Author Archive

Day 1 – CTV London: Ramadan to begin for Muslim community

Day 1 – London, Ontario – Meeting Haroon Babur

Day 1 – Fajr – Masjid Toronto Re-opens

Night 1 – Masjid Toronto at Adelaide

Day 0 – CBC Here and Now | Toronto

Ramadan 2013: 30 Masjids Ontario!

30 MORE | Meet Bassam Tariq, Producer of These Birds Walk – April 29 & 30, 2013 – Hot Docs Film Festival, Toronto

VIDEO: Funeral Arrangements for my Grandmother | ISEB – Islamic Society of East Bay – Fremont, California

“The spirit of @PinkMosques has brought me to the largest masjid in North America, alhumdulillah” — @Salsabeela

27th Annual GTA Eid Prayer & Festival — Friday October 26 2012

VIDEO: CBC News Toronto at 6 — Muslims across the Greater Toronto Area celebrate Eid al-Adha

AUDIO: CBC Ontario Today – Do bricks and mortar matter?

VIDEO: Maqasid Al-Shariah – Purposes/Principles of Islamic Law – Shaikh Dr Jasser Auda

VIDEO: Great British Muslims | Via Zainab Omar

VIDEO: Fasting The Six Days of Shawwal – Shaikh Abdool Hamid