“Tarek Fatah has left a controversial and divisive legacy.

He was a polarizing personality in his life,

And now also in his death.

In this video,

We do a sample survey of Fatah’s stances on various issues that pertained to the Muslim community in Canada, India, and around the world.”

Sadat, That Canadian Brother


02:10 – Temple-Mosque disputes in India

02:44 – Friday (Jumma) prayers

03:26 – World Hijab Day

03:53 – Religious Arbitration in Ontario (Canada)

04:28 – Canada’s Special Representative to Combat Islamophobia

05:09 – Dr. Zakir Naik

06:17 – Bollywood actor Aamir Khan

06:24 – Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan (SRK)

06:28 – Qur’an

07:02 – Homosexuality / Same-sex relations

07:12 – Transgenderism

07:19 – Street Dawah

07:30 – Charlie Hebdo caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)

08:33 – Public prayers at Hyde Park, London U.K.

09:15 – No-go areas in Europe for non-Muslims

09:24 – Kashmir

09:32 – Public azaan in Toronto during Ramadan

10:04 – Tablighi Jamaat

10:09 – Quebec burqa ban

10:20 – Non-Arab Muslim women in hijab

10:55 – Muslim beards

11:18 – Delhi riots 2020

11:30 – Beef lynchings of Muslims in India

12:00 – Fake news against Muslims

12:50 – Alcohol

12:59 – Karnataka hijab row

13:24 – Polygyny

13:33 – Circumcision of baby boys

13:36 – Jai Shri Ram chant

14:51 – Former actress Zaira Wasim

15:08 – Maulana Tariq Jameel

15:20 – Prayers in public schools (Toronto)

15:49 – Triple Talaq

16:00 – Ban on Arabic names

16:30 – Coronajihad / Coronavirus jihad

18:47 – Burial vs. cremation

“…Even as I admire your extremely civilised description of the misdeeds of the deceased,

You say @9:25 Indian ‘Hindu’ side of Kashmir.

This is incorrect.

The Indian side of Kashmir has way more Muslims than Hindus…”


“Thanks Kaustav.

I see your point.

I perhaps could have said “majority Hindu” instead.”

Sadat, That Canadian Brother

I… I… Dear 30 Masjids Family, I’d like to think by now, that some of you who have been reading and following the 30 Masjids website with these blog posts of mine, might feel as yeah, we are somehow some kind of online Family.

So, Dear 30 Masjids Family,

I… I… don’t know how not to cry.

I can’t barely make it through the first few seconds of this video, ….




Knee on neck, hunh?

Young children watching their Father, ON EID AL FITR DAY.

I.. I dunno.

Ramadan 2023 began with a Man told not to pray inside a public train station.

It ended in Edmonton with a Father, a Husband, A Black Man, A Black Muslim Man having his and his family’s Eid Al Fitr destroyed.

Read the rest of this entry »

On the Third Day of Eid Al Fitr,

This is the final Reflections on Islam Special Radio Program for Ramadan 1444.

Every year,

When I am in my home province of Ontario,

I tell myself I will tune in and listen the FINAL Concluding Show.


Finally heard a Final Show of Ramadan,

This one Concludes Ramadan 1444, on Day 32.

It’s a very good listen!

Donate here : ReflectionsOnIslam.tv/thank-you

Mayor Brown and Members of Council invite you to Celebrate Eid!

Join us on ​Sunday, April 23 at Gage Park from 2 to 5 PM to enjoy this FREE event.

Event will feature:

• ​Face Painting

• Cultural Displays

• Stage Programming

• Giveaways by Chalo ! Frescho

• Free kids games! Inflatable basketball, kick soccer and ring toss

• Halal Food Trucks (for purchase)

and more!

Bring a non-perishable food item or a new unwrapped toy in support of local organizations

Stage Schedule

• Welcome by Emcee Xulf Ali

• ​Quaranic Recitation & Translation

• Remarks by Brampton Imams Shaykh Zahir & Moulana Omer Subedar

• Urdu Naat by Fouzia Khan

• Punjabi Naat by Mrutaza Jowia

• Remarks by Shaykh Faisal Abdul Razack​

• Remarks by Mayor Brown, joined by Members of Council

• Remarks from Interfaith Council of Peel by Pastor Randy Neilson & Jamie Holtom

• Performance by Jerrahi Sufi Ensemble

• Remarks from Peel Regional Police Inspector Ish Feras

• Remarks from Guest Speaker Dr. Mohamed Lachemi

• Eid song performance by Fouzia Khan

• Qawwali and NFAK song performance by Ibrahim Khokhar

• Stand up comedy performance by Xulf Ali

• Spoken Word performance

• Remarks from Imam Shaykh Zahir & Moulana Omer Subedar

• Closing remarks by Emcee Xulf Ali

*Schedule is subject to change*​

Sayeda Khadija Centre scheduled three Eid Salat this morning.

