“First time in Windsor history City of Windsor relaxed its noise by law to accommodate Muslims to call for prayers during the month of Ramadan.

Imambargha Dar e Batool made arrangements to broadcast Azan on Walker Road on speakers making history.”

First Maghrib Azan outside in Windsor

First time in Windsor history City of Windsor relaxed its noise by law to accommodate Muslims to call for prayers during the month of Ramadan. Imambargha Dar e Batool made arrangements to broadcast Azan on Walker Road on speakers making history.

Posted by Imambargha Dar e Batool on Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Several minutes after completing 30 Masjids’ First Ever Drive By Ziyarat of Islamic Foundation of Toronto,

We arrive at Jame Abu Bakr Siddique, Scarborough Muslim Association, for our first ever Drive-Thru Iftar Haleem Pick Up . . .

Every day of Ramadan 2020,

Jami Abu Bakr Siddique, Scarborough Muslim Association, has offered a Drive-Thru Iftar Pick Up Service.

It is first come, first served, beginning at 7 p.m.

We arrived a few minutes before that, yet they were already in operation, so were among tonight’s first served.

The Masjid is at 2665 Lawrence Avenue East, near Midland Avenue.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

We Recognize and Thank Our Frontline Heroes.

Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Pharmacists, Hospital Staff, Police,
Firefighters, Transit Workers, Transport Crews and All Essential Services Personnel.
May Allah Protect, Unite and Bless us all during this difficult time. Ammeen.



Outside of Drive-Thru Iftar Pick up hours, the gate is closed.

Sign on the gate says Masjid Closed.

No line up !

No longer than a few seconds, and we had picked up one serving of Haleem through the driver side window.

Moments later, the volunteer brother handed out two more servings of Haleem.

Because they had a box ready to accept the Zakat Al-Fitra one must offer before the Eid Al Fitr prayer at Ramadan’s end, we were happy to take the opportunity to drop 3 X $7.00 into the box today.

It sometimes happen people don’t pay until the very last minute, even on the immediately before the Eid Prayer would begin.

Doing that is truly a missed opportunity in one’s own religious obligation.

The Bosnian Muslim Proverb,

“Every chance is your last chance, the circle is not round.”

Is instructive here.

Sometimes when you come around, what was there when you first were there, is no longer there.

The opportunity is gone.


We were able to pay Zakat Al-Fitra in cash today.


Since start of Ramadan 2020,

Jame Abu Bakr Siddique has been broadcasting a Public Adhan Al Maghrib, Call to The Prayer after Sunset, via loudspeakers atop the masjid.

Spot the loudspeaker.

The Mihrab, or prayer niche, facing Makkah.

There are many, many, many Muslims who live in walking distance and listening distance of the Masjid, within this mid-Scarborough neighbourhood.

During our very brief time here,

More Muslims were observed walking to pick up their Drive-Thru Iftar Haleem than were seen arriving by car as we did.





Haleem is made of wheat, barley, meat: usually minced beef or mutton; goat meat; or Lamb and mutton; or chicken, lentils and spices.

Sometimes rice is also used.


This dish is slow cooked for seven to eight hours, which results in a paste-like consistency, blending the flavours of spices, meat, barley and wheat.

Seven to Eight  Hours  to Prepare.

If you were wondering why Fasting Muslims would drive to Jame Abu Bakr Siddique Masjid to pick up a single serving of Haleem, that’s a big part of the why.

Haleem, not to confused with Al-Haleem . . .

Al Haleem (Arabic: الحليم‎) is one of the Names of Allah.

The word Haleem comes from the root “hilm”, which has the following classical Arabic connotations: to be forbearing, mild, lenient, clement; to be forgiving, gentle, deliberate; to be leisurely in manner, not hasty; to be calm, serene; to manage one’s temper; or to exhibit moderation.

Having “hilm” can be understood to have a wisdom and a forebearance that allows a person to control their anger.

Hilm is an intelligence that, in our terms, allows someone to control their anger, even if their anger is justified.

It allows you to, when you are justifiably angry, control it and not manifest it.

The English word, Hangry, comes to mind.

While fasting in Ramadan, one might become angry due to one’s hunger, and become Hangry.

Having some Haleem at Iftar Time, when one breaks their Ramadan Fast for the day, may help one be happy instead of hangry.


Happy we did Drive-Thru Iftar Haleem Pick Up today at Jame Abu Bakr Siddique.

