Archive for the ‘People’ Category

30 MORE | VIDEO – “I rose in Parliament today to recognize the excellent work done by Muslim Canadian groups during Ramadan & Eid in the midst of a pandemic. Thank you for making our country better for all” – Omar Alghabra – Ottawa, Canada

30 MORE | VIDEO – “Kids celebrate Eid in their own creative way amid covid19” – OMNI News – Focus Punjabi

30 MORE | Day 31 – Twitter Moment : Muslims, Eid, & Trinity-Bellwoods Park . . .

Day 30 – Remembering Steve Rockwell – Sheikh Deedat Centre – Downtown Mosque – Toronto

30 MORE | Day 30 – VIDEO – “This isn’t right. Respect and compassion is a 2 way street.” – Dr. Abdu Sharkawy – Toronto

30 MORE | Twitter Thread : “A system of legal pluralism means multiple properly reasoned opinions with different outcomes can each be equally valid. Islamic law is amazing that way. Unity is not uniformity.” — By Namira Islam Anani

30 MORE | Day 28 – “Abdul Ghani Basith and Nathika Rahumathulla on working on the frontlines while fasting for Ramadan” – CBC Here and Now – Toronto

30 MORE | Twitter Thread : “Ertugrul is the only TV show which demonstrates how we can actually live based on Islamic principles.” — By Mustafa Mir

30 MORE | Day 27 – Guest Blog Post : “Best Ramadan yet…pandemic and all” — By Shehna Javeed M. Ed.

30 MORE | Day 26 – VIDEO – “Trump, Obama, Biden, Bernie & Trudeau Attend an Iftar” – Feraz Shere – Winnipeg, Manitoba

30 MORE | Twitter Thread : “Eid tips for extroverts who may be struggling this year.” — By Shagufta Pasta

30 MORE | Twitter Thread : “When a male recites the Qur’an everyone praises it and has something positive to say, but when a female recites, they remain quiet. There is silence.” — By Madinah Javed – #FemaleReciters Campaign

30 MORE | Twitter Thread : “The Muslim soundtrack is a male one. It has been for as long as I have a memory and for as vastly as I have travelled this world (and that is vast).” — Fazeela Selberg Zaib – #FemaleReciters

30 MORE | VIDEO – Islamophobic backlash to Call-to-Prayer – Faisal Kutty & Mustafa Amin Farooq – Scope with Waqar Rizvi – Indus News