We attended the first one scheduled at 7:30 a.m.

This middle Eid Prayer, the second, would have Takbeerat beginning at 8:30 a.m. followed by Prayer at 9:00 a.m.

Before Takbeerat began for the second time this morning,

Mayor of Mississauga, Bonnie Crombie, addressed Sayeda Khadija Centre’s second Eid Al Fitr Prayer Congregation which you see near the very beginning of the Livestream.

Mayor Crombie was on a tour this morning of visiting and addressing Eid Al Fitr Prayer gatherings all around her hometown of Mississauga.

Moments after she had finished addressing the congregation, it just so happened that the hallway which The Mayor used to exit from the main Prayer Hall, was the same hallway in front of the classroom where we were still sitting in.

As we were still sitting near the doorway, I saw her rush by, en route to the next Eid prayer at another Mississauga Masjid.

By the time Takbeerat for the second Eid Prayer had started up, we were already in the outer hall, where a young brother named Kasim recognized me.

I still have to blog about the first Eid Salat of the day, which I attended, but for now, I am posting video of this one with Imam Dr. Hamid Slimi as Khateeb, which I did not attend in person.

Meet Brother Kasim !

As I was making my way through Sayeda Khadija Centre after praying the first of the three scheduled Eid Al Fitr Prayers,

Young Kasim recognized me from somewhere,

Kasim approached me and made an introduction.

I quickly snapped this double self portrait and said he’d see it on 30Masjids.ca.

Here it is Brother Kasim, your photograph with both of us wishing Everyone out there an Eid Al Fitr Mubarak!

Okay, so, this is Difficult…

This is a stand alone blog post,

I am writing it first before I begin writing the proper blog entry about this morning’s Eid Al Fitr Prayer at Sayeda Khadija Centre,


The timestamp on the above photo is 7:34 a.m. this morning.

My brother Amir to my left, and I, were standing in Iqamah in the first row of one of the classrooms inside Sayeda Khadija Centre.

On this Eid Al Fitr day, this classroom was being used as overflow Eid Prayer space for the Brothers.

In all the years of visiting Sayeda Khadija Centre, I have never prayed in this room, let alone even known of its existence.

An air purifier is immediately in front of me, the door is immediately in front of my brother.

Our prayer mats are in front of us.

Alhumdulillah, we had all the space we needed to pray Eid Salat.

To our far left, in the north east corner of the classroom is a metal filing cabinet, something you expect to see inside a classroom.

Classroom furniture had been vertically stacked up alongside the walls.

Folded chairs, folded tables, allowing for more open floor space, hence more overflow Eid Prayer spots.

I was audio recording the Eid Prayer, but at the last moment, unexpectedly to myself, something made me turn it off.

Allah knows Better, I didn’t think anything of it in the moment before Salah started, but now I understand.

The first four Takbeers of the first Rakat began soon after 7:34 a.m., after the instructions were given on how many takbeers in each of the two rakats.

During the first Rakat, after Surah Al-Fatiha, during the second Surah which I can’t even remember which one was being recited,

I heard a LOUD THUD.


I could not imagine it was anything other than the Filing Cabinet furniture somehow falling over or tipping over.

The loud sound was from my left.

For a moment, I do not know and could not guess for how long, but everyone praying in the first row, my row, stayed standing in Iqamah.

The immediate lack of movement of brothers breaking their salat to move towards the position of the location of the loud sound, suggested to me it was still okay, something simply fell.

I was distracted, yet continued to try to focus on listening to the verses of Qur’an being recited for the remainder of the first Rakat.


It was not simple.

I did not look to my left at all during Salat, I kept my eyes looking where they should be during prayer.

It might have been the Ruku of the First Rakat that everything began to change.

As we bowed down, brothers closer to the far left of my first row broke Salat and began helping…

Helping a brother who had fallen down.

My brother Amir and I were standing in Iqamah maybe only five or six people away from the brother who was now on the floor.

He was bleeding, but at this point, I did not know that.

