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We caught up with Toronto City Council Candidate, Masiullah Mohebzada, Masi to his friends, to answer @Neville_Park‘s tweeted question at the beginning of Ramadan…

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Baitul Mukarram Masjid, 3340 Danforth Avenue - 000

Good Deeds Made Easy For The Blessed

Bad Deed Made Easy For Wretch

Hey… it kinda rhymes!

Thus began Night 26 of Ramadan 2014 in front of Baitul Mukarram Masjid in Scarborough.

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Brother Abdul Haq is the Founder of The Masjid in Medellín, Colombia.
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Earlier this year, I was in Medellín, Colombia attending the World Urban Forum, learning all about Cities and how to bring Global Best Practices to my hometown of Toronto.

While there I blogged about the local Muslim Community. However, I wasn’t the only one learning about Medellín and its Muslim People. Mariana Parra made it her Senior Thesis topic and was there researching while I was visiting.

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Shaikh Abdool Hamid delivers Islamic Reminders on Mondays and Wednesdays in Masjid Toronto after the Dhuhr/Mid-Day Prayer.

Today’s Reminder explained why The Battle of Badr was Decreed to be in The Month of Ramadan; also, why preparing the best we can before any activity when coupled with prayer, intense prayer, is often the prerequisite for success.

Masjid Al Qalam, North York - Sunday July 20 2014 - 002

Masjid Al-Qalam is one of the loose ends I wanted to tie up this year.

We first visited Al-Qalam Islamic Centre on Day 4 of Ramadan 2012. Then like now they were engaged in a fundraising campaign to either purchasing the building they were renting, or better still if they could secure a larger property nearby.

Then like now, I would be updated on their efforts via a flyer I picked up inside Masjid Toronto, downtown.
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Project Ramadan, Basket Build, Muslim Welfare Centre, 3490 Mavis Road, Mississauga.
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We first met Ziyaad Mia, Founder and Project Co-ordinator of the Give 30 Project (@Give_30), last year on the last day of Ramadan 2013.

30 Masjids reached out to Brother Ziyaad for an update and he readily agreed.

We caught up with him after Jumah Prayers on this Third Friday of Ramadan 2014 at the Bosnian Islamic Centre in South Etobicoke. Meeting in BIC also fulfilled my requisite annual Ramadan visit to this Masjid from my childhood.
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Shaikh Abdool Hamid delivers Islamic Reminders on Mondays and Wednesdays in Masjid Toronto after the Dhuhr/Mid-Day Prayer.

Today’s Reminder was how best to work through the Last Ten Nights of Ramadan.

THE NATIONAL | JULY 15, 2014 | 8:54

Ramadan: Long Summer Fast


Young Muslims observing Ramadan are using creative ways to battle their cravings.

Isha and Taraweeh - Gateway Public School - 55 Gateway Boulevard, Flemingdon Park, North York - 005

Tonight was a TOTAL Surprise!

My brother Amir and I were on the Bus heading downtown to an as-yet-to-be-decided Isha and Taraweeh location. Looking out the bus window, we suddenly spot a young Topi-Clad brother in the posture of calling the Adhan through a Gymnasium window in the Public School we were passing.

Having suddenly discovered a new Isha and Taraweeh prayer space, Amir immediately encouraged me to hop off the bus with the intent to experience it and write it up for 30Masjids with a single word, “Go!”.

So I did.
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