First #30masjids interview of #Ramadan2013! Thanks to Karin @CBCHereandNow Producer & Host Mary Ito!
— HiMY SYeD (@30masjids) July 8, 2013
Just heard @HiMYSYeD talking about @30masjids . Good job brother!
— Frank Saptel (@calix) July 8, 2013
RT @calix Just heard @HiMYSYeD [on @CBCHereandNow] talking about @30masjids . Good job brother! // Thanks Frank!
— HiMY SYeD (@30masjids) July 8, 2013
[…] HiMY SYeD in CBC Radio One Studio with CBC Here and Now host Mary Ito being interviewed about 30 Masjids Ontario, on the evening before the first of Ramadan begins.Monday July 8 2013. (Photo Credit: Mark Wise, CBC Toronto ) […]