He fell.

The side of his head, it hit the Filing Cabinet, as he passed out and was falling down.

Out of the corner of my left eye, with all the movement of a number of brothers now helping, I understood it was a person who had fallen.

I am trying to concentrate on Salat, there is nothing I can add, nothing I could do if I did break salat.

I am not a medical first responder with proper training.

I cannot concentrate on the prayer.

It has become mechanical, as I simply complete the physical movements as the three Takbeers of second Rakat are being called.

We raise our hands to the side of our heads for each of the three Takbeers.

Something the brother who is now on the floor cannot do.

My mind is thinking, the only thing I am thinking, is this brother, if anything happens to him, and you know what I mean, It happened while he was in Prayer, On Eid Al Fitr Day, well, this is what I was thinking.

How Could I not be thinking that?

Still in prayer, I can hear a number of voices, suggesting perhaps five people, are now around the man.

I do my best to focus on prayer.

The Eid Prayer finishes with salams over the right shoulder, then we look towards our left shoulder.

I am finally seeing what I was hearing.

There is a brother on the floor, on his left side, he was closest to the wall, suggesting he was standing in the left most position of the front row of Prayer, in Iqamah when he fell.

There is blood.

There are at least two blood-stained tissues placed on this brother’s head.

He is on the floor, there is blood on the floor.

Not much, but enough that you can see the difference in colour of it on the floor tiles.

There is nothing for anyone else to do.

I count about 40 to 50 brothers are and were sitting inside this classroom for Prayer.

About six or seven people are now around the brother on the floor.

The Eid Qhutbah has begun,

Brother Asim is the Khateeb for the first 7:30 a.m. Eid Prayer.

I am listening to the Lecture, but I am looking to my left and watching everyone doing their best to help.

The young Sayeda Khadija Centre volunteers, once they understood there was indeed a medical issue here, acted in a calm manner.

I did not hear it, my Brother Amir heard someone from a back row come forward and say, “I’m a Doctor.”

Alhumdulillah for that at that moment then.

But I didn’t know there was now a Doctor right there helping the man.

Not until later outside in the hallway, when I was speaking with Amir and learned there was Doctor inside the classroom right there helping, did I stop questioning something that was bothering me the whole time.

Once the Volunteers knew there was a medical issue, and that 911 had not arrived on scene so fast, why wasn’t an announcement made, and yes, make a request during the Qhutbah, asking if there were any Muslim Doctors or trained Medical First Responders present in the Jammat?

To help someone right away?

It was because there was a doctor right there, right there in the classroom.

I did not know that at the time.

Alhumdulillah the Muslim Community has PLENTY of Doctors, Nurses…

And one of them was right there.

May Allah forgive me for my incomplete understanding and thoughts….

From all the medical understanding I have from watching TV shows, it’s that you don’t move the head nor the body unless you know what you’re doing.

That was top of my mind as I saw no one was moving the brother on the floor.

The only thing different was that his head was now being held up so it was level to his body.

The hands holding up the head were also keeping the blood stained tissues in place on the head.

One of the volunteers asked if anyone knew if the brother had any family present?

The brother holding the man’s head said, “I’m his son.”

I gather that different male family members were praying in different rooms because of space limitations, understandable.

His son was here now.

I do not know if the man had another son, but a young boy wearing green remained present, stayed near by.

That Muslim doctor who was present, I believe it was him, gave an okay to gently sit the man up with his back against the north wall.

The man had regained consciousness.

He tried giving a smile a number of times while saying he was all right, but his voice almost whispered it, and everyone in that classroom, still listening to Brother Asim’s Eid Qhutbah knew it was not exactly all right.

The SKC Volunteers each assumed a duty without being told anything about what to do nor how to handle this medical issue.

I will not identify which volunteers, I could, but nyah.

One Volunteer, actually TWO volunteers each created a makeshift ice pack for the man to hold against the left side of his head, to lower the swelling.

One volunteer filled a ziplock bag with ice cubes from somewhere, the other volunteer also brought some ice inside a small plastic bag.

The ziplock ice pack was the one used, simply because it was handed to the man first.

All this time,

I am wondering, “Where is 911???”

At least twice, one of the volunteers asked inside the room if Anyone had called 911.

Yes, someone did.

911 was called, paramedics on their way.

But why were they not here yet?

The man is sitting there, awake, against the wall, but obviously he is not well.

It might have been the doctor who told the man that the “Blood ruined his shirt”.