En route to Jame Abu Bakr Masjid, Scarborough Muslim Association, to experience their Drive-Thru Iftar Pick Up,

We decided to drive down Markham Road and at least Drive-By one of our Favourite Masjids,

The Islamic Foundation of Toronto . . .



Before we broke our First Fast on Day 1 of Ramadan 2020,

We had livestreamed Shaikh Yūsuf Badāt’s pre-Iftar 30 minute Ramadān Special Program from The Islamic Foundation of Toronto.

Today, Alhumdulillah, we’re driving by, seeing IFT Live & in person.

We have Drive-Thru Iftars because of Pandemic Lockdown of Masjids,

Why not have Drive-By . . . Ziyarats . . . ?

I just made that up.

Ziyarat comes from Arabic: زار‎ “to visit”.

Okay, so I didn’t just make that up. Muslims have always been visiting Masjids.

I did however just invent the term “Drive-By Ziyarat” . . . for the purpose of this and future 30 Masjids blog entries about Driving By Masjids and Islamic Centres that are closed due to COVID 19 Pandemic Lockdown especially during Ramadan 2020.

And because you are Islamic Foundation of Toronto,

Why not also have Drive-Thru Masjid Office Hours  ?

By using your now Pandemic Lockdown Empty Masjid Parking Lot . . .

IFT Drive-Through Office Now Open


“Islamic Foundation of Toronto is pleased to announce that we have now opened a drive-through office in the Masjid parking lot.

This was done due to significant demand from our community, and will be open during Ramadan for any community inquiries and services.

Please note our hours:

– – Daily from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM – –

Please note that although our drive-through office will be open,

The rest of the Islamic Foundation facilities and services will remain closed until the restrictions are lifted by the authorities.


Islamic Foundation of Toronto has been working diligently with our volunteers and community leaders to provide virtually conducted programs for our communities.

Although the physical facilities are closed,

Islamic Foundation is still here to support our community and want to encourage you to join us virtually.”



Heading south on Markham Road towards Islamic Foundation of Toronto

Through the intersection with Nugget Avenue, felix culpa Nugget Mosque

Final look at Islamic Foundation of Toronto completing 30 Masjids first-ever Drive-By Ziyarat . . .


First Ever Public Adhan, Call to Prayer, made outside Dar Al Sunnah, in Edmonton, Alberta.

It’s unclear to me whether this was Adhan Al Maghrib, Call to The Prayer after Sunset, or Asr or Dhuhr.

Since mid-March 2020,

Jumah Prayer has been cancelled at Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre, 270 Birmingham Street in Etobicoke, Ontario.

The following note now tops Jerrahi Order of Canada‘s website . . .

“We have cancelled our gatherings till further notice to reduce the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus.

This is a precaution we are taking to protect the health and well being of individuals and society which has the greatest importance in our religion.

We will provide updates as they become available.

At these difficult times, we accept donations that will go towards food bank for people in need.

RAMADAN Program (Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays)

Connect using Zoom Pro.

Please check our what’s app group for instructions on how to connect!

8pm Greetings
8:15: Magrib (Prayer)
8:20: Iftar (Supper)
8:40: Usul (Prayer)
9:00: Discussion (Sohbet)
9:45: Isha (Prayer) & Teravih (Prayer)

Later we might continue casual discussions!

Ramadan 2020 may not have Whirling Dervishes in South Etobicoke, like Ramadans past . . .

. . . It may have Shared Iftar and Sohbet Watch Parties via Zoom . . .

This morning,

In-between bites of Sahoor, my pre-dawn meal, I went livestream hunting and IPTV channel surfing for a Good Sahoor broadcast.

As I type this, I can’t even recall what I was watching or listening to this morning.

Sahoor / Fajr today May 4th 2020 was not memorable.


Fajr on Day 4 of Ramadan 2013, is still memorable.

While blogging 30 Masjids in 30 Day of Ramadan 2013 around my home province of Ontario,

I spent an hour with Western University MSA brothers broadcasting

The MuslimsLive RAMADAN Radio Show .

Fast Forward to today,

Monday May 4th 2020 aka Day 11 of Ramadan 1441.

I am spending the half hour before Maghrib Sunset Time, listening to the Livestream,

Reflections on Islam Special Ramadan Radio Program.

30 Masjids AT HOME in 30 Days of Ramadan 2020

Began on

Wednesday April 22 2020 – Night 0” of Ramadan 2020,

Listening to the ROI Radio Livestream.

