AsalamAlayKum, and Ramadan Mubarak / Blessings of Ramadan be upon each and every one of you!
In the days before and leading up to Ramadan 2014, Muslims meeting me inside Masjids, plus other followers of the 30Masjids Project, have asked me if I would be doing it again this year?
I really want to… However…
Having visited masjids and shared stories from across the Greater Toronto Area in the first two years, and having travelled around my home Province of Ontario in Ramadan 2013, there really was only one last iteration for 30Masjids and that was 30Masjids CANADA, going across the entire country and sharing those stories during Ramadan 2014.
But I can’t do that this year.
In a different area of my Life, I need to be IN Toronto during this Ramadan and after.
Consequently, beyond the slight possibility of stealing a day or two here and there for a 30Masjids day trip out of the city, the usual format of daily postings must change.
Here’s what you may expect of 30Masjids over the next 30 days, InshAllah:
- A few entries that didn’t get posted on time during my recent trip to Colombia
- To coincide with the current FIFA World Cup in Brazil, entries about Masjids in Rio De Janeiro, Curitiba, and Sao Paulo from my visits there in 2010
- Entries retracing my 2011 visit to the Holy Cities of Madinah and Makkah, including Umrah – The Lesser Pilgrimage
- Updates about some Toronto Area Masjids, People, Projects, which have already appeared on the website
- Over the past three years, a few stories which I could not get to, remained in the back of my mind, nagging me to get written and shared
- GUEST Blog Posts! YOU can submit and share ANY Ramadan related stories you like!
- Several shorter blog items may be posted per day, in lieu of longer articles
- Fun and insightful Ramadan related finds found on Social Media
- An active and interactive Twitter presence: @30Masjids
To sum up, there will be daily postings on this 30Masjids.ca website throughout Ramadan 2014, but what exactly those entries each day will be ain’t exactly set yet.
YOU can help 30Masjids this year by submitting Your Stories, short or long, text or photo or video…. the details are here.
Now, with all that being said, 30 Masjids Toronto and Ramadan 2014 has begun!
Salam / Peace,
Your Bro in T.O.,