“Gotta admit – I have absolutely not been feeling it this Ramadan.

Incredibly tough to have yet another Ramadan in a pandemic,

while working and studying.

Since Ramadan started,

I’ve been on 24 hr call 3 times.

I miss the masjid and I miss the community / comradery



Ramadan in America is hard.

You’re still expected to work at the same level and capacity as if you’re not fasting,

except now you’re fatigued and hangry.

You can’t simultaneously work at your fullest potential and participate in Ramadan at your fullest.

Your routine and sleep schedule are off while everyone around you is at their norm.”

— By Deena Kishawi, MD – Chicago, Illinois


It was also Night 7 in Ramadan 2020 last year that Adhan Al Maghrib,

The Call to The Prayer after Sunset,

Began broadcasting outside into the ISNA Canada parking lot via loudspeaker.

Madinah Masjid in Toronto’s East End Danforth Avenue neighbourhood offers Curb Side Iftar Pickup on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays during Ramadan 2021.

We arrived a few minutes before the 7 p.m. Doors Open time for Iftar Pickup,

Only a few people were waiting outside.

Because so many Muslim Families live within line of sight,

if not immediate walking distance of Madinah Masjid,

a line of people appeared almost from nowhere,

self-organizing into 6 feet apart distances awaiting their turn for Iftar Pickup.

Front Entrance Doors into Madinah Masjid echo Horseshoe Arches found in Alhambra Palace of Muslim Andalusia from centuries past, and of Spain today.

But to enter Madinah Masjid during Pandemic Protocols,

requires a few steps around the building.

I was pleased to again see bicycle parking by a masjid’s entrance.

I rode my bike, both of them,

to complete 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan 2012.

Often finding ZERO Bike Parking provided by the Masjid I was visiting on any given day.

This despite Islam clearly on the side of Sustainable Environment and Active Transportation.

I notice the Garbage Bin placed in-between the two bicycles currently locked in place.

It suggests to me that some thought was invested into providing Physically Distanced Bicycle Parking for Madinah Masjid’s Cyclists.


Well done.

Having picked up Madinah Masjids Hijra 1442 / 2021 Ramadan Timetable from just inside the south entrance,

I return to the front sidewalk and find no one there.

As quickly as Curb Side Iftar Pickup doorway opened and people waiting in line for their turn appeared,

It all disappeared within moments.

Last year,

During the Hard Lockdown of Ramadan 2020,

Madinah Masjid received permission to broadcast their first ever Public Adhans via loudspeaker to observe Maghrib Sunset Time.

Because Ramadan 2021 in Ontario began with Houses of Worship permitted to operate at 15% Capacity,

The context has changed and Public Adhans are not broadcast within Toronto at this time.

Unknown if this will change with the new 10 person maximum rule for Masjids in Ontario beginning on Monday.


So what exactly was the Iftar Picked up Curb Side outside Madinah Masjid ?


Very Soft Chicken Korma in the smaller container.

And OH MY ALLAH how so very tasty was the Soup in the larger container !

Halfway between Haleem and Chowder with dashes of spices that felt as if I was eating fresh fish.

I don’t know what that was, but I’m glad we saved some for later !

Alhumdulillah !

Sayeda Khadija Centre held its first Drive-Thru Iftar on Day 6 of Ramadan 2021.

We arrived shortly before the 6 p.m. Pickup start time,

but we arrived too early and had to drive around to wait a few more minutes.

It was raining lightly, though we could see blue sky working its way towards the masjid.


Parking Lot was transformed into a serpentine path marked with yellow caution tape attached to orange pylons,

Not unlike waiting in line at the Credit Union or in front of Amusement Park rides.

Our Car was the ride, name of the ride was Drive-Thru Iftar !

Dozens of Iftar Plates were placed on the table under the tent.

Moving forward towards our Iftar Pickup turn took almost no time at all.

6:01 p.m.

Cars did begin to appear and line up behind us, but everything was moving forward at a quick pace.

Volunteer asks how many Iftars are we picking up ?

Four Iftars for the Four of us inside the car.

Volunteer picks up two double bagged Iftar Dinners now earmarked for us.

We advanced a few too many steps forward but the Iftar hand-off remains flawless.

Four Iftar Dinners now picked up.

Sayeda Khadija Centre prepared 800 Iftar Dinners for today’s Drive-Thru Iftar.

The Efficiency of this Drive-Thru Iftar must be recognized.

It took all of FOUR Minutes from Entry to Iftar Pickup to Exit.


MashAllah upon all today’s volunteers at Sayeda Khadija Centre.

Everything was smooth and easy.

6:04 p.m.

Already en route home.


Time for Drive-Thru Iftar Dinner . . .