I think it was then that I noticed the horizontal blood stain on the front of the man’s black shirt.

He answered something to the effect that the shirt was not ruined, the blood would be washed out.

He slightly smiled again, but it was one of those Yeah I’m Okay when you’re not really okay kind of smiles.

The young boy wearing the green khurtha/long shirt, he’s now taken water from a plastic water bottle, dropping it on something to wash the blood stain off of the floor tiles.

I didn’t know what to think about that, but I did keep taking note of it.

The young Volunteer who assumed the decision making role in the room, asked everyone to move back and give the man space.

I think he said this earlier but I am remembering this out of sequence now.

I was still trying to listen to the Qhutbah, but, was half listening to Brother Asim remind us that our good deeds alone are not enough, not even for the Prophet (upon whom be peace), to be granted Jannah, success in Hereafter, it is the Pleasure of Allah (SWT) alone that does. We should continue doing good deeds no matter how small, by keep doing small good deeds consistently, perhaps this may be Pleasing to Allah (SWT).

That’s about almost all the important things I can remember from the Qhutbah.

I would have audio recorded the Qhutbah, so I could re-listen to it later, as SKC doesn’t always upload both Eid Prayer services on their youtube channel.

I didn’t want to lose this Qhutbah.

Why aren’t the Paramedics still not here???

There are more details I could share, but it wouldn’t add much.

Only that the Volunteers all who were helping in any way, were helping in every way, in a calm professional manner.

Almost at the conclusion of the Eid Qhutbah, Paramedics have rolled their gurney down the hallway to the entrance of the classroom.

The Paramedics talk to the man and assess.

Asking if he thinks he’s okay enough to be lifted onto the gurney.

Yes he confirms.

Gurney, which I thought was too wide to enter through the door, did fit through without any issue.


So, I have my camera, I should, or more correctly my nafs wants to take pictures.


I don’t take any photographs. At all.

Then I recall to myself, “If there is no record, there is no history, it didn’t happen.”

Can I get a photograph of the moment but without the man’s face?

I pray to Allah (SWT) and wait.

I take only one single photo and put my camera back in my jacket pocket.

That is the photograph:

The Qhutbah concluding with dua.

The brother is on the Gurney and being moved through the door by the Paramedics.

Of course during the Dua, I pray for Shifah for this Brother on the gurney now moving through the door and down the hallway to the ambulance outside.

Brother Asim concludes his Dua and the Qhutbah is complete.

Over the sound system, I think it was brother Nazim’s voice who asks everyone to stay seated for a few minutes, he informs the congregation there was a medical issue, he asks everyone for their patience until the medical personnel have moved the brother into the ambulance.

Worshippers inside the classroom, those of us nearest to the rolled in gurney, had already stood up and moved back to make room for the paramedics to do their work, then sat back down again.

With them gone,

There was no reason for us inside the classroom not to begin to leave.

Most everyone stood up and began that triple post-Eid prayer Hug to the Right, Hug to the Left, Hug to the Right.

I hugged my brother Amir and said Eid Mubarak.

But it seemed everyone inside that classroom were only going through the motions.

Muslim Muscle Memory kicked in.

Being right by the front door, I decide it was okay to begin leaving, so we did, and everyone else slowly began to filter out of the room.

The Man’s son was walking back down the hallway towards me, to properly exit with the other worshippers.

Through SKC’s open front doors I see the Ambulance parked with its doors open.

I don’t look too closely into the distant open cabin, but I think the gurney with the brother is now inside it.

I am walking beside the man’s son.

Respectful as I can be, I ask him what happened? Is his dad going to be okay?

He answers, “Yeah, he will be. He’s got cancer.”

I leave it at that.

I keep praying for them, for some number of moments, as I wind my way through the hallways of Sayeda Khadija Centre.

* * *

The drive home found us talking about how the Sayeda Khadija Centre volunteers and staff handled the medical issue, and kept wondering why it took so long for 911 Paramedics to arrive.

Explaining to our Mom and to our cousin sister what we understood happened, we ended up discussing how very large Muslim Gatherings like Eid Al Fitr can better prepare for Medical Emergencies.

My brother’s B.Sc. in Occupational Health & Safety resurfaces as we came up with ideas and frameworks for future Muslim large scale events.

Here’s what we came up with…

There are MANY Muslims who are Medical Professionals, not just doctors and nurses, all levels of Medical experts are present in our congregations who regularly attend Muslim Events.

