Guest Blogging

30 Masjids welcomes Guest Bloggers and your stories, photos, podcasts, videos.

  • Your Ramadan story can be any length.
  • If possible, Please include at least one photo.
  • If your Ramadan story is a video, upload to Vimeo or YouTube or Twitter or Instagram and we’ll embed from there.
  • Posts can be about anything related to your experience this Ramadan.

Many thanks to Jasmine Amoh (@amajas) who became first-ever Guest Blogger with her Ramadan 2011 stories:

Our third-ever guest blog post in 2011 was a surprise. It was from Columbus, Ohio !!

In  Ramadan 2012, 30Masjids saw even more Guest Bloggers:


Ramadan 2013, entries from around Ontario

Ramadan 2015

Ramadan 2016

Ramadan 2017

Ramadan 2019

December 2019

Ramadan 2020

Ramadan 2020 : I began experimenting with posting Twitter Threads  as  Guest Blog Posts . . .


Ramadan 2021


Ramadan 2022

Ramadan 2023

Shawwal 2023

Ramadan 2024

Why not see your Ramadan 2025, Fasting, Eid, or Masjid story here ?

  • YOUR story here, InshAllah !



Leave a message below


email your story with a photo or two, or a video (!) to:

HiMY @ HiMY [DOT] ca


Send Mastodon Posts / Toot Thread to :


Send  Tweets / Twitter Thread  to  :  @30Masjids



Comments on: "Guest Blogging" (5)

  1. This is a briliant idea by HiMy to enable us to report our Ramadan experience at one platform. Ramadan in Toronto has been quite different as in Mumbai. In Mumbai there are lot many people and food is available on the streets whereas in Toronto its more disciplined and despite the fact that the fast duration(summer) is 1.5times than in Mumbai, it feels easier to keep roza here due to the fantastic facilities this city has to offer.

  2. Assalamu ‘alaikum.

    I tried to e-mail you the Ramadan in Kingston blog but it bounced back. Perhaps you can e-mail me and I’ll reply to that, Insha Allah.


  3. I met Himy last year at the Jane’s Walk picnic for volunteers and learned many things during our interesting conversation. When he asked me to share about my experience of fasting, I hesitated because I am not nearly as observant as him or other guests on this site. He wanted me to say something anyway and now that I have stumbled upon this website again, I feel compelled to share my experience.

    For me, fasting is a way to reduce some of the “noise” of the physical world and try to tune into the spiritual realm. There is something about not being able to run to the fridge for comfort food and having only God to run towards. That, and the way that Iftar time brings busy family members together at the table, makes fasting a special gift from God.

  4. Omair Imtiaz said:

    Such a pleasure to have our well travelled Br. Himy join us at Masjid Dar As Salam here in Canada’s smallest province. On the 8th day of Ramadan SubhaAllah we were blessed with lights, thunder and heavy rain from the sky after we shared futoor amongst island students and residents. Our best wishes on accomplishing this amazing endeavor. We sure hope to welcome you in our community again. As Salam 3laykum wa Rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu and Ramadan Mubarak!

  5. This is a great initiative i accidently found this site looking for some options for annual Taste of Ramadan this year.

    We will be at Churchill Square this year on June 14th. i hope to see you there in honor of Canada 150 we will be expanding our efforts out more this year.


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