Sunday afternoon April 25 2021 was

Islamic Centre of Canada‘s First Ever “Drive-In” Iftar !

Because of Safety Guideline changes

by The Province of Ontario for Houses of Worship,

Plus the Logistics necessary to meet them,

ICC’s originally intended Drive-Thru Iftar was cancelled

for the second weekend of Ramadan 2021.

ISNA instead did a Drive-In Iftar in place of the Drive-Thru.

You had to pre-register choosing one of two Drive-In timings.

We booked the earlier 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. reservation.

Experience was pleasant & MUCH more than that too.

A physical connection with this Masjid,

OR ANY Masjid

during Ramadan 2021,

Even as constrained as

Remaining inside your car

On the parking lot

Outside of the masjid the whole time,

Is “Ramadan Changing”.

That missing Ramadan feeling feels less missing.

Difference between last weekend’s Drive-Thru Iftar

& this Sunday’s Drive-In Iftar ?

Wondering about this & found an answer while waiting in the car.

During regular Ramadans,

Some Masjids provide Public Iftars where men & women line-up separately,

Await their turn to pick-up their own Iftar Dinners,

First Come, First Served,

Cafeteria Style,

Then go & sit somewhere inside the Masjid to eat.

Other Masjids have people sit down in pre-determined places,

While Volunteers deliver Iftar Dinner plates to them.

Network theory in practice.

One is the Fast Food Counter,

The other is Table Service.

Sunday’s Drive-In Iftar was the second one.

Where else are we seeing this during Ramadan 2021 ?

Muslims lining up at Pop-Up Vaccination Clinics to get their first dose,


Booking one at a Clinic.

“Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be having our drive through Iftaar at Noon generously donated by one of our families!

We have secured written guidance from Brampton bylaw enforcement and have the ok to go forward!

Please follow guidance from volunteers at the event so we stay compliant to our permission.

Drive Thru is from 6:30-7:30 or until supplies last!”


What a wonderful Drive-Thru Iftar Pickup experience courtesy of All the volunteers at Noon Academy in Brampton.

We were able easily pay our Zakat al Fitr in cash.

It took all of less than 10 minutes.

The Iftar Dinners were just enough to fill the belly without going overboard

This is the second Saturday in Ramadan 2021.

Noon Academy intended to offer a Drive-Thru Iftar last week on the First Saturday of Ramadan 2021,

But as you can read below,

Noon Academy prudently decided to wait until today.

Join us today and tomorrow for our weekend Iftar Drive thru program.

Our drive thru starts at 7 pm and runs to about 8 pm.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in shaa Allah.

Please make sure to spread the word and like and share this video.

Jazakum’Allahu khairan

Also don’t forget to donate to Abu Huraira this Ramadan.

Visit our website,”

Abu Huraira Management

“One year ago,

we invited you to share your thoughts and stories about RAMADAN 2020 and you responded!

We are excited to share this documentary FILMED BY YOU during an unprecedented time in history when mosques around the world were closed for the FIRST time and Muslims everywhere were forced to fast “alone.”

Or were they?


On Saturday, April 24 at 5PM UTC / GMT we will be premiering The Year We Fasted Alone here on our Snow Angel Films YouTube Page!

Please join us for the live screening and be sure to share your thoughts in the chat!”

The Year We Fasted Alone is a documentary filmed by YOU that captures global Muslim voices during the unprecedented Ramadan of 2020.

(length: 44 mins – for full film captions / subtitles please click the CC under the scroll bar or gear icon on mobile phones).

“To everyone who shared their stories, experiences and voices for this project, thank you so much.

Together your submissions weave a universal story of love, loss, grief, struggle, resilience, joy, laughter and hope.

We hope you enjoy the film!

Ramadan Kareem and best wishes to all!”

BACKGROUND about the making of TYWFA:

Last year, in Ramadan 2020, I was feeling the anxiety of our time and felt motivated to put something positive out into the world.

I recalled the film project LIFE in a DAY,

which brilliantly invited people from around the world to submit stories of their lives on a single day.

I immediately thought,

wouldn’t it be wonderful to capture Muslim stories and voices from around the world during this unprecedented moment in history – where,

not only are we living through a pandemic,

but we’re also experiencing Ramadan through it as well.

What does Ramadan look like without mosque and community?

How are individuals, families and communities adapting and how are they feeling?

