Jaame Masjid Scarborough (Central Mosque)
is located at 3667 Lawrence Avenue East in Scarborough.

I had broken my fast inside this masjid on Day 5 of Ramadan 2015.

This afternoon,

All we can do is visit it from the outside by driving by . . .


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Orders due May 10. Contactless drive through. Made to order only.

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Drive-Thru Cupcake Pickup at the Double Eye Tee !

1630 Neilson Road in Scarborough is where the Cupcakes are.

First you see is a “CLOSED” sign, the second thing you see is the Canadian Flag.

Islamic Institute of Toronto.

Kind of expected a rush, yet there is no rush, no line up of cars.

Brother Fareed Amin welcomes us then directs us to where the Cupcakes are.

Contactless Cupcake picking upping.

Eid Mubarak !

Cupcakes  and  one Free Iftar courtesy of Penny Appeal ? . . . Free Iftar !

Eyes on the prize . . .

Elected Official Shaun Chen has donated a package of Masks for each Cupcake Picker upper !

Very nice.

Mask are Much Appreciated Shaun Chen !

The volunteers offered to put the Cupcakes and that Free Iftar in our car’s trunk, keeping everything contactless.


Hi mom.

Eid Mubarak.

And then it’s Cupcake pickup time for people in the car behind us.

Thank you. Come again.

This was different. I don’t properly recall this unpaved parking area immediately north of the building.

I don’t remember that was this second gate here.

This second northside gate certainly is useful when the IIT becomes busy.

“Ramadan Kareem & Blessed Eid!”

“Thanks to our frontline workers.
Stay safe!”

Bye Bye Eye Eye Tee . . .


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These look perfect! Thank you IIT!! #cupcakedrive #iit #cupcakes #dessert

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Friday Evening,

Adhan Al Maghrib, Call to The Prayer after Sunset,

Was broadcast via loudspeaker at MAC Centre Vancouver, 2122 Kingsway.

Athan Almaghrib live

Posted by MAC Centre – Vancouver on Friday, May 15, 2020

23rd Night of Ramadan 1441,

First Maghrib Adhan broadcast by Imam Abdullah

HIA Halton Islamic Association.


With this Public Adhan Al Maghrib being broadcast outside via loudspeaker on the Campus of Memorial University,


with Public Adhan now being broadcast outside Masjid Al-Iman in Victoria, British Columbia,

Canada now has Public Adhan Al Maghrib, Call to The Prayer after Sunset, from Coast-to-Coast, Island-to-Island, with many cities in-between.

In Ramadan 2016,

I completed a Trans-Canada 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan . . .

Day 0 of Ramadan 2016 began with Muslim Students’ Association of Memorial University.

My first Iftar and my first Isha & Taraweeh prayers of Ramadan 2016,

were on the campus of Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

This year, due to the Pandemic Lockdown,

There is No Public Iftar,

No Public Isha Prayer,

No Public Taraweeh Prayer in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

This year, due to the Pandemic Lockdown,

There is Public Adhan Al Maghrib.


Posted by MSA MUN on Friday, May 15, 2020


The Muslim Students’ Association at Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, asked their University and was granted permission to broadcast Adhan Al Maghrib, Call to The Prayer after Sunset.

Their First Ever Public Adhan.

Previously in February of 2017,

The Call to Prayer was heard via loudspeaker from St. John’s only Masjid . . .

Friend & Supporter of 30Masjids, Faisal Kutty,

Along with Mustafa Farooq were interviewed by Indus News.

They were discussing Public Adhan in Canada.

While the segment was playing,

On screen in-between both speakers,

The very recognizable Jami Mosque main prayer hall appeared.

Clip looked so familiar to me . . .

And, yes!


The clip which was looped to accompany their discussion was recorded by me inside Toronto’s Jami Mosque on Day 9 of Ramadan 2015 !



[gview file=”http://30Masjids.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Eid-Prayer-A-Simple-Guide-IIT-Islamic-Institute-of-Toronto.pdf”]




Hong Kong masajids and madrasahs have had it’s second week of public Jummah salah abiding to the government’s social distancing and hygiene standards.

This is in Kowloon Masjid,

which once again had arranged two salatul Jummah so that the numbers can be maintained.

✔️ Entrance was through the two main gates only.
✔️ Temperature was checked for every entry.
✔️ Hand sanitizers machines installed at few walls.
✔️ Salah positions clearly marked out in halls.
✔️ Khutbah delivery was limited due to time.
✔️ Exit of the first jammh attendees was through side back gates.
✔️ Entry of the second jammah attendees from front main gates with people lining up along pavement in a single line left and right. All with masks on.

