To everyone who followed 30Masjids either here on the blog or on Twitter (@30Masjids), Eid Mubarak!

Enjoy the Fireworks!

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We last broke our fast in the Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre on the Second Night of Ramadan 2015.

It felt right to return here at the end of Ramadan and share some of their Eid Al-Fitr Celebrations.

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000 - Eid Al Fitr Prayer - Gymnasium - Dennis R Trimbell Resource Centre in Flemingdon Park - 29 St Dennis Drive - Saturday July 18 2015

From Darul Khair Islamic Center‘s Announcements Page:


Shawwal moon has NOT been sighted. InshaAllah Eid will be on July 18th. Eid Prayers will be held at gymnasium at 7:30 am sharp.

Yesterday, 10,000 people, and likely more, joined Eid Al-Fitr Prayers in The Metro Toronto Convention Centre downtown, then stayed for the MAC Eid Festival.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the Greater Toronto Area decide to pray early on Eid day in their local Masjids.

Smaller Masjids organize Eid Prayers in larger venues in their neighbourhoods.

In Flemingdon Park, Darul Khair Islamic Center rents the Gymnasium inside Dennis R. Trimbell Resource Centre…

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Dr. Jasser Auda (@JasserAuda) led Eid Prayers then delivered the Eid Al-Fitr Khutbah (Sermon) inside the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on Friday Morning, July 17 2015.

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000 - Last Iftar - Masjid Toronto - July 16 2015

The Last Iftar ended up being in Masjid Toronto…

I had originally hoped to make Pape Cami for their wonderful Turkish Iftar Dinner to wrap up Ramadan 1436.

However, rushing to upload and post Imam Dr. Wael Shehab’s Lecture plus Q&A on The Sunnan and Morals of Eid Al-Fitr kept me in the Downtown Core.

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Imam Dr Wael Shehab - Masjid Toronto - July 16 2015

After Asr Prayers in Masjid Toronto, Imam Dr. Wael Shehab delivered a short Lecture, The Sunnan and Morals of Eid Al Fitr.

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000 - Masjid Al-Hidaya - Jamia Talimul Islam - 1100-1002 Birchmount Road - July 16 2015

Masjid Al-Hidaya, Jamia Talimul Islam, is located at 1100-1102 Birchmount Road in Scarborough.

I popped in and prayed my Dhuhr Prayers there on this final Afternoon of Ramadan 2015….

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Iqaluit Masjid 100,070


Syed Asif Ali
I’d humbly like to give this amount to complete the $100,000 figure. May Allah accept from us all who contributed and prayed for the project. (President Islamic Society of Nunavut).


The $100,00 crowdfunding effort initiated by Shaikh Abdullah Hakim Quick for the Completion of Iqaluit Masjid 13 days ago…

Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick

“Reaching half way mark for Completion of the “Arctic Masjid” in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada”

I take this golden opportunity in the last ten days of Ramadan to sincerely ask Almighty Allah to reward and bless all those who have given to the Iqaluit Masjid project. May your prayers be accepted, families protected, and sins forgiven.

Now, we need to go “deep” and complete the second half of our $100,000.00 goal so the roof can be sealed and heat can be installed. That way we can preserve the work already completed before the snow and Insha Allah have a Masjid Opening in late September.

Donate at:

Here is the latest shot of the work as of yesterday! [ July 8 2015 ]
Iqaluit Masjid - July 8 2015

…has reached its goal!

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Shaikh Abdool Hamid delivers Islamic Reminders on Mondays and Wednesdays in Masjid Toronto after the Dhuhr / Mid-Day Prayer.