Shaikh Abdool Hamid delivers Islamic Reminders on Mondays and Wednesdays in Masjid Toronto after the Dhuhr/Mid-Day Prayer.

Today’s Reminder was about the Purpose and Nature of Taqwa — The Consciousness of God-Alone — during the Month of The Qur’an, Ramadan.

001 - Ummah Nabawiah Masjid - Sunday June 21 2015

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000 - IIT - Islamic Institute of Toronto - Ramdan Lecture & Iftar Program - Saturday June 20 2015

Islamic Institute of Toronto – The “Double Eye Tee” is where the sidewalk ends

…in Scarborough, at 1630 Nielson Road.

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Quraan and Hadeeth Society Canada - June 19 2015

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Noor Cultural Centre - Electronic Sign - 123 Wynford Drive, Don Mills - Friday Jumah June 19 2015

The first Jumah of Ramadan is often packed with people no matter where you go to pray on this First Friday of the Holy Month.

A fresh enthusiasm among some who may usually skip Friday Prayers during the rest of the year finds them in prayer halls once again.

Partly to skip the crowds at my usual downtown Toronto Friday Prayer locations but mostly because it’s walking distance from my current home, I opted to attend Jumah in the Noor Cultural Centre in Don Mills.

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Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre - 270 Birmingham Street, Etobicoke - June 18 2015

On this first night of Ramadan 2015, I had broken Fast and prayed Salat al Maghrib inside the Bosnian Islamic Centre.

BIC had Iftar Plates but not Iftar Dinner Plates. For that, I made the short walk down Birmingham Street from BIC at No. 75 to the Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre at No. 270.

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Bosnian Islamic Centre - June 18 2015

Where to Break Fast on this first full day of Fasting?

The Bosnian Islamic Centre in South Etobicoke is where I ended up…

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reflections on islam radio program

Sitting here inside the Bosnian Islamic Centre and just noticed a spike in hits to this website looking for the Reflections on Islam Ramadan Radio Program.

Reflections on Islam Special Daily Radio Program hosted by Ezzedin E. Gad starts 30 minutes before Maghrib Sunset according to Toronto Local Time.

Here is the livestream weblink :

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Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International - Adhan al Maghrib Sunset Call to Prayer - Wednesday June 17 2015

Tonight, 30Masjids returns to its roots and begins this year’s Ramadan Journey where it first began in 2011: The Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International.

I arrived just as Adhan al Maghrib / Call to Sunset Prayer was about to be made.
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30Masjids begins blogging about the Ramadan Experience in and around the Greater Toronto Area for a fifth year.

Our first stop? Masjid Toronto
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“A woman says Asr prayer between parked cars on Toronto's Richmond Street while her male companions pay for parking at the meter or just wait.”

Mark Towhey

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Asalamu Alaykum Br. Himy:

We met in Masjid Toronto. And you said something that really stuck with me.

I was speaking about efforts in our community and used words like “someone” and “we.”

But then you said boldly, “Why don’t you do it?”

And I think that’s the mentality we/I need to have going forward.

Please post this link.

— Brother Baasel | Teach Deen

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