a number of their RSS feeds along the right sidebar  ——>

If you haven’t clicked on a link or two, please do.

They are all well written, and well worth your precious Ramadan Time.

InshAllah, a review of their best posts and a summary of each of their Ramadan Travels so far will be posted here in 30 MORE.




By Zainab Omar

There is a centre in Brampton called The Lote Tree Foundation.

It is a learning and resource center run by teachers who are from the GTA and studied traditional Islamic sciences for a number of years overseas.

Sisters can join the mailing list and subscribe to an “Educated Muslimah Series” which is primarily a monthly Qur’an Khatm.

Sisters can sign up for sections of the Qur’an to read in advance, with the remaining being read together during a monthly meetup. Today’s meetup was held at the Malton Islamic Centre.

It is the first one that I attended in person.

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In his travels, Guru Nanak visited Makkah and Madinah.

In my 30 Masjids travels, I visited Dixie Gurdwara at 7080 Dixie Road in Mississauga.

On Day 20, it was here at sunset that I broke my Ramadan Fast.

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Upon entering the Dixon Musallah Prayer Hall, on the P1 Level underneath 340 Dixon Road, you see the following…

Make “Wudoo” At Home


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Day 4Masjid Al-QalamAl-Qalam Islamic Community Centre




Day 17 – The Battle of Badr – Fajr Lecture

Masjid An-NoorSt. Catharines


Day 23 – Sayeda Khadija Centre – 7150 Edwards Blvd., Mississauga