Delightful Janes Walk today, so ably let by Himy Syed, with passion and humour on such a serious subject. @30masjids. Credit to @JanesWalkTO
— I Spy Toronto (@ISpyToronto) December 20, 2015
Learning the History of Muslims in Toronto #janeswalk
— Herman Custodio (@hermancustodio) December 20, 2015
Mtg @ Runnymede Stn. Learning about the history of the Muslim community. Lead by HiMY SYed #Janeswalk
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Apri la boca, open your mouth, eti meto uno biscoto – Italian for open your mouth eat a cookie. A great ice breaker at the start of our walk
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Lots of participants on the #Janeswalk this morning. #php
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Global leader of Janes Walk, Denise Pinto Janes Walk 10th year anniversary coming up in May. #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto. #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Oldest Muslim TO congregation 1st significant #'s of Muslim community. Lowrise that "fits" in 'hood #Janeswalk # PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Samridhi Kundra, Jane’s Walk School Edition Coordinator, can be seen on the far left in the instagram above holding up the Poster/Sign for this Jane’s Walk.
She did so for almost the entire distance.
She did it just in case any passers-by were curious and may wish to join this already-in-progress-Jane’s-Walk!
Umm… Thanks Samridhi… and…. um… well… WOW!
#janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
1st TO Muslim heritage plaque Decades ago large Albanian Muslim community in 'hood Late Ramadan prayers #Janeswalk
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
#Janeswalk on the History of Muslims in Toronto
— Herman Custodio (@hermancustodio) December 20, 2015
Eileen and Mary – Niece of Mr. Assam Albanian Muslim Society of TO. #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Eileen niece Mr. Assam. Small Albanian Muslim's TO. Needed Mosque. Mary's father 1st Mosque in Can #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Albanian only Mosque for the longest time. '54 changed name to Muslim Society #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
“…It wasn’t just the Albanian community that used the mosque. Every ethnicity and nationality shared the space. So in 1954, it was changed from the ‘Albanian Muslim Society’ to just the ‘Muslim Society’.” — Eileen Alije Kerim
Moved to new Mosque Early Mosques very Can. but retain faith. Then different cultural groups formed. #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Can. has a VERY DIVERSE Muslim community! #Janeswalk #PHP Malcolm X spoke @ building next door Expected death soon
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Sharing memories of Malcolm X speaking. Very dynamic speaker #Janeswalk #PHP That time very difficult for Black Muslims #Blacklivesmatter
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Woman huge part of Mosque fundraising, on board, taught Sunday school Could do prayers @ #PHP Mosque not Heart House had kitchen #Janeswalk
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Roles of women dictated by culture not religion. #Janeswalk #PHP Hart House had kitchen for fundraisers for new Mosque.
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Many different communities helped with the first Mosque in Edmonton, the Jewish community, Greek community and many more 🙂 #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015

Mary’s Parents helped establish The Al Rashid Mosque, Canada’s First Masjid in Edmonton, Alberta.
Eileen Alije Kerim, her father, SAMI KERIM, along with her two uncles REGEP EFFENDI ASSIM and NEIM SALI were the Founders of the MUSLIM SOCIETY OF TORONTO.
Jane’s Walkers got to meet and learn directly from these two family members.
We were fortunate and are incredibly grateful to have Eileen and Mary speak during our Special December Jane’s Walk.
To Eileen & Mary… THANK YOU So Much!
Site of old Dundas St. Mosque. #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Grew up in 'hood now owns Restaurant. Old Dundas St. Mosque. #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Pointing out the Junction BIA plaque. Lots of info. #Janeswalk #PHP Also thus 'hood has 1st Synagogue.
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
BIA concept and accountability of voluntary funds for neighbourhood business improvement started in T0 #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Prohibition times in the 'hood. #janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Conversation from leader about evolution terms Muslim and Mosque Peacemaker and one who bows. Gonna look into this more. #janeswalk # PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
This was a halal butcher and an international market at one time. #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
The VERY FIRST ALI BABA'S in TO! #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Oldest Mosque in Toronto #janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
I maybe incorrect, maybe not city's oldest Mosque but mother Mosque – #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Jami Mosque city's oldest. Letter to assist Syrians #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
@Mahdi_C Like yourself, a number of other people have asked for a repeat of this Jane's Walk as well…. Let's see how tomorrow goes first.
— HïMY SYeD (@30masjids) December 19, 2015
Ha! 3 fellow Jane walkers @ Ali Baba's! #Janeswalk #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
Happy sore feet A WONDERFUL #Janeswalk Informative & in my 'hood! Will clarify Mosque info. soon @ end hungry & not think'in clearly #PHP
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 20, 2015
@30masjids it was my pleasure! A wonderful & information packed walk. You were fantastic! Thank you so much for leading. #Janeswalk #phpndp
— HeatherShand (@Heather_Shand) December 23, 2015
@30masjids Wouldn't have missed it! Amazing learnings and met some fantastic people. What a turnout! Thank you for leading, HiMY.
— Steve Purificati (@stevepurf) December 23, 2015
@30masjids @HiMYSYeD @janeswalk @JanesWalkTO @junctionTO @junction_bia Congrats on an amazing walk!
— Shazia (@cybershaz) December 23, 2015
“Dear Himy
Sorry I couldn’t say bye to you.
You made me feel proud today. I couldn’t sense how time passed with your engaging and passionate talks.
I’ll browse your blog and try to keep in touch.
Keep up the graceful work.
Thank you and Jane’s walk team for allowing me to get a sense of our history in Toronto.”
Reza Rabbani
Jami Mosque, in Junction, was a stop on yesterday's Janes Walk, History of Muslims in Toronto.
— I Spy Toronto (@ISpyToronto) December 21, 2015
And this from Denise Pinto, Global Director Jane’s Walk:
HiMY, the walk this weekend was just something else.
Filled with personal stories from you, and anecdotes from the crowd, I just went ‘this is why this project exists’.
So many, many courageous and wonderful moments.
And opportunities to ask questions without fear– “what is halal, why do you face mecca, why are women seated in the back of the room.” What a moment for Canadian history.
… I just wanted to send my deepest gratitude your way that you continue to be a beacon for Jane’s Walk– so passionate, such a believer in bringing people face to face, and funny to boot!
Thank you, this walk made my holiday season.
Please extend my thanks to all the community voices along the way as well.
Denise Pinto
@denisepinto It was worth the Drive from Brampton to be part of this walk today.
— Herman Custodio (@hermancustodio) December 20, 2015
@ISpyToronto @JanesWalkTO @30masjids Blast, would definitely have gone had I known Himy was leading it (& knew about it in the first place).
— Jim Cappio (@jamescappio) December 21, 2015