And Today,

I continue Ramadan 2020 by listening to,

and this time breaking my fast listening to, Reflections of Islamic Special Ramadan Radio Program.

Reflections on Islam began as a TV Show.

The Special Ramadan Radio Program came later.

I don’t remember which year was the first,

But my Teenage Ramadan Fasts during the 1980s in Toronto were broken listening to Adhan Al Maghrib being broadcast on the Radio.

I grew up listening to Reflections on Islam during Ramadan.

I don’t recall which years nor correct chronological order, but the Radio Station the program was broadcasting from bounced around every few years before landing on its current webpage sometime before Ramadan 2013.

ROI Radio had aired on one of Toronto’s Campus Radio stations, perhaps Ryerson Polytechnic ?

Akin to the MuslimsLive program I would later blog about and twitpic’d above.

There were a couple of other stations, maybe CFRB 1010 and another FM station for a few years ?

Each program would begin one half hour before Maghrib Sunset Time.

Since Sunset moves a number of minutes each night, ROI Radio would begin at a different minute of the hour every night of Ramadan.

This likely made it a challenge in scheduling for any Radio Station Manager.

The program itself was performing a Hijrah, migrating through the clock hour.

Consequently, for a number of years, ROI Radio was off the air completely.

Those Ramadan Fasts when there was no ROI Radio in the middle of the 1980s, kind of always felt incomplete when Sunset came around and my family broke our daily fasts.

To compensate,

On his weekly TV Show in weeks leading up to those Ramadans, Ezz E. Gad made available audio cassettes which we could pre-order.

Each set included recordings for 30 Days of Ramadan.

We were supposed to Press PLAY “One half hour before Maghrib Sunset Time” to line up sunset and hearing our tape players sound Adhan Al Maghrib.

I think our family ordered the tapes, but it wasn’t the same feeling as listening to the scratchy AM Signal.

When I first began blogging this 30 Masjids project in August of 2011,

I chose Day 15 of Ramadan 2011 to first blog about ROI Radio :

Day 15 – Reflections on Islam Radio Program

…A scratchy AM Signal from CJRN AM 7910 in Niagara Falls, on the other side of Lake Ontario.

The signal would weave in and out, yet that distant Adhan on the radio was how I broke my fast for years !

Last year,

I broke my First Fast of Ramadan 2019 listening to Ezz E. Gad via livestream.


To listen to the Livestream,

You must be connecting from an IP Address from inside Ontario, Canada.

If you were in British Columbia during Ramadan 2015, your BC IP Address did allow you to listen to ROI.



Many Rogers Internet customers complain that they indeed are in Ontario,

Yet their IP Address is showing out of province, and are geo-blocked from hearing ROI’s Livestream.

Don’t blame Ezz E. Gad,

Tell Rogers !


Remaining ROI Radio Livestream Start Times in Ramadan 2020 . . .



Ramadan 11 – May 4 : Start Time – 8:01 p.m.

Ramadan 12 – May 5 : Start Time – 8:02 p.m.

Ramadan 13 – May 6 : Start Time – 8:03 p.m.

Ramadan 14 – May 7 : Start Time – 8:04 p.m.

Ramadan 15 – May 8 : Start Time – 8:05 p.m.

Ramadan 16 – May 9 : Start Time – 8:06 p.m.

Ramadan 17 – May 10 : Start Time – 8:07 p.m.

Ramadan 18 – May 11 : Start Time  -8:08 p.m.

Ramadan 19 – May 12 : Start Time – 8:10 p.m.

Ramadan 20 – May 13 : Start Time – 8:11 p.m.

Ramadan 21 – May 14 : Start Time – 8:12 p.m.

Ramadan 22 – May 15 : Start Time – 8:13 p.m.

Ramadan 23 – May 16 : Start Time – 8:14 p.m.

Ramadan 24 – May 17 : Start Time – 8:15 p.m.

Ramadan 25 – May 18 : Start Time – 8:16 p.m.

Ramadan 26 – May 19 : Start Time – 8:17 p.m.

Ramadan 27 – May 20 : Start Time – 8:18 p.m.

Ramadan 28 – May 21 : Start Time – 8:19 p.m.

Ramadan 29 – May 22 : Start Time – 8:20 p.m.

Ramadan 30 – May 23 : Start Time – 8:21 p.m.

Shawwal 1 – May 24 : Start Time – 8:23 p.m.

Shawwal 2 – May 25 : Start Time – 8:24 p.m.


Why the extra two days of Livestreaming after the end Ramadan ?

(Likewise one or two days of radio shows before Ramadan began in April.)

One word.

Moonsighting, Not Moonfighting.

Okay, that’s three words.

First Rule of Moonsighting Club,

You Do NOT Talk About Moonfighting Club.




For my entire adult life, including years I consider my youth,

I have watched the weekly Reflections on Islam TV Show.


The show began on Local Toronto TV Channel, CFMT Channel 47, decades ago.

Channel 47 is still on the air, today it’s known as OMNI TV.

OMNI TV stuck to its multi-cultural multi-lingual programming roots.

IN 1980,

CFMT Channel 47 became Canada’s first television station to air 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

CNN (Cable News Network), the world’s first 24-hour television news network would go live on June 1 1980.

Other channels went off the air one or two hours after midnight.

They might broadcast static or a test pattern.

Here’s CFTO (Canadian Frequency Toronto Ontario) Channel 9 at 3:30 a.m. on a Friday . . .

With all those overnight broadcast hours to fill, that may be why Fridays at 3:30 a.m.,

You could turn on Channel 47 in Toronto, watch Ezz. E. Gad and learn about Islam.


TV Shows bounce around from being on Network TV, to syndication, get picked up by a Cable Channel, then wind up on an ON Demand Streaming Platform.

While those in the know, watch IPTV.

I can’t recall which year exactly,

But Reflections on Islam TV Program eventually performed a Hijrah or migration,

From Over-The-Air Television (OTA) UHF Channel 47 to Cable Channel VisionTV.

Back then, this was big deal, like, wow, which TV Show does that ????

Following in the footsteps of the First Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah (née Yathrib) to keep their faith intact,

Reflections on Islam kept its thrice weekly Timeslots even after its OTA to Cable TV Hijrah…

  • Sundays : 11 a.m. Eastern Time
  • Mondays : 4 a.m. Eastern Time
  • Fridays : 3:30 a.m. Eastern Time

I still tune in.

للمرة الأولى في رمضان الأذان يصدح عبر المكبرات في المركز الاسلامي في كامبريدج ،كندا

Hearing Adhan for the first time at the Islamic Centre,,,was deeply moving

ICC Cambridge

للمرة الأولى في رمضان الأذان يصدح عبر المكبرات في المركز الاسلامي في كامبريدج ،كنداHearing Adhan for the first time at the Islamic Centre,,,was deeply moving

Posted by Islamic Centre of Cambridge on Monday, May 4, 2020

In 2011,

Three, and later on four, Indonesian Muslimahs began tumblr blogging 30 Mosques in 30 Days of Ramadan from the point of view of women.

Joining the worldwide 30 Mosques in 30 Days of Ramadan movement started in New York City in 2009 by Bassam Tariq and Aman Ali.

Ollie, Nana, Lisa, and Emie, named their project…

Pink Mosques.

Pictures and stories about mosques from Muslimahs perspective.

Throughout 2011 . . .

. . . Many of the world’s Masjid and Ramadan Bloggers quickly found each other online or connected with one another via Tumblr or on Twitter . . .

30 Masjids and Pink Mosques both begin in Ramadan 2011.

After Ramadan 2012,

Pink Mosques also began blogging visits to masjids year round, not just in Ramadan, and not just in Indonesia.


January 2013 ,

Pink Mosques and 30 Masjids met up in Detroit and together visited The Islamic Centre of America, the Largest Masjid in America, in Dearborn, Michigan.

HiMY SYeD and Aulia Halimatussadiah, Islamic Center of America, Dearborn Michigan, Tuesday January 15 2013
HiMY SYeD and Aulia Halimatussadiah, Islamic Center of America, Dearborn Michigan, Tuesday January 15 2013

Ollie is a prolific writer, editor, and publisher.

With her and her three friends’ numerous Masjid visits, they eventually had enough stories for proper book.

Out of the blue, Ollie surprised me by asking me to write a chapter for her Pink Mosques book.

What does a Muslim Brother, me, know about Muslim Women and their experiences in Toronto Masjids ?

You can read Chapter 52, Masjids in Toronto Canada, on the Storial.CO platform for the answer !

My chapter was written in English.

Others chapters are in Indonesian.

If you don’t know the spoken language of the country currently with the World’s largest Muslim population, you now have a good reason to learn !

Pink Mosques in a bilingual book.


Tuesday May 5 2020 is the official Digital Book Launch.

This Digital Book Launch is an online chat with three of the four authors of Pink Mosques.

Chat will be on the Storial.CO platform.

It’s scheduled for 16:00 (WIB) Western Indonesian Time

You can find your local time and Jakarta WIB time on this webpage :


Did Pink Mosques from Indonesia ever visit Blue Mosque in Turkey…?

You can find out by reading Chapter 23


Chapter 51 !


Ollie in Paris ?

Pink Mosques : Chapter 34 .

UPDATED : Ramadan 12 1441 / May 5 2020


I already blogged about This Drive-Thru Iftar at Sayeda Khadija Centre in Mississauga last Sunday, Day 3 of Ramadan 2020.

With the Pandemic Lockdown, all masjids are closed to the public.

Only masjid staff are allowed inside the building.

Last Sunday was my only physical visit to any masjid in person this Ramadan 2020.

Visiting and blogging, youtubing, documenting Masjids in Ramadan is the whole point of this 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan project.

And yesterday,

Saturday Day 9 of Ramadan 2020 was only my second in-person visit to a masjid, and that too was a Drive-Thru Iftar Pick up at Islamic Centre of Canada, ISNA Mississauga.

I miss going to the Masjids in Ramadan.

Any Masjid !

Any opportunity to visit a masjid, while still keeping physical distancing, is an opportunity not to skip.

This was the first time I have seen Imam Dr. Hamid Slimi in person since March 13 2020.

March 13 was the Final Congregation Friday Prayer inside Sayeda Khadija Centre Before the Pandemic Lockdown.


Through our car window, it was nice to exchange greetings and a few words in person with the Imam, during the Drive-Thru Iftar Pick up.

Everything else was pretty much the same as last Sunday’s Drive-Thru Iftar Pick Up,

See Day 3 if you want to learn more.

Once home,

To complete our Sayeda Khadija Centre experience for Day 10, we tuned into Imam Dr. Hamid Slimi’s near nightly Pre-Iftar Lecture Livestream.

Dr. Slimi mentioned tonight’s Drive-Thru Iftar near the end of tonight’s Pre-Iftar Lecture.

The Call to Prayer.

Adhan Al Maghrib.

We broke the Fast,

Ate our Drive-Thru Iftars at home.

Praying Salat Al Maghrib,

The Prayer after Sunset,

In-between both.


After permission was given by the Mayor of Edmonton 💥MASJID AL SALAAM💥 made the Athan- Muslim call to prayer- Today May 2nd at Salat Ul- Magrib.

This Truly brings joy to the Muslim community of Edmonton

We ask Allah that this becomes a permanent thing,

even after the blessed month of Ramadan.

Masjid Al Salaam Islamic Centre

Masjid Al Salaam in Edmonton is less than one year old.

This is their first Ramadan.

Like many smaller places of worship, they need financial help.

Next time I am in Edmonton,


Masjid Al Salaam will still be there.

Allowing me to hear the Adhan in person.


Volunteers giving families fresh meals

Ramadan is a time when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.

Yet many families in Toronto face food insecurity and lack access to food to break their fasts.

Maleeha Sheikh with an organization trying to help through a community-led initiative.”

Al Rashid is the oldest Muslim Congregation in Canada,

During 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan Canada

I broke my fast there on Day 21 of Ramadan 2016.

Al Rashid Mosque in Edmonton,

Tonight using loudspeakers, was finally able to publicly broadcast,

Adhan Al Magrib, the Call to The Sunset Prayer.

Alberta Muslim Public Affairs CouncilAMPAC

We are delighted to announce that efforts made by AMPAC and other community members has resulted in the City of Edmonton approving our request for masjids across Edmonton to broadcast the Adhaan—the Muslim call to prayer—for the remaining days of Ramadan starting today, May 2, 2020.

This approval is for the sunset or Maghrib prayer only.

The call to prayer does not invite people to physically gather; rather it is a beautiful gesture to bring our hearts together during this time of distancing.

Edmonton now joins many mosques in Canada who have recently adopted the practice for the month of Ramadan for the sunset prayer only.

AMPAC will be in touch with masjids for further details.

AMPAC extends our deepest appreciation to the @City Of Edmonton, City Council members, and most importantly, Mayor @doniveson, for approving our request and understanding its importance to our community.

This is a huge milestone and showcases the true beauty of our city, province, and country.

Alberta Muslim Public Affairs CouncilAMPAC

Please see this previous message from Mayor Iveson about this being the season when some of the diverse faiths of the community celebrate significant events of their traditions and how COVID-19 does not put an end to observances.