May Allah accept from all managements, imams, volunteers and those who attended with discipline and in an orderly manner.

May Allah continue to safeguard everyone worldwide and open more of His houses doors to the Ummah worldwide with peace and tranquility.

Asad Ghondal,

Chairman of the BC Muslim Association’s Surrey / Delta branch,

Asked The City of Surrey to allow Public Adhans at Surrey Jamea Masjid at 12407 72 Avenue.

Vancouver and neighbouring Burnaby now have Public Adhans for the remainder of Ramadan 2020.

“The area where we it is,
it’s a very dense population with the Muslim community.
We respect the bylaws,
we respect the community diversity,
we always respect the community space.”

His request was for a two minute prayer for ten days, starting May 13th.

The City of Surrey responded :


The City of Surrey BC initially agreed to a Single Public Call to Prayer, to be broadcast on the Final Night of Ramadan 2020.

Asad Ghondal wrote back to The City two more times.

Eventually, they agreed to allow broadcasting The Call to Prayer for only Five nights, beginning Monday 18 2020

Listen to the radio interview for the full story.


Message posted on facebook

“Asalamualaykum WRB

I hope this message finds all of you well, in the best of health and Islamic spirit.

BCMA is the leading organization for Muslims in BC.

We have always taken a lead in catering to the wants and needs of our community.

In the light of that,

it is with extreme gratitude and honor that I am announcing,

from the initiative taken by the BCMA Surrey/Delta Branch – Surrey Jamea Masjid,

we have gotten the permission to call out the Adhaan for five days,


We contacted the Mayor’s office on the 6th fast of Ramadan to get permission to broadcast the Adhaan for Maghrib time.

We had taken this step very early even before the approvals in North America.

As there were approvals of Adhaan within North America where the Muslim population was not dense, we thought we should definitely present a stronger case to the city for an approval.

We gathered the support of our community and I have always seen the support of my board of directors and especially that of my President, Br. Iltaf Sahib.

The first person that I contacted in this whole experience was our MP for our locality the Honorable Sukh Dhaliwal.

He has always shown the Muslim community his support and for that,

Alhamudillah, we are grateful.

It was not an easy road but we have gotten what we set out to achieve.

Alhamdulillah, we stood together as a community and our voices were one rather than divided and for that,

I would like to thank each and every one of you that stood with me.

I want to give a special thanks to the Surrey City Council Members that were first to stand with us and give us assurance their support would be with us.

I want to give my sincerest thanks and extreme gratitude to all those that have stood with me.

  • Bilal Cheema
  • Shaukat Khan of Pakistan Canada Association
  • Zeeshan Wahla and Dave Hans of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Consultants
  • Ashiana Khan of Media Waves

Once again,

I want to give my sincerest thanks to Mayor Doug Mccallum and the Surrey City Council Council their support.

We will broadcast the Adhaan for five days, InshaAllah.

I wanted to congratulate everyone that stood with me during this difficult time and showed tremendous amount of support.

May Allah SWT bless each and every one of you. Ameen.

PS: I also wanted to say to those people that were unsure of when the request for Adhaan become a request.

Some people, without taking any names, began to use this to their own agendas for political gains and taking credit for something they — not only did not start, but also didn’t finish.

I want to congratulate those people as well.

JazakAllah Khair,

Muhammad Asad Gondal
Surrey Jamea Masjid


What is World Iftar Day ?

Crowdsourcing the Ummah to make a Montage Video of Global Ramadan 2020 messages.

Send in your pics and videos by May 15th to take part and be featured on World Iftar Day

Rules for submission:

– send to worldiftarday@gmail.com


tag/Dm on instagram – image must include

  • @worldiftarday
  • #worldiftarday2020
  • Location

And anything else of your choice – can be a clip or image – can either be drawn/ printed/ or digital – faces can be cropped or blurred out if preferred.

On Instagram : You tag #WorldIftarDay or @WorldIftarDay

or I suppose on Twitter too : #WorldIftarDay or @WorldIftarDay

With Photographs or Video of your World Iftar 2020 Message.

That’s it.

Tag your photo or video #WorldIftarDay in ANY LANGUAGE (!)

They will do the rest.

World Iftar Day will edit your submissions into a montage that will be released on Day 25 of Ramadan 2020 / Monday May 18 2020.

Submission Deadline is : Saturday May 16 at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time

Here’s a sneak peak at a number of . . .


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