So we have the people, and within each of these individuals is the know-how of what to do when things like what happen this morning, happen.

The idea then is to create stand-by teams, who volunteer themselves for scheduled shifts, during larger scale Muslim events.

Taking this morning as an example, a number of those medical volunteers might be on Stand-by during the first Eid Qhutbah, being the First “Team”, who then join the second Eid Prayer as worshippers, no longer on duty.

Likewise, another group of medical volunteers would make up a Second Team, who prayed during the First Eid Prayer, who then become active and on stand-by medical duty during the Second scheduled Eid Qhutbah.

A model like this already exists.

The category is “Event Medicine”.

But it does not exist for Canadian Muslim Events…

Well not, not yet.

I am not a doctor, I don’t even play one on TV, so the person who makes this happen is not me.

But it could be you.

Large Music Concerts on the U.S. West Coast often give free concert tickets to Nurse Practioners or Doctors or other middle level Medical Practioners who work a fixed number of hours on medical stand-by duty, who are then free to attend the concert as fans once their volunteer shift is done.

Fair Exchange.

Likewise, many larger Muslim Events share logistics with Large Music Concerts, think Reviving The Islamic Spirit or ISNA’s Labour Day Convention or MAC National’s Convention.

The Muslim Medical Association is not the organization to do this.

But it could be.

“The Muslim Medical Association of Canada (MMAC) is a registered non-profit organization, providing a national platform for Canadian Muslim physicians and medical students to collaborate on clinical services, community health promotion and outreach, professional education, networking, mentorship, advocacy and research initiatives.”

Muslim Medical Association of Canada

Envision Muslim Event Medicine Stand-By Teams, comprised of Muslim EMTs, Muslim Nurses, Muslim Nurse Practioners, Muslim Medical Students,

Who get free tickets to RIS, or the ISNA Convention, or who would attend MAC’s Large Eid Prayer and Festival being held today at the Better Living Centre in Toronto, where perhaps 20,000+ Muslims would show up to Pray and Celebrate.

There’s more to this idea, “Muslim Event Medicine“, that I am typing here, but I will stop typing here.

If you do decide to be the person who starts this, let me know, or ask me for the rest of what we came up with.

InshAllah, By Eid Al Adha 2023, which is Two Months and Ten Days from today’s Eid Al Fitr 2023, we can field an embryonic or prototype of a Team in place somewhere, perhaps at a larger Masjid or large outdoor Eid Al Adha Gathering.

InshAllah, Ameen.


( NOTE: In the video I made a verbal typo, Friday is April 21st 2023, I wrongly said ‘Friday April 22nd’, oops! )


After praying Maghrib,

I searched for the new crescent moon tonight for at least five minutes.

It is a partly cloud filled sky tonight above Brampton, and the entire Toronto Metropolitan Area.

I could not find the new crescent.

However, for whatever atmospheric reason, I had a number of false alarms of glimpsing what I initially thought was a hairline thin new crescent.

Something in the air this evening created numerous lensflare like mirage images that for a moment looked like it could have been the new moon.

Now at home reviewing the photographs I took, I can conclusively confirm what I did keep seeing was NOT the new moon.

This is a Negative Moonsighting Report on Thursday evening April 20 2023, from Brampton, Ontario, Canada.

The Hilal Council of Canada is accepting a confirmed Positive Moonsighting Report from Arica, Chile, South America,

So most if not all the undecideds in the Toronto Metropolitan Area will be observing Eid Al Fitr tomorrow morning, InshAllah.

Eid Mubarak to all.


This poster on the wall of Bramalea Islamic Cultural Centre was pointed out to me by the brother who showed me BICC’s Eid Al Fitr info-graphic, which I posted on my Eid Al Fitr Prayer Location blog post.

Okay, so all through Ramadan 2023, I’ve been hearing from the Mimbar and at Taraweeh times, that because of Inflation etc, this year, please pay MORE Zakat Al Fitr if you can afford to do so.

But “Exactly” HOW MUCH More ?

I didn’t have an exact informed answer until I saw the above information posted at BICC.

I can’t find the Fatwa on Darul Iftaa Canada’s website, perhaps I don’t know how to search well enough to find it quickly.


If you can pay more, or more importantly, if you are supposed to be paying more that just $15.00, now you know how much more.

And Allah knows best.

“What to do if Eid is on Friday?