What issues and experiences can be brought to light through the Ramadan + Pandemic experience?

What do we perhaps take for granted at the best of times?

My hope is that in seeing each other’s stories side by side,

we might find inspiration and feel more connected and less alone.

This project started in a whirlwind after Ramadan 2020 had already begun,

so there was little time to spread the word,

do translations of the “call for submissions” and reach far and wide.

But I thought I’d still give it a go!


I was elated to receive 35 submissions from 12 countries,

which were just enough to craft together a beautiful story to mark this unique time.

This project has been a joy to make.

It’s made me feel less alone and I realize how remarkable it is that one can make a collaborative film with people from all over the world without leaving home.

That is a miracle of our time.

Even when standing still,

we can find ways to act and move forward.

I pray that,

like the people in the film,

we as humanity continue to reflect,

gain perspective,

and inshaAllah (God willing),

find ways to improve life for everyone – people, animals and nature.

Best Always,

Nilufer Rahman”

Canada’s First Masjid, The Al-Rashid Mosque,

Opened on December 12 1938 in Edmonton, Alberta.

On April 16 2021,

The First Friday of Ramadan 2021,

Canada’s oldest Muslim Community experienced this:

A 14 year old Muslim boy in Edmonton named Pazo, who is also black, was beaten.

His school, Rosslyn School, where the attack took place, is across the street from the current location of the Al-Rashid Mosque.

14 year old Pazo’s school,

Rosslyn School,

where the attack took place,

On the First Friday of Ramadan 2021

Is across the street from,

And line of sight of Current location of Edmonton’s

Al-Rashid Mosque . . .

“In this second Jumuah Khutbah of Ramadan 1442/2021 (April 23),

our Imam Dr. Hamid Slimi speaks about how we can learn moderation and balancing from Fasting and Ramadan

and also speaks on the parables of water, earth and vegetation in the Qur’an especially on the occasion of Earth Day.”

“The Edge of Sunset Livestream performance,

airing each Thursday night during the month of Ramadan,

is a chance to celebrate with community stories, incredible music, fun hosting, guest chats, and much more.

Join us for the hour just before Iftar for moments of laughter, reflection, and connection.

This week,

our livestream performance surrounds the theme of

“Memories of Iftar”.

We’re guided by our community stories around Iftar memories that recall a time when we celebrated together:

recollections of family traditions, parents and siblings, celebrating with the wider community, and much more.

This week’s show is hosted live by Sergio Guerra,

who is joined by musicians Brenna MacCrimmon and Maryem Tollar of Turkwaz,

puppeteers Afsaneh Zamani & Annie Katsura Rollins

and the entire MABELLEarts community.

Canada Post has issued an Eid Stamp in time for Eid al Fitr 2021.

The first ever Canada Post Eid Stamp was released in 2017 :

and this Eid Stamp was released last year in 2020 :

I like this year’s the best.

You can order them now from Canada Post.

Canadian Stamp News provides background on 2021’s Eid Stamp Design :

“Lionel Gadoury, Andrew Conlon and Brad Pyne, of Context Creative,

designed this year’s Eid set,

which includes a 10-stamp booklet plus an official first-day cover (OFDC) measuring 190 millimetres by 112 millimetres.

Ottawa’s Lowe-Martin printed 120,000 booklets (1.2 million stamps in total) plus 7,000 OFDCs,

each franked with an Eid stamp and serviced with a Montréal cancel.

The 28-millimetre-by-38-millimetre Permanent stamp features an evening Eid scene,

centring on a crescent moon framed by an arched window.

Nine five-pointed stars also appear in the sky alongside the moon.

“A highly recognizable symbol of Islam,

it also alludes to the fact that both festivals commence with the sighting of a new moon,”

according to a statement from Canada Post about the crescent moon’s meaning.

“Another striking feature of the stamp design is that the view of the night sky is shown through a window,

the shape of which was inspired by arches often used in mosque architecture.

An overlaid pattern of hexagrams creates an intricately latticed screen – or jali – another form of decoration common in Islamic architecture.”

This is the second year of the Pandemic. Masjids are closed. Stay-at-Home orders are in effect.

Congregational prayers may be limited to 10 at most.

Lockdowns with varying rules depending on city and province have created an uneven Ramadan experience for many Canadian Muslims.