Listening to Imam Slimi during Sayeda Khadija Centre’s Pre-Iftar Lecture Livestream,

We learned that 200 Iftar Dinners were not picked up !

They were scrambling to distribute all those dinners to shelters and anywhere else quickly before sunset time.

Drive-Thru Iftars at SKC were planned for Saturdays and Sundays between 6 p.m and 7 p.m,

until further notice for the remainder of Ramadan 2021.

With so much confused messaging from the Ontario Government these past hours,

This weekend might be the last for Drive-Thru Iftars in Ontario this year.

Last year on Day 16 of Ramadan 2020,

Brother Sam Nammoura Livestreamed the First Ever Public Adhan Al Maghrib,

Call to The Prayer After Sunset,

at North-East Islamic Center / Akram Jomaa in Calgary, Alberta.

This year Sam didn’t need to wait for Day 16.

But it was still a first of its kind.

He livestreamed the following video on Day 4 / Night 5 of Ramadan 2021.

“Today the Calgary Muslim community witnessed history in the making.

Our brother RCMP Corporal Nader Khalil

calling Athan Al-Maghrib

in full uniform on Friday,

April 16th, 2021,

Ramadan 4th, 1442

at the Akram Jomaa Islamic Centre.”



“Officer Nader would you like to say something ?”


“I’m just very excited Sam.

And this is history for both the Muslim Community and the RCMP Community.

It’s never happened where a Muslim member in uniform has conducted or recited the Adhan.

So just super happy to be here and honestly this is a good day,

I’m proud to be Canadian.

It just shows the diversity of this country and the beauty of this country and we should be thankful.

Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Atheists,

Whatever faith we’re from,

We should be thankful that we live in such a beautiful country that allows us to worship in peace and in harmonies.

Thank you so much absolutely.”


“Is this a contribution ?

Is this showing the RCMP being part of the Muslim community,

or the RCMP being supportive and giving a lot of support to the Muslim community ?”


“This shows both.

 The community reached out to me.

I spoke to the community.

The RCMP was all for it.

We’re very supportive of any community that we police,

and in the end,

the police are the community and the community are the police.

We’re all one regardless of if you wear a uniform or don’t wear a uniform,

we’re all from this Canadian community and we all should be proud of that.”


“But this is very symbolic,

I don’t think it ever happened before.

Are you aware of any Muslim officer who performed Adhan ?”


“With RCMP ?

With the RCMP, No.”



First inspired by Winnipeg Grand Mosque‘s Drive-Thru Iftars during Ramadan 2020,

ISNA Canada is again hosting Drive-Thru Iftars during Ramadan 2021.

The Islamic Centre of Canada in South Mississauga  First Come First Picked Up on the following days :

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

April  16, 17, 18,     23, 24, 25,     30

May  1, 2,     7, 8

Bonus Iftar : Monday May 10 2021

6:30 p.m.  6:00 p.m.  to  7:30 p.m.   | First Come, First Served


With new Provincial Restrictions coming,

This first weekend of Ramadan 2021  might be  the last one with Drive-Thru Iftars at ICC.

We don’t know yet.


Last year we were among the first ever arrivals at the Drive-Thru Iftar.

This year,

We arrived on South Sheridan Way at 6:29 p.m.

One full minute before the officially listed 6:30 p.m. Pickup start time,

Yet there was already a line up of cars awaiting entry.

We shouldn’t have been surprised by this,

But yeah, we were.

So much activity already.

This was NEW . . .

A local low power FM radio broadcast.

We tune into 90.5 FM on the dashboard and begin to listen . . .

The  Iftar Radio Show  truly improved the entire Drive-Thru Iftar Experience.


Our two lanes of cars were advancing slowly,

While we could see the single lane Iftar Pickup was moving fast.

Zabiha Halal would be in tonight’s Iftar Meals.

Numerous Volunteers smoothed the way for us, like this Brother alternating drivers through the outer parking lot’s bottleneck exit.


The Iftar Radio Show  was interactive.

The host asked questions, and drivers replied with honking our car horns.

It felt FUN.

Really fun!

Something longed for and until now missed during this Second Pandemic Ramadan.

In Ramadan 2012, I was cycling all over Metropolitan Toronto to complete 30 Masjids in 30 Days.

I spot this single Bike Rack for Bicycle Parking.

I was happy to see this here.

Every Masjid should have Bicycle Parking.

Similar to walking a Labyrinth where sometimes you are close or beside the centre and then suddenly you are far away yet still on the correct path,


Driving through the roundabout route through the ISNA Parking Lot brings us one lane over from the Iftar Pickup before we turn south and away . . .

Another Volunteer holding up a sign asking us to tune into 90.5 FM on our car radios.

Alternating Host of the Iftar Radio Show reminds us we have to be present in the car to pickup an iftar.