The scholars have taken three positions:

  • In the Hanafi and Malaki madhabs,

    it is obligatory to pray Juma’a even if you prayed the Eid prayer,

    just like you would pray any other Friday prayer.

  • In the Shafie madhab,

    the obligation of the Friday prayer is waived for those who live far awar from the masjid and have to travel a large distance to come to the prayer.

    They have the option to pray Juma’a,

    but if they don’t,

    they have to pray Dhuhr.

  • In the Hanbali madhab,

    the obligation of the Friday prayer is waived for those who prayer the Eid prayer.

    They have the option to pray Juma’a,

    but if they don’t,

    they have to pray Dhuhr.

    The Imam is required to establish the Juma’a for those who wish to attend it and those who have not prayed the Eid prayer.

    This opinion was adopted by Abdullah Ibn Abbas, Omar Ibn Al Khattab, and Othman Ibn Affan.

MAC urges Muslims to follow one of the three positions taken by the scholars of Islam without criticizing others who choose a different position.

All MAC masjids will hold Juma’a prayers to serve the community.

May Allah gather the Muslim community in the good deeds that please Allah.”

Muslim Association of Canada

Islamic Society of Markham mosque was the site of an attack on April 10, 2023. A man alledgedly uttered Islamophobic remarks, tore a copy of the Qur’an and attempted to drive his car into congregants in the parking lot. (Photo: STEVE SOMERVILLE)

Guest Blog Post by Stephen Zhou

It’s been a strange few weeks.

Canadian Muslims just finished the holy month of Ramadan, a time of expected vibrancy and community.

But happy times have been dimmed by a staggering spike in Islamophobic incidents across the country that have ruined the month for many.

The dominant target seems to be mosques, where large crowds of Muslims are gathering for multiple daily prayers that can go late into the night.

A few of these alleged incidents have made headlines.

Like the man who tried to drive his car into congregants at the Islamic Society of Markham.

Or the two Muslim women who had a gun pointed at them by a fellow driver in Kitchener, Ontario, as they headed home from the masjid.

Or the guy who shattered the glass doors of a mosque in Montreal.

Or the young Muslim woman who had a knife pulled on her in the Toronto subway.

Or the increasing cases of vandalism at Muslim community spaces.

The list goes on and on.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Most cases don’t make the news.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims, which helps community members respond to such incidents, has received over 40 reports from community members across Canada since Ramadan started — a record number.

The single day high is seven reports, another record.

But not every case makes headlines.

Community members who come to us for help often don’t want media attention.

These numbers also don’t include reports of incidents taking place in Canada’s schools that NCCM’s education department has been fielding — about one per day since January (another record).

These incidents involve Islamophobic bullying in classrooms, usually from other students or even teachers.

NCCM finds that parents are often frustrated with school administrators who have little experience dealing with Islamophobia, and sometimes downplay its severity.

Caseworkers then step in to help resolve the issue, often by providing Islamophobia training to school staff.

NCCM records a higher volume of troubling reports almost every Ramadan, but this year was especially bad.

The holy month already makes the Muslim community more visible than usual.

Thousands of worshippers head to mosques to experience the sacred time together.

Many community centres also run extra programs, speaker series, and meals.

In recent years, Ramadan has been occurring in spring and summertime according to the Islamic lunar calendar.

This means worshippers are hanging out more right outside of mosques and community facilities.

This increases their public visibility in general and likely to those who have this month caused harm.

These outdoor gatherings might help explain the increasing number of attackers who are using their cars to intimidate or hurt congregants this month.

Such incidents recall the truck attack in 2021 that killed four members of the same Muslim family two years ago in London, Ontario.

There have been some close calls this year.

After a brief dip in 2020, Statistics Canada reported that the number of Islamophobic hate-motivated attacks reported to police in 2021 — 144 — have climbed back toward levels we’ve seen without fail since 2013.

Often more than 150 cases have been reported per year and in 2017 a staggering 349.

The number of reports that NCCM is getting seems to fit these unfortunate statistics.

All this is giving the Muslim community pause during a time when neighbours and congregants are supposed to achieve more serenity in their faith.

It is hard to gather oneself or to breathe lightly when the reverberations of Islamophobic hate are felt all around our communities.

More people are wondering why the problem seems to be getting worse despite so many promises by elected officials to address Islamophobia.

Mosques are again talking about reshaping security measures to ensure maximum safety.

It has been a surreal time.

The response needs to be solidarity from all Canadians to stop repeated cycles of violence.