With an intention to help re-connect us with Ramadan and fellow Muslims,

This Collection of Photographs is a glimpse of the First 10 Days of Ramadan 2021.

Photos are from the Toronto Metropolitan Area, from around Canada, from around The Muslim World :

30 Masjids BIG photoblogFirst Ten Days of Ramadan 2021 – Canada and Around The Muslim World


InshAllah, we’ll post a collection of photographs from the middle 10 days of Ramadan 2021.

If you wish to submit your Ramadan photos, tweet us @30Masjids or leave a comment on this post.


“Hi Everyone.

so, I’m just here across the street from the lineup for vaccination at the Warden Woods Community Centre

And I just wanted to take a moment to talk to you guys about what took place today….”

This 9th morning of Ramadan 2021,

While eating our Suhoor / Pre-Dawn meal before beginning the day’s Fast,

We listened to Qur’an Recitation by Qari Shaikh Mohamed Abdel Aziz

Livestreamed by the Islamic Institute of Toronto.


IIT then Livestreams a separate Video recording of Adhan Al Fajr,

The Call to Morning Prayer.

The daily Livestream Video of IIT’s Morning Call to Prayer is not exactly timed to the minute when Dawn begins and we are to stop eating Suhoor and begin our Fast.

Somehow I was expecting that.

What I wasn’t expecting was SNOW.

Fajr time and it is Snowing in the Toronto Metropolitan Area.

اللَّهُمَّ اغْسِلْ خَطَايَاىَ بِمَاءِ الثَّلْجِ وَالْبَرَدِ، وَنَقِّ قَلْبِي مِنَ الْخَطَايَا، كَمَا يُنَقَّى الثَّوْبُ الأَبْيَضُ مِنَ الدَّنَسِ، وَبَاعِدْ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ خَطَايَاىَ كَمَا بَاعَدْتَ بَيْنَ الْمَشْرِقِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ

” O Allah !

Wash away my sins with the water of snow and hail,

and cleanse my heart from the sins as a white garment is cleansed of filth,

and let there be a far away distance between me and my sins


You have set far away the East and the West from each other. “

( Bukhārī 6375 )

Muslims of Shelburne Centre is the name of the first Masjid in the town of Shelburne, Ontario,

About an hour’s drive north west of Toronto, located at 506195 Highway 89.

Centre Dufferin District High School has a Muslim Students Association.

CDDHS Muslim Students Association partnered with Islamic Relief Canada to host Shelburne’s first ever Drive-Thru Iftar.

Tables with a number of decorative Ramadan lanterns were well spaced apart in the drive way in front of the masjid.

The Drive-Thru Iftar would be hard to miss,

A sister was holding up sign inviting people,

And the 72 inch tall Inflatable Masjid from New Traditions Store was hard to miss.

Warm Iftar meals were picked up and people made donations earmarked for Yemen.

Brother Nader Khan,

Who we first met on Day 7 of Ramadan 2012

In the original location of Seeker’s Hub Toronto,

And last saw in person on Day 11 of Ramadan 2019

Performing on stage at Rose Theatre during City of Brampton’s First Community Iftar,

Has released this New Single at the beginning of Ramadan 2021,

Usefully & appropriately titled,


Enjoy . . .

This song is about re-connecting with so many of those distinct experiences and aspirations that come about as we observe Ramadan in the Greater Toronto Area,

And really also in large metropolitan cities anywhere in the world.

It’s a cover of an original song that came out last year,

by my dear brother Isam Bachiri in 2020.

I loved the song,

and I loved it even more when he suggested that I pen a cover for Toronto.

As with other releases from our label (First Spring Records),

100% of the profits from this single will be donated to a charitable project as part of our #ShareTheProphet initiative.

For this release,

we’re really excited to be supporting Give 30,

an initiative to fight hunger by supporting food banks in Canada and the United States during Ramadan.

So every song purchase and stream will raise funds for this blessed project.

Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers.

I pray that you enjoy this song even more than we enjoyed crafting it.

Please do share it with others. ”

Nader Khan


“Thank you to all of the City staff for organizing and dedicating time and resources towards this beautiful virtual event.

Much appreciation to Mayor Brown and Members of Council for including Ramadan as a corporate event celebrating the diversity of the City.

Gratitude to those who participated in this program making it inspiring and spiritual.

Thanks to viewers for watching and being a part of this virtual celebration with us.”

Urz Heer