The Drive-Thru Iftar is First Come, First Served,

but it is also Come In Person.

We’ve been advancing in line for 34 minutes,

Yet somehow the Iftar Radio Show made it feel like 3 or 4 minutes instead of 34.

Ramadan Timetables ?


Ramadan 2021 Calendar Timetables being distributed . . .

Rudy Cuzzetto is a Canadian politician,

He was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in the 2018 provincial election.

He represents the riding of Mississauga—Lakeshore as a member of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario.

And in Ramadan 2021,

His office is handing out Ramadan 2021 Timetables complete with Duas / Intention for Suhoor and Iftar printed in Arabic with English Transliteration and Translation.

The light Ramadan Lyrics being broadcast on repeat are a nice touch to keep us from getting antsy while we all wait in line.

It all feels surprisingly fast.

Somehow, it doesn’t feel like we are waiting at all.

Lowering my passenger side window and the Iftar Radio Show is now an Iftar Loudspeaker Show !

Turning the corner for the final stretch,

we can now see the guests and hosts of tonight’s Drive-Thur Iftar.

Toronto Raptors Superfan Nav Bhatia is handing out Raptors Basketballs,

though we drove by too fast to ask him for one.

Drive-Thru Volunteers asking for photographs with The Superfan who runs The Nav Bhatia Superfan Foundation.

Shaikh Alaa Elsayed,

Imam & Director of Religious Affairs at Islamic Centre of Canada greets us.

Raptors Basketballs in the trunk to be handed out to some of those behind us in line.

NOW we’ve reached the Drive-Thru Iftar Pickup part . . .

Still similar to walking a Labyrinth . . .

. . . it’s our turn to be reaching the goal while others are still en route to the centre.

Volunteers filling brown paper bags with Iftar Dinners.

Hockey Sticks,

Because this is a  Canadian  Drive-Thru Iftar, eh ?

Wireless card payment units have been duct taped to the ends of hockey sticks.

Volunteers with the Hockey Stick Donation Devices stand ready to accept financial contributions,

While maintaining physical distancing.

Canadians also invented the Blackberry Smartphone.

Who knows, this might catch on !

Four Iftars Please.

While our Iftars are being collected,

A volunteers reminds us Donations are being collected by card or cash.

We donated cash.

Cash donation was easy and quick, as we planned to have it ready.

We’re at the Pickup part of the Drive-Thru Iftar Pickup.

Handing us our four Iftars is Regional Councillor for Ward 4 in Milton, Ontario, Zeeshan Hamid.

From the other politician we got a timetable.

From Councillor Zeeshan Hamid,

we got Iftars !

Alhumdulillah, that’s it.

Again like a Labyrinth,

It’s now time to exit.

Has it really been 49 minutes ?

Doesn’t feel like it at all.



everyone after us experiences such an enjoyable and easy Drive-Thru Pickup.

Inside the paper bag, a surprise,

Jigsaw Puzzle of Ramadan Lanterns.   Hashtag: #LivingHalal.

Also inside the paper bag, the expected,

Four Iftars of Chicken and Rice.

Day 4 of Ramadan 2021 ends,

as Night 5 of Ramadan 2021 begins,

With Four Dinners from ISNA Canada‘s First Drive-Thru Iftar of the year.


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Sayeda Khadija Centre‘s outside parking lot was empty.

In all Houses of Worship in The Province of Ontario, capacity is limited to 15%.

Inside Sayeda Khadija Centre in Mississauga,

It too was empty.

15% Capacity allowed even shoes on the shelves to be physically distanced.

This is the Airport Like Gateway worshippers walk through after our QR Codes are scanned to confirm Pre-Registration for Jumah Prayers.

Inside the twin arches, you face a screen that checks your facial temperature.

Normal temperature the computer voice says, allows you to step forward into a brief mist of disinfectant.

Like many Airport Terminals nowadays,

This all is still empty.

Entering the Main Prayer Hall,

Sayeda Khadija Centre is finally, visually, less empty.

All but the first row of the regular blue carpet which adorns the Prayer Hall floor has been rolled up since shortly after the Pandemic began.


” B Y O P M T J P ” : Bring Your Own Prayer Mat To Jumah Prayer.

Each worshipper is seated atop their own prayer mat which itself sits atop taped position marker squares on the Turkish Tiled Prayer Hall Floor.

We sit in a zig-zag pattern rather than a grid.

Zig-Zag is still a grid but turned 45 Degrees.

This allows for more Physically Distanced prayer lines between the Imam and the back wall of the Prayer Hall.

It also echoes something of the Islamic Geometry inherent within the Turkish Tiles adorning the floor and walls of the Prayer Hall.