We all need to commit to rooting out Islamophobia and hate in our society.

Whether it’s reforming the government’s Security Infrastructure Program to help beef up mosque security, or implementing better measures to prevent hate crimes, promises must become tangible progress.

This isn’t just a Muslim community problem.

Hate is a problem for our whole country to help address.

The quicker we get to work, the better chance we have to prevent tragedy.

Steven Zhou is a writer for the National Council of Canadian Muslims.

Made a snap decision to go pray my Dhuhr at Bramalea Islamic Cultural Centre.

Was going to pray my Midday Prayer elsewhere, at a Masjid I had not visited before at all, but time became short as I have been updating the 30Masjids website.

I don’t know if I can make Asr Prayer or even Maghrib Prayer today at any of the remaining Masjids I had wanted to visit for the first time ever.

Updating website entries of past days’ visits takes up as much if not more time in some cases that visiting the Masjids.

This is the way Allah (SWT) decreed it.

Many people say Ramadan went by much quicker, faster this year, than they can remember.

For me, it means today’s 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan stop at Bramalea Islamic Cultural Centre might be the final Masjid I am visiting during Ramadan 1444 and before Eid Al Fitr.

As my Grandfather, my Father’s Father, used to say,

“Don’t try to do everything.
Leave one or two things for God-Alone to do too, eh?”

— Syed Shah Hamid Hussain Qadri

And so as it is, I will leave a number of Masjids that I intended to visit during Ramadan 2023 for after Ramadan.

Perhaps visiting some of them as soon as breaking my fast during the Six Nafil Fasting Days of Shawwal in a different Masjid for each of those days.

Or, If Allah (SWT) gives me longevity to reach Ramadan 2024, then then.

InshAllah / AllahuAlam.

And God-Alone knows better.


After Dhuhr Prayer and after Sunnah Prayers were completed by most of the remaining brothers inside the prayer hall,

A brother shared a brief reminder from the Hadith Collections.

I found the reminder…. applicable in my case, as someone who has been visiting different masjids, every day, for 30 days, when possible, during the past 13 Ramadans.

As I was staring up at the information screen, one of the Official Brothers of the Masjid asked about what I was waiting for to show up.

I explained that I could not find a graphic image on BICC’s website or Facebook page about this masjid’s Eid Al Fitr arrangements.

Shared with him my 30Masjids photocard and quick project description.

He called up the image on his smartphone and Alhumdulillah, I can now include in my other blog post listing Eid Al Fitr Prayers times and locations, as well as here.

This Eid Al Fitr slide is what I waiting for to show up on screen again.

Sunday afternoon, April 23 2023, The City of Brampton is holding its first ever Official Eid Celebration.

InshAllah, attend if you can.

It’s free.

Eid Al Fitr 1444 / 2023 Prayer Times & Locations

Some are confirmed for Friday April 21 2023,

Some are awaiting Visual Moonsighting before Confirming their Eid Al Fitr Prayer being Friday or Saturday April 22 2023.

InshAllah, As I find them, I will keep updating this page of listing larger Eid Al Fitr Prayers…

I’m simply adding images and graphics, InshAllah, I can transcribe the details, which takes time, Well, SubhanAllah, I’ll do what I can…

Clicking the image will take you to the dedicated Eid Al Fitr webpage for each listing…

You can help by adding missing Eid Al Fitr prayer location information as a comment to this post.





Kitchener, Ontario

London, Ontario

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Montreal, Quebec

Metro Vancouver / Lower Mainland

Ottawa, Ontario

Calgary, Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta

After returning home from Khatm Ul Qur’an at Sayeda Khadija Centre in Mississauga, Ontario,

I was able to watch the very end of Night 29 Taraweeh & Witr Prayer & Dua from Edmonton, Alberta.

It was being Livestreamed from what’s understood to be Canada’s First Masjid Congregation, Al Rashid Mosque.

Al Rashid Mosque was my 30 Masjids stop on Day 21 of Ramadan 2016, when I visited 30 Masjids in 30 Days in all 10 provinces of Canada.

Taraweeh Night 29 | Sh. Nazih Yafi

Nightly Reminder : Shaikh Ali Jomha

Al Rashid Mosque, Edmonton, Alberta


Please join us tonight,

Wed April 19 for our Khatm-ul Qur’an program in this blessed 29th night of Ramadan.

Iftar and sweets will be provided.”

Sayeda Khadija Centre