Walking Toronto through its Muslim history
A Sunday Jane’s Walk will take participants through the west end, touring the site of city’s first mosque and other Islamic touchstones.
I will be leading a Jane’s Walk on Sunday May 7 2023 :
“The History of Canadian Muslims in Toronto Jane’s Walk 2023”
Here’s a link to give you an idea of what to expect.
( Will update this blog post later today, InshAllah, with complete details. )
TIME: Sunday May 7 2023 – 4:00 p.m.
MEETING POINT: Annette Street at Runnymede Avenue, Sidewalk on South West Corner of intersection.
WALK LEADER: Holding Orange “Walk With Us” Jane’s Walk sign; wearing a Green Square🟩
NEAREST PUBLIC TRANSIT: Runnymede Bus stop at Annette Street
WALK END LOCATION: Jami Mosque, 56 Boustead Avenue