Jumah Qhutbah, Friday Sermon is good, filled with Ramadan reminders and paradigm shifting thoughts about the ROI, The Rate of Return, on good deeds done during Ramadan rather than outside this Holy Month.

Still, something was missing.

This 15% Capacity felt empty, sterile.

Perhaps that’s how it is supposed to be.

In-Between each scheduled Jumah Prayer, Sayeda Khadija Centre disinfects the Prayer Hall.

Having returned home from Friday Prayers,

We learn beginning Monday April 19 2021,

Masjid Capacity in Ontario would be capped at 10 People, inside or outside.

This First Friday of Ramadan 2021 would now become our ONLY Jumah Prayer performed inside any Ontario Masjid for remainder of Ramadan 2021.

Each Thursday Evening in Ramadan 2021,

MABELLEarts is livestreaming “Edge of Sunset

Beginning at 7 p.m. Toronto Time.

30Masjids attended a previous MABELLEarts’ Iftar Nights in person on Day 23 of Ramadan 2015.

Tonight is Week 1 of 4.

The Edge of Sunset Livestream performance,

airing each Thursday night during the month of Ramadan,

is a chance to celebrate with community stories, incredible music, fun hosting, guest chats, and much more.

Join us for the hour just before Iftar for moments of laughter, reflection, and connection.

This week,

our livestream performance surrounds the theme of “Breaking the Fast”.

We’re guided by our community stories around Iftar memories and moments:

  • preparing special foods and drinks,
  • favorite dishes,
  • and feasting rituals.

This week’s show is hosted live by Sergio Guerra, who is joined by musicians Brenna MacCrimmon and Maryem Tollar of Turkwaz,

puppeteers Afsaneh Zamani & Annie Katsura Rollins and the entire MABELLEarts community.



MABELLEarts Iftar Nights Livestream Team:

  • Dramaturgy: Elizabeth Rucker
  • Live Stream Direction: Annie Katsura Rollins
  • Videographer: Henry Mak
  • Live Stream Broadcast: Eric Chan
  • Live Stream Graphic Designer: Kelvin Wu
  • Poet in Residence and Host: Sergio Guerra
  • Story Research and Translation: Abir Abouel Sadaat
  • Illustration: Banafsheh Erfanian
  • Puppeteers: Annie Katsura Rollins, Afsaneh Zamani
  • Musicians: Maryem Tollar, Brenna MacCrimmon
  • Lantern Project: Michael Burtt & The Listening Room Members
  • Artmaking Activity Facilitators: Michael Burtt & Shadowland Theatre w/The Listening Room, Annie Katsura Rollins and Faten Toubasi with the ACCT Women’s Circle
  • Composer, Iftar Nights 2020: Hussein Janmohamed
  • Communications Lead: Karen Kew
  • Website and Print Design: Billy Main

Help us bring Iftar Night meals to MABELLEpantry households!

Each week throughout the month of Ramadan,

our COVID-19 Food Security team will package Iftar treats and fast-breaking meal kits for hundreds of households.

Your kind donation will support our MABELLEYouth and Pantry team to ensure a Ramadan Kareem for families on Mabelle Avenue.

Donate here: http://www.mabellearts.ca/support

This was our Iftar Table being prepared and almost ready as we watched and listened to first Iftar Nights Livestream of Ramadan 2021.

“Mosques around Calgary are being allowed to broadcast the Adhan,

or call to prayer,

on outdoor speakers at sunset during Ramadan.

This is the first night doing it at Green Dome mosque in NE Calgary.”

Sometimes there are no words to type,

Sometimes there is a Livestream.

Brother Fareed Amin explains in his opening how hard it was for IIT to STOP all collective prayers inside the Islamic Institute of Toronto.

This was done to satisfy the Province of Ontario Stay at Home Order.

The Masjid falls within a Hot Zone of rising Corona Virus community spread.

IIT is closing for at least the first week of Ramadan 2021.

Yet the Islamic Institute of Toronto is also Open . . .

Their Ramadan 2021 Schedule livestreams on their Youtube Channel :


  • Morning Qur’an Recitations
  • Afternoon Daily Du’as at 5:00 p.m.
  • Resilient Hour 30 minutes before Iftar / Local Toronto Sunset Time
  • Gems of Qur’anic Wisdom at 10:00 p.m.

Tonight’s IIT Resilient Hour featured Shaikh Musleh Khan speaking as we awaited Sunset Iftar according to Toronto Local Time.

Our family’s first Iftar Dinner Table of Ramadan 2021

Since the first year of 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan in 2011,

I would share a photograph of the date and drink used to open my fast,

In whichever Masjid I was visiting and blogging about that night…

Tonight, to break the first Day of Ramadan Fasting in the Second Pandemic Year of COVID-19,

The glass of Rooh Afza and Date were taken at home.