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Omair and HiMY inside Masjid Dar As-Salam, Charlottletown, PEI 20160612_210916

Guest Blog Post By Omair Imtiaz | Charlottetown, PEI

As Salam Alaykum wa Rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu

Such a pleasure to have our well travelled Br. Himy join us at Masjid Dar As Salam here in Canada’s smallest province.

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First and oldest Muslim Cemetery in the Maritime Provinces of Canada is found on Bible Hill, just outside Truro, Nova Scotia.

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02 - Al-Batool Islamic Society - Bedford, Nova Scotia - Early Sunday June 12 2016

Al-Batool Islamic Society is located in the Rockingham area of the Bedford Highway at number 249 Bedford Highway in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Passing by overnight en route to Fajr Dawn Prayers at Halifax’s newest Masjid, Al-Barakah, I snapped a couple of photographs.

It’s on the same highway Al-Rasoul Islamic Society is on, but on the Halifax side of municipal boundary line.

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01 - Al-Rasoul Islamic Society - Bedford, Nova Scotia - Saturday June 11 2016

“Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings. New ideas must use old buildings.”

— Jane Jacobs

Al-Rasoul Islamic Society in Bedford, Nova Scotia serves about 100 local Muslim families from a Former Fire Station converted into a Masjid.

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“The Imam of Azhar, Sheikh Hani, has Ijazah in The 10 Different Ways of Recitation and The 4 Variant Ones too.

“His speciality is the Qur’an.

“Sheikh Hani has won many awards, including the King’s Award in Saudi Arabia and a raft of other places.

“CID’s resident Imam, Sheikh Ahmed, also a Graduate of Ahzar (in Shariah) has Ijazah to teach Qur’an.

“Both are hufaz of high quality and both have documented sanad ( chain up to the Messenger of Allah ( s.a.w).”

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انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

~To Allah we belong, and unto Him is our return~

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our dear brother, Imam Raid Miqdadi, who passed away this morning in Hamilton.

Imam Raid was the Imam for Umar Masjid until his health no longer allowed him to serve our community.

Imam Raid was the son-in-law of Shaykh Arafat Elashi and the uncle of Sister Danah Elsayed (Imam Hosam’s wife).

Salatul Janaza will be held today, Thursday, June 9, 2016 after Dhuhr prayers (1:35 pm) at the Hamilton Mountain Mosque.

May Allah (SWT) grant our dear brother a place in Jannat-ul-Firdous and give his family strength and patience to get through this difficult time. ~Ameen~

Mountain Mosque Address:
1545 Stone Church Road East
Hamilton, ON L8W 3P8

30 Masjids visited Hamilton, Ontario during Ramadan 2013.

If you live in the Greater Golden Horseshoe area of Southern Ontario and are able to, please attend this Janaza / Funeral Prayer in Hamilton.

I’m currently in Halifax, Nova Scotia, otherwise I’d make an effort to attend myself.


Adhan Al Maghrib

The Call to Sunset Prayer

UMCC – Umman Masjid and Community Center,

Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Adhan Al Asr / The Call to Late Afternoon Prayer.


Salat Al Asr / The Late Afternoon Prayer.


Adhan Al Maghrib / The Call to Sunset Prayer. Iftar, time to break the Fast.


Salat Al Maghrib / The Prayer after Sunset.


Iftar Dinner is on the Third Floor. Note the unlabeled elevator buttons that exists now for floors that are not yet built. Someone is thinking, and planning, and designing in pre-emptively for future expansion.


It’s not a BIG Public Iftar night at CID, yet there are BIG Iftar Dinner choices.


…And BIG Iftar Dinner Plates to answer those Big Appetites after a very long day of Fasting…



Salat Al Isha / The Night Prayer.


Taraweeh Prayers / The Optional Extra Nightly Prayers held during Ramadan Nights.


Cups of tea are poured and shared after Taraweeh Prayers are concluded.

A nice warm way to end this very long Day 2 of Ramadan 2016, which began at Fajr in St. John’s, Newfoundland, and ends after Taraweeh in Halifax, Nova Scotia.