Author Archive

Night 23 – Laylatul Qadr – VIDEO – “Was finally able to hear the evening call to prayer in Halifax. A beautiful gesture of solidarity during Ramadan.” – UMCC – Ummah Masjid and Community Centre – 2510 St Mathias Street

Day 22 – VIDEO – Community Drive-Thru Iftar – Masjid Khalid Bin Al Walid (Khalid Mosque) – 16 Bethridge Road – Etobicoke

30 MORE | Twitter Thread : “The Muslim soundtrack is a male one. It has been for as long as I have a memory and for as vastly as I have travelled this world (and that is vast).” — Fazeela Selberg Zaib – #FemaleReciters

30 MORE | VIDEO – Islamophobic backlash to Call-to-Prayer – Faisal Kutty & Mustafa Amin Farooq – Scope with Waqar Rizvi – Indus News

30 MORE | Day 22 – “A simple Eid Prayer Guide With the expected continued Lockdown due to COVID-19, Eid will be different this year.” – IIT – Islamic Institute of Toronto

Day 22 – VIDEO – JUMAH – Fourth Friday – “Jummah Salah at Kowloon Masjid🕌, Hong Kong with Physical Distancing & Hygiene Safety” – MCHK – Muslim Council of Hong Kong

Night 22 – VIDEO – Adhan Al Maghrib – Call to The Prayer After Sunset – Masjid Toronto – Muslim Association of Canada – 168 Dundas Street West

30 MORE | Surrey Jamea Masjid at 72nd Avenue & 124th Street FINALLY gets permission for Adhan Al Maghrib but only for five nights starting May 18 2020

30 MORE | VIDEO – World Iftar Day ( #WorldIftarDay ) 2020 – Submission Deadline is Saturday May 16 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time

30 MORE | Day 21 – “In places of worship, we are allowing 1/3 typical worship attendance or 50 people, whichever is smaller.” – Dr. Deena Hinshaw – Chief Medical Officer of Health – Alberta

Day 21 – Partial Reopening Announcement – MAC Centre Vancouver – Muslim Association of Canada – 2122 Kingsway

30 MORE | “My bro Eesa Al-Ghaanee died last night in his sleep (21st night). This is him talking about the Angel of Death “Khalas at that point it’s too late” 💔” – London – United Kingdom

Night 21 – Laylatul Qadr – VIDEO – First Ever Public Adhan Al Maghrib – Call to The Prayer After Sunset – Masjid al-Salaam and Education Centre – 5060 Canada Way – Burnaby, British Columbia

Day 20 – “I’tekaf in the Masjid during COVID-19 restrictions 2 fulfill the communal obligation on behalf of everyone.” – Islamic Society of Cumberland – 4509 Innes Road – Orleans – Ottawa

30 MORE | “Fatwā regarding Ṣalāt al-Eid in light of COVID-19 Lockdown” – FCNA – Fiqh Council of North America