30 MORE | The History of Muslims in Toronto – A Special December Jane’s Walk

Great turnout for today's #janeswalk with HiMY Syed. Taking about morning prayers in schools.

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A neighbour welcomes us and acknowledges that we are walking on the land of the Mississaugas of New Credit. #janeswalk

A photo posted by Denise Pinto (@denisecpinto) on

Samridhi Kundra, Jane’s Walk School Edition Coordinator, can be seen on the far left in the instagram above holding up the Poster/Sign for this Jane’s Walk.

She did so for almost the entire distance.

She did it just in case any passers-by were curious and may wish to join this already-in-progress-Jane’s-Walk!

Umm… Thanks Samridhi… and…. um… well… WOW!

The crowd meets the family of the mosque founders. #janeswalk

A photo posted by Denise Pinto (@denisecpinto) on

“…It wasn’t just the Albanian community that used the mosque. Every ethnicity and nationality shared the space. So in 1954, it was changed from the ‘Albanian Muslim Society’ to just the ‘Muslim Society’.” — Eileen Alije Kerim

LEFT TO RIGHT: Denise Pinto (Global Director Jane's Walk), HiMY SYeD (Walk Leader), Eileen Alije Kerim, Mary
LEFT TO RIGHT: Denise Pinto (Global Director Jane’s Walk), HiMY SYeD (Walk Leader), Eileen Alije Kerim, Mary. (PHOTO CREDIT: Herman Custodio)

Mary’s Parents helped establish The Al Rashid Mosque, Canada’s First Masjid in Edmonton, Alberta.

Eileen Alije Kerim, her father, SAMI KERIM, along with her two uncles REGEP EFFENDI ASSIM and NEIM SALI were the Founders of the MUSLIM SOCIETY OF TORONTO.

Jane’s Walkers got to meet and learn directly from these two family members.

We were fortunate and are incredibly grateful to have Eileen and Mary speak during our Special December Jane’s Walk.

To Eileen & Mary… THANK YOU So Much!

#janeswalkto in the Junction on a beautiful December day

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#janeswalkto on Muslim history in Toronto

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Inside the Jami Mosque #janeswalkto

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“Dear Himy

Sorry I couldn’t say bye to you.

You made me feel proud today. I couldn’t sense how time passed with your engaging and passionate talks.

I’ll browse your blog and try to keep in touch.

Keep up the graceful work.

Thank you and Jane’s walk team for allowing me to get a sense of our history in Toronto.”

Reza Rabbani

And this from Denise Pinto, Global Director Jane’s Walk:

HiMY, the walk this weekend was just something else.

Filled with personal stories from you, and anecdotes from the crowd, I just went ‘this is why this project exists’.

So many, many courageous and wonderful moments.

And opportunities to ask questions without fear– “what is halal, why do you face mecca, why are women seated in the back of the room.” What a moment for Canadian history.

… I just wanted to send my deepest gratitude your way that you continue to be a beacon for Jane’s Walk– so passionate, such a believer in bringing people face to face, and funny to boot!

Thank you, this walk made my holiday season.

Please extend my thanks to all the community voices along the way as well.

Denise Pinto

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