[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/EmpireStateBldg/status/236562440966524929″]
But why not Toronto’s CN Tower?
There is an application process to request Toronto’s CN Tower for Special Lighting consideration around specific events and causes.
One of the CN Tower’s requirements is a written application at least 30 days in advance.
As Ramadan had already begun, it was too late to request Special Lighting consideration for this Eid-Al-Fitr…
However, perhaps the CN Tower could light up green later this year for Eid al Adha?
Here’s is the initial response to my informal inquiry…
Hello HiMY,
Thank you for your inquiry into a special CN Tower lighting.
You are more than welcome to submit a request, however unfortunately I do feel it may not move forward because it does not meet the application guidelines outlined on our website:
– requests must be received 30 days in advance of lighting date to be considered
– Special lighting requests for dedicated nondenominational charitable events and recognized causes only will be considered at this time.
Please understand this is our standard policy. We send our very best wishes on this important holiday and thank you for understanding.
All the best,
Irene Knight
Manager of Public Relations | Gestionnaire Marketing, Relations Publiques
InshAllah, I’ll do my best to come up with an approach which may result in a successful Special Lighting Request under their current guidelines in time for Eid al Adha.
In the meantime…
Since Toronto stands in for New York City in Film and Television all the time, let’s pretend the Empire State Building being lit up green for three days leading up to this Eid al Fitr is really the CN Tower.
Empire State Building NOT Toronto’s CN Tower Lit Green for Eid al Fitr 2012
Every year the Empire State Building in New York City lights up Green for Eid al Fitr. Here in Toronto, the CN Tower doesn’t. On behalf of 30Masjids.ca and the People of Toronto, I’ll be formally requesting The CN Tower light up Green for the upcoming Eid Al Adha marking the Annual Hajj Pilgrimage.
Storified by HiMY SYeD · Sun, Aug 19 2012 12:17:40
The Empire State Building in NYC is shining its tower lights green this weekend for el Eid! 🙂 #GNewsNetwork #gnn http://pic.twitter.com/3tXq1HpjG Mag
Empire State Building to honor #Ramadan by glowing green mark Eid for 3 nights http://pic.twitter.com/04DitqHC #RamadanReflection #30days #NewYorkMaryam Eskandari
In Saudi Arabia, Shia are repressed. In Iran, Sunnis can’t practice their faith. In the USA the Empire State Building lights up for Eid. #USabuhatem
Eid Mubarak from the empire state building #greenlights that’s what’s up! http://pic.twitter.com/CtRrhywBshahnaz sodager
Empire State Building lit up in green all weekend in honor of Eid Al-Fitr (Apparently?). http://pic.twitter.com/jvdsNW4Pحسن العبادي
The Empire State building shines green lights in honour of Eid al Fitr. http://pic.twitter.com/Ma34s6H1Deema Alfadl Miranda
The empire state building is lit in green for the Eid @ InterContinental http://instagr.am/p/OhSJK5t4vK/Altaf AlEssa
The empire state building is lit in green lights for Eid once again! wish i was there to see it!Zaneb Mian
Empire State Building is lit up in green for the next 2 days to celebrate the end of Ramadan #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/bsYXV6brFatima Choucair
Empire State Building ‘Green’ For Eid http://wp.me/pnNi4-1dU via @themuslimvoice You will never see that in France!!DJ EMIR
Empire State Building ‘Green’ For Eid http://wp.me/pnNi4-1dU via @themuslimvoiceDJ EMIR
Empire State Building in New York is aglow in green to honor the Muslim Eid holiday! http://pic.twitter.com/xiUkMi5SAli Al-Abkari
"did you know the Empire State building is lit up green today & tomorrow for Eid! for New York to do that..it means a lot" – my lil brotherAyesha A. Siddiqi
Area965 posted Empire State Building lights up green for Eid! http://ow.ly/1m2Aptarea965
Eid Mubarak from the Empire State Building. #Merica http://pic.twitter.com/EVmgW1vqAdil Siddiqi
@siama7 @iAmNaemaan @wanghussain @ShahHussain1 Empire State Building In Eid Colour #Eid2012 #EidMubarak #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/GshvTm3vPrincess B
Actually saw the Empire State Building shining green for Eid, and I didn’t even know it! #EidMubarak #swerve http://instagr.am/p/OhNtkbsQ05/nirmal khimani
"@lisang: Empire State Building glows green for 3 days to mark Eid. http://tinyurl.com/cyuw9ky"Joel Fernandes
Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim friends! >>“@lisang: Empire State Building glows green for 3 days to mark Eid. http://tinyurl.com/cyuw9ky”Sybil Knox
Empire State Building glows green for Eid http://fb.me/1fXawrxTYNaveed
The empire state building in NYC will glow green for the next two nights in honor of the Muslim holyday #Eid http://instagr.am/p/OhJZaKAj7W/**¡AFfnaann¡** ¥^_^¥
falibrahimEmpire State Building lit green for Eid. بناية ال Empire State Building تضيء أخضرا بمناسبة عيد الفطر #eid http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.htmlAhmad
The Empire State building in the USA lights up in green in honor of the three day holiday of Eid al-Fitr.Amazing. http://pic.twitter.com/cQjQgAyxNMSyria
The Empire State building was lit green for Eid. 😮 AYYY! :))Obrigado.Deus.
"@chefosama: #Empire State Building #NY goes green for #EID http://pic.twitter.com/1Vi24U0f"Catooh
New York lights the The Empire State Building Green for #Eid (Muslim holiday) http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html #أحلى_صورة_بالعيد http://pic.twitter.com/Xg9vKMK7Thamer
The Empire State Building was lit up green for Eid Mubarak.. Happy Eid – @zaynmalikFollow Me 1D! 0/5 🙁
What abt Hindu feast?“@erinmcunningham: Empire State Building glows green for 3 days marking Eid, the end of Ramadan. http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html”Ms Mary Contrary
Empire State Building in green celebrating Eid al Fitr! http://pic.twitter.com/YYkO8V5FHassan Galadari, MD
#Empire State Building #NY goes green for #EID http://pic.twitter.com/bzw25sr4Osama El-Sayed
Empire State Building ‘Green’ For Eid 🙂 Alhamdulilah http://pic.twitter.com/mDhs0vU5Dena
http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html Eid Mubarak everyone! Inshallah, we can see this with the CN Tower in the upcoming years. 🙂 #inspiringPumpyy
Empire state building 3 days for Eid #Respect http://pic.twitter.com/Ed3a8YbGNabat Ahmed
“@Ed_Husain: The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/aoS3yGJl”Nouf Almuhanna
"@erinmcunningham: Empire State Building glows green for 3 days marking Eid, the end of Ramadan. http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html"Abdurrahman Alammar
Empire State Building glows green for 3 days to mark Eid. http://tinyurl.com/cyuw9kyKim Reid
The empire state building is lit up green today for Eid xx amazing <3 #NYCSara Iskandar
NYC Eid: The Empire State Building Will Glow Green for the Next Two Days http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html via @sharethisMohammed Alsakka
Empire State building to light up for Eid: http://soc.li/aJerobXKevin Pruyn
"@minwa161: Aww the Empire State Building is glowing green for 3 days to celebrate Eid! <3 http://pic.twitter.com/MfEoGAtt"Hamad Al Khalifa
Empire State Building Goes Green for Muslim Holiday #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/S6SbCpxrBanono Moaddi
Michael Empire state building green for Eid! Too cool ! http://pic.twitter.com/6gLRBuBL PendergMichael I. Pendergra
Ronald Empire state building green for Eid! Too cool ! http://pic.twitter.com/zggsU3xZ NHagenRonald N. Hagen
Bernard Empire state building green for Eid! Too cool ! http://pic.twitter.com/pwB5KX5v JonsonBernard L. Johnson
Empire state building green for Eid! Too cool ! http://pic.twitter.com/KFkX4J28Nadia Mekled
Empire State Building lit green for Eid. Excellent gesture. I hope Muslim-majority countries around the world reciprocate this gesture.Harris Zaman
The Empire State building in New York City is lit in green today and for the next two days marking the three days of Eid. #love #coexistMaryam AlJafen
Tonight the Empire state building will be lit green for Eid!Sadia Batool
Empire State building will glow green in the next 3days in celebration of the Muslim Eid and end of Ramadan. Thank u ES and thank u@NYCgovAlaskarد.احمد العسكر
Watched Empire State Building shining green in celebration of Eid for three nights. I’m happy to hear Obama didn’t drone bomb it in responseArmstrong
The Empire State Building Will Glow Green for the Next Two Days http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html via #Ramadan #Eid #NewYorkObai Radwan
Empire State Building is glowing GREEN! Eid 🙂 http://yfrog