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Naeem Siddiqi

By Naeem Siddiqi (@NaeemSiddiqi)

Himy Syed’s bike got stolen on Wednesday morning August 1. That sort of minor theft usually doesn’t get reported in papers, but this one made it. Himy Syed has a special bike. Not that its magic or has cool gear – Himy’s bike was being used to visit 30 mosques in the GTA in the 30 days of Ramadan.

What happened next is exactly the sort of thing that makes you proud to live in Canada.

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It is 3:17 a.m. early Friday Morning, August 10 2012.

It is wholly appropriate I am typing this note of thanks sitting inside a Masjid a few blocks north of Canadian Tire’s Distribution Centre on Steeles Avenue in Brampton.

I biked to Brampton, Ontario from Parkdale in Downtown Toronto yesterday, on the new bike provided by Canadian Tire after the original 30 Masjids Bike was stolen.

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Day 17 – Humbled

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After the earlier CBC Radio One report and online news item, I received numerous emails with offers to help get me a set of wheels to continue 30 Masjids.

I did not know how to react.

Being without the bike had me walking Wednesday evening and using Public Transit to reach Thursday’s destination.

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Day 15 – Bicycle

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On Thursday August 2, Day 14 of 30 Masjids, CBC Reporter Priya Sankaran (@CBCPriya) joined me as I was en route to the FCP Musallah for Dhuhr Prayers.

This prayer space I had only ever heard about. It could be a pretty good subject for a brief item about 30 Masjids for CBC Radio One.

However that’s not the story that ended up airing every half hour Friday morning on CBC Metro Morning.

This was . . .


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The Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International has appeared on 30 Masjids twice last year on Day 0 & Day 14.

For the middle Jumah in Ramadan 2012, my brother Amir and I decided to meet there and pray the Friday Prayer together.

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This flyer was tacked onto the bulletin board in Jame Abu Bakr Siddique.

QUBA Islamic Centre at 789 Warden Avenue in Scarborough is a masjid I hadn’t heard of before.

A perfect candidate for a 30 Masjids visit.

And Day 14 was a perfect day for it…

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An underground prayer space in the heart of Toronto’s Financial District?

Below First Canadian Place? Underground? Myth? Urban Legend? Did it even exist?

Over many years, I’ve heard about it, but only second hand.

I had always wanted to go see for myself, but until today, just never firmly resolved to do so.

Priya Sankaran from CBC Metro Morning wanted to come along. She hoped to record a story about 30 Masjids for Friday’s show.

She ended up with a different story than this one about my intention to pray Dhuhr Salat, afternoon prayers, in the FCP Musallah. But that’s for another blog post to come later.

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Please Take off Your Shoes Before Entering the Masjed Door

A polite request taped to the door of Regent Park’s Umm Al Masjid.

Translated as Mother Masjid, it is a title sometimes given to the first masjid in a city. From that one masjid, all others spring forth.

In Regent Park, this title can only rightfully belong to the Regent Park Khadem Committee Centre in the basement of 260 Sumach Street.

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Jame Abu Bakr Siddique is also the Scarborough Muslim Association.

It is one of my most favourite Masjids anywhere in the Greater Toronto Area.

Located at 2665 Lawrence Avenue East, SMA is just east of Midland Avenue in Central Scarborough.

Last year as now, I performed Itikaaf for the better part of a day here.

There are so many positive aspects to this community and masjid that this is where I fell behind last year, trying to document that all. I am now behind again in posting.

So, please forgive me for this very, very short post about a very, very big community and very big Masjid.

InshAllah, I will return before Ramadan ends to Jame Abu Bakr Siddique, and share the best of what I have learned here.

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The world-wide Sikh Community experienced a tragedy on Sunday.

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Updated the 30 Masjids route map:

Wednesday August 8 2012 – Day 20 – Dixie Gurdwara Sikh TempleOntario Khalsa Darbar | 7080 Dixie Road, Mississauga

Wednesday, in Solidarity I’ll break fast in the Dixie Gurdwara.




After praying Fajr in Masjid Zakariya, I biked down Sheppard Avenue and headed west along Kingston Road.

The sun had yet to rise as I arrived at number 4640.

I hadn’t passed by nor visited Masjid Omar Farooq since last year’s 30 Masjids tour.

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WHAT IF… There was a masjid inside or on the edge of Canada’s Newest National Urban Park?

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Sabah al Khair, Good Morning !

Sitting in an over air-conditioned Tim Horton’s on Geneva Street in St Catharines Ontario at 2 a.m.

Last night, just down the street at 117 Geneva, enjoyed the hospitality of the St Catharines Muslim Community, and am grateful to everyone for making me feel welcome. A special thanks to the brothers who have already been following 30Masjids and recognized me immediately.

A full long read story about Day 16 is forthcoming, InshAllah.

For now, here are the few tweets and twitpics…

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