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Day 3 – LIVESTREAM – Edge of Sunset – Iftar Nights 2021 – MABELLEarts – Etobicoke
30 MORE | "No Eid Prayers in the Park Planned" — Says Muslim Council of Peel — Friday April 30 2021
30 MORE | Day 30 – Twitter Thread : “MOON SIZE AND APPEARANCE TONIGHT 30TH RAMADAN - Usually on the 30th the crescent should be easily visible and should appear big. Moonset is mostly more than an hour after sunset if the conjunction occurred before sunset the previous day” — By Simwal...
CANADA | Day 6 - Canada's First Eco-Masjid - Canada's Greenest Masjid - Centre for Islamic Development - Halifax, Nova Scotia
Day 5 - VIDEO - What is the Purpose & Nature of Taqwa? - Shaikh Abdool Hamid