Livestream of Public Adhan Al Maghrib, Call to The Prayer after Sunset,
Called by Senior Imam Shaikh Jamal Hammoud, North-East Islamic Center – Akram Jomaa, Calgary.
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CANADA | VIDEO - EidFest 2016 - Muslim Day at PlayLand - Ajyal for Youth Development Society - Vancouver, British Columbia
CANADA | Day 26 - Jumah tul Widah - Prince George Islamic Centre - 4668 5th Avenue, Prince George, British Columbia
Day 4 - Sheikh Deedat Centre Downtown Mosque
"@HiMYSYeD Re: your hashtag...are you attempting to visit 30 masjids during Ramadan?"
Day 31 – Eid Al-Fitr – Asr Prayer – International Muslims Organization – IMO of Toronto – 65 Rexdale Blvd. – Etobicoke