The previous Saturday on Day 2, Tevfik Baba invited me for Jumah Prayers.

Alhumdulillah, I biked from Downtown Toronto and arrived in time at the Sufi Centre to take some photographs that weren’t possible earlier.

We read Jumah Friday Prayers, then hung around for a while.

By the end of my Jumah in the Sufi Centre there was possiblity of three–not just one–blog posts.

This first post will only be a few photographs and something of the Khutbah.

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Day 7 was the first day of 30 Masjids Ramadan 2012 that I left the area code.

It was also the first time this year I didn’t break fast inside a Masjid.

Uh Oh. 30 Masjids 2012 technically just became. . .  31 Masjids.

SeekersHub Toronto isn’t a Masjid. It’s an Islamic Learning Centre.

SeekersHub Toronto isn’t in Toronto. It’s in Mississauga . . .

Unit 10, 2355 Royal Windsor Drive, Clarkson.

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Masjidur Rahmah.

328 Parliament Street, a few doors and one laneway north of Dundas Street East in Regent Park.

This is where I tried to break fast on Day 1, yet it took until tonight to do so…

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Day 7 – SeekersHub Toronto


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It’s Tuesday. Day 5.

I’ve ended up breaking fast in one masjid and praying Isha plus Taraweeh in another.

My intention was to break fast and stay for the full Taraweeh prayers in one of the Regent Park Masjids which didn’t work out back on Day 1.

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After an hour of unrushed cycling, I am in front of Masjid Al-Qalam, Al-Qalam Islamic Community Center in North York.

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Masjid Al Jannah, The Sri Lanka Islamic Foundation of Ontario (@SLIFO_CA).

They are located at 2201 Ellesmere Road, immediately east of Markham Road in Scarborough.

This masjid was on my list to visit as I had heard about it but had yet to visit it.

All it took were a few tweets back and forth with Hifaz Mahusoon (@hifaz_m) and this became the first Scarborough stop for 30 Masjids this year.

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Cycling along Queen Street West.

A number of stop lights ago, I passed Hamza Masjid in Parkdale. Hamza is where I broke fast last year on Day 2 in Ramadan 2011.

Reaching Roncesvalles Avenue, which many consider the border between Parkdale and High Park neighbourhoods, the light is red. It’s the first one encountered on this bike ride. Standing at the corner, a Buddhist Monk also waits for the light to change.

Many Tibetans make Parkdale their home. It’s not unusual to see them. Nevertheless, sighting a Buddhist Monk is taken as a good omen of tonight’s intention is to break fast with The Sufis…. Read the rest of this entry »

A Muslim nerd is excited for the new Dark Knight movie–but it releases on the first night of Ramadan.

a 30 Days Ramadan production

featuring Aman Ali (& his mom)
directed by Musa Syeed
shot by Omar Mullick

This video is a Co‐Production of 30 Mosques, LLC and Independent Television Service, Inc. (ITVS), with funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Day 2 Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre

It is very late. Asr time is quickly evaporating. I will not be able to make Iftar at the original Masjid I planned upon.

I bike over to Omar Bin Khattab Masjid. Pray Asr.

Volunteers are active in beginning preparations for the first of Ramadan. One can feel the frenetic energy within the primary prayer hall. Part of me wants to park my butt here and stay until sunset.

Yet I already blogged about this Masjid last year I keep thinking.

With so many masjids in Toronto, not breaking fast in an unblogged masjid is a lost opportunity.

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Brother Tantawy updates the congregation of Ramadan programs in Masjid Toronto before the Imam arrives to deliver the First of the Three scheduled Friday Sermons, July 20 2012

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First Taraweeh

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