30 More | Jumah in Medellín, Colombia

AsalamAlayKum from Medellín, Colombia!

I came here ahead of the Seventh World Urban Forum happening April 5-11, 2014.

In 2010, I attended the Fifth World Urban Forum held in Rio De Janerio, Brazil.

Both of the Muslim Communities I found in Rio De Janeiro and Medellín share some similarities:

  • Both have about 100 Muslim families in total in a city of millions
  • Both cities only have the single Masjid.
  • Each city’s masjid are open for only part of the day, usually Maghrib and Isha prayers

InshAllah, a much longer story will be posted about this fascinating city and its Muslim story to date, including an interview with the founder of the First Masjid in Medellín, Colombia, Brother Abdul Haq!

For now, here are videos from Jumah in Medellín:

Because the brother who normally delivers the Jumah Qhutbah / Friday Sermon didn’t arrive for whatever reason, brother Azar who gave the Adhan / Call to Prayer asked young Brother Muhammad to deliver the Qhutbah:

Brother Muhammad, is in his early twenties. He is a Colombian who embraced Islam about a year ago. He had never before delivered the Friday Prayer Sermon. Since he didn’t know he would be doing that today, he read from some pages in Spanish about the the basics of Islam.

Alhumdulillah, as you can see and hear, our young Colombian Muslim Brother did just fine.

UPDATE: Here are photos from Before, During and after Salat al Jumah, Friday Prayers in Medellín…

Azar making Adhan Al Jumah Friday Call to Prayer inside Masjid Medellin Colombia 2014-03-21-50006
Brother Azar making the Friday Call to Prayer inside Medellín’s only masjid.
Reading Qur'an in Masjid in Medellin Colombia before Salat al Jumah Friday Prayer 2014-03-21-50013
Young brother reading the Qur’an before Salat al Jumah, Friday Prayers inside Masjid in Medellín, Colombia.
Mariana is writing her Senior Thesis on the Muslims of Medellin, she is here taking photographs before Jumah 2014-03-21-50008
Mariana is writing her Senior Thesis on the Muslims of Medellín. Seen here, she is taking photographs before Jumah as part of her research.
Shoe Shelves inside Masjid Medellin Colombia before Friday Jumah Prayer 20140-3-21-50011
Remarkably, the Muslims of Medellín do make good use of the shoe shelf. Unlike numerous communities mentioned elsewhere on the 30Masjids blog who make a mess leaving shoes all over the floor by the entrance, Muslims here in Medellín keep the shoes tidy.
Worshippers begin arriving and filling up Masjid in Medellin Colombia before Salat al Jumah Friday Prayer 2014-03-21-50014
Worshipers begin arriving and filling up the Masjid in Medellín before Salat al Jumah, The Friday Prayer.
Worshippers filling up Masjid in Medellin Colombia for Salat al Jumah Friday Prayer 2014-03-21
Worshipers filling up the Masjid in Medellín before Salat al Jumah.
Adhan al Jumah Iqama Call to Stand in Line for Friday Prayer Salat al Jumah in Masjid in Medellin Colombia 2014-03-21-50021
Adhan al Jumah Iqama. The Call to Stand in Line for Friday Prayer inside the Masjid of Medellín.
Azar today's Muezzin ensuring the line is straight before Salat al Jumah Friday Prayer is performed Masjid in Medellin Colombia 2014-03-21-50023
Azar, who was today’s Muezzin, ensures the line is straight before Salat al Jumah, Friday Prayer, is performed.
Salat Al Jumah Friday Prayer in Masjid in Medellin Colombia 2014-03-21-50024
Salat Al Jumah, Friday Prayer in Medellín, Colombia.
Sunnah Prayers after Salat al Jumah Friday Prayer in Masjid in Medellin Colombia 2014-03-21-50025
Sunnah Prayers after Salat al Jumah in Medellín, Colombia.
Sunnah Prayers after Salat al Jumah Friday Prayer in Masjid in Medellin Colombia 2014-03-21-50030
Sunnah Prayers after Salat al Jumah, Friday Prayers, in Masjid in Medellín, Colombia.
Brother Abdul Haq founder of the First Masjid in Medellin Colombia after Salat al Jumah Friday Prayer 2014-03-21-50029
Brother Abdul Haq, founder of the First Masjid in Medellín, Colombia.
Brothers Relaxing after Salat al Jumah Friday Prayer in Masjid in Medellin Colombia 2014-03-21-50025
Brothers Relaxing after Salat al Jumah inside Masjid in Medellín, Colombia.
Mariana asking and learning about Muslim Community in Medellin Colombia from Brother Abdul Haq inside Masjid after Salat al Jumah Friday Prayer 2014-03-21-50031
Mariana asking and learning about the Muslim Community in Medellín, Colombia from Brother Abdul Haq after Salat al Jumah.


Comments on: "30 More | Jumah in Medellín, Colombia" (1)

  1. Abdul Aziz Basri said:

    from Malaysia, like to know more about Islam in Medellin