First Ten Days is a collection of 33 photographs which will provide you a flavour of the First Ten Days of Ramadan 2012 from Masjids across Toronto.

This is our second collection.

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The Abdullah Brothers just arrived at ISNA CANADA, 2200 South Sheridan Way, Mississauga.

We just prayed Asr, and they are about to address the youth. Here are the first photographs…

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By Zoheb Kherada, Scarborough

This is a briliant idea by HiMY to enable us to report our Ramadan experience at one platform.

Ramadan in Toronto has been quite different than in Mumbai.

In Mumbai there are lot many people and food is available on the streets whereas in Toronto its more disciplined and despite the fact that the fast duration (summer) is 1.5 times than in Mumbai, it feels easier to keep roza here due to the fantastic facilities this city has to offer.

Will write in detail later.

Zoheb Kherada

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Day 9Masjid QurtabahNorth American Muslim Foundation

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Day 11Masjid Zakariya




Introducing 30Masjids BIG Photoblog !



First Collection is Turkish Tiles.

Inspired by the response to’s BIG PICTURE Ramadan Series each year, we’ll continue posting our Ramadan Collections until Eid al Fitr.

The intention is also share Muslim Stories in BIG Photographs after Ramadan as an ongoing open submission photoblog the rest of the year.

Forgive the rough edges, there are many.

Our next collection will be posted as soon as possible, titled “The First Ten Days”

Ramadan Mubarak!



It’s almost time to break the fast.

Islamic Foundation of Toronto or Nugget Mosque  hosts Iftars for locals everyday.

Sundays hosts a wider invitation towards the general Muslim population for Iftar.

It’s Sunday Night…

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It’s early Sunday Morning. Day 10.

Actually, it’s very early Sunday Morning.

Exiting Masjid Huzaifah after Taraweeh prayers, I decide to stay in Scarborough and make my way to the Tim Horton’s across from Nugget Mosque, nickname for The Islamic Foundation of Toronto.

Foundation, (its other nickname) occupies the south west corner of Nugget Avenue and Markham Road, one block north of Sheppard Avenue East.

Year round during the day, Dome and Minaret are a Scarborough Landmark.

During Ramadan nights, they both become impossible to miss.

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30Masjids made the front page of the GTA Section in The Toronto Star.

Many thanks to Toronto Star Reporter Noor Javed (@njaved).

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. . . having left Masjid Qurtabah at 10:18 p.m. as the Muezzin was in the middle of performing Adhan Al Isha, the Night Call to Prayer, I have travelled on bike 12 minutes and am arriving in front of Jame Masjid Huzaifah.

As I begin slowing down, the Muezzin here is in the middle perform his Adhan Al Isha. Huzaifah begins praying at 10:30 p.m.

It is as if nothing was lost. I hadn’t skipped a beat.

I lock my bike to the only spot that is ready available, the sign in front of the Masjid.

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Masjid Qurtabah is located in back of North American Muslim Foundation (NAMF) at 4140 Finch Avenue East in the Agincourt area of Scarborough. One enters it through a side entrance.

Today is Day 9 of Ramadan 2012. The second big Saturday. Every Masjid Iftar location will be hopping in hosting their BIG Community Iftar.

This is the weekend many organizations double down and host speakers or make it a fundraising event addressing a captive audience between Asr and Maghrib before Iftar.

Tonight, NAMF hosts a Lecture titled  Countering Islamophobia in Canada.  That title more than anything else is what drew me here.

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Masjid Khalid bin Al-Walid or simply Khalid Mosque, which doubles as their twitter handle (@KhalidMosque), is pretty much known by everybody in the wider Muslim Community.

They are located at 16 Bethridge Road, immediately west of Kipling Avenue, in the Etobicoke North neighbourhood of Rexdale.

I easily reached it after leaving the Bosnian Islamic Centre on bike, turned right on Kipling, cycled for about an hour, then turned left at Bethridge.

People know where this masjid is even if they never have been here. One may assume they are known because it was one of the first Big Somali masjids. That wouldn’t begin to tell the story.

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The Story of Turkish Tiles by Tevfik Baba

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The Bosnian Islamic Centre is only a few blocks east of the Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre.

Being between Jumah and Asr, the time was perfect to make my Annual Pilgrimage to South Etobicoke, as I wrote last year.
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