Posts Tagged ‘Taraweeh’

Night 27 – Ottawa Islamic Centre – Assalam Mosque | 2335 St Laurent Blvd

Day 22 – Isha – Taraweeh – Tahajjud – Fajr – The Mosque of Aylmer | 21 Park Street, Aylmer, Quebec

Day 18 – Fajr – Islamic Association of Sault Ste Marie | 677 MacDonald Avenue, Suite 229, Sault Ste Marie

Day 7 – Taraweeh – Witr – Masjid within Rose City Islamic Centre | 5420 Empress Street, Windsor

Night 1 – Masjid Toronto at Adelaide

VIDEO: Day 7 – SeekersHub Toronto

Night 1 – Masjid Toronto

Day 7 – Talim-ul-Islam | By Jasmine Amoh