Author Archive

30 MORE | Day 15 – VIDEO – “Here is my experience with hearing Adhan out loud from the speakers of Minaret of Windsor Mosque” – Malik Bhai

30 MORE | Day 14 – “I received a number of calls about the daily call to prayer that the City of Windsor has allowed the Windsor Mosque to broadcast for the duration of Ramadan. My response.” – Mayor Drew Dilkens – City of Windsor

Day 14 – VIDEO – Drive-Thru Iftar – Canada Pakistan Trade & Cultural Association of Manitoba – Winnipeg Grand Mosque – Manitoba Islamic Association – 2445 Waverley Street

30 MORE | Day 14 – “Spoke with President of Windsor Islamic Association about the Call to Prayer in South Windsor.” – Dan MacDonald Show – AM800 CKLW

Night 15 – “Physical Distancing being implemented at Masjid Bilal during Taraweeh prayers” – Islamic Society of Cumberland – 4509 Innes Road – Orleans – Ottawa

30 MORE | Night 14 – “This is the last I’ll be commenting on the matter. Proud we did the right thing.” – Mayor Bonnie Crombie – City of Mississauga

Day 13 – VIDEO – First Ever Public Adhan Al Maghrib at The Oldest Masjid in Toronto – Call to The Prayer After Sunset – Jami Mosque – Islamic Centre of Toronto – 56 Boustead Avenue

30 MORE | Day 13 – VIDEO – “Letter read out at Council from ICP Interfaith Council of Peel to Mississauga City Council in Support of the Call to Prayer issue”

Night 13 – LIVESTREAM – First Ever Public Adhan Al Maghrib – Call to The Prayer after Sunset – Windsor Islamic Association – WIA – 1320 Northwood Street

Night 13 – VIDEO – First Ever Public Adhan Al Maghrib – Call to The Prayer after Sunset – Imambargha Dar e Batool – 3244 Walker Road – Windsor

Day 12 – Drive-By Ziyarat – TARIC Islamic Centre – Toronto And Region Islamic Congregation – 99 Beverly Hills Drive

Day 12 – VIDEO – Drive-Thru Iftar – Jame Abu Bakr Siddique Masjid – SMA – Scarborough Muslim Association – 2665 Lawrence Ave East – Toronto

Day 12 – Drive-By Ziyarat – Islamic Foundation of Toronto – ( Nugget Mosque ) – 441 Nugget Avenue – Scarborough

Day 12 – VIDEO – First Ever Adhan / Call to Prayer Outside – Dar Al Sunnah – Dickerson Mall – 9228-144 Ave NW – Edmonton

Night 12 – ZOOM – Jerrahi Sufi Canada – Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre – 270 Birmingham Street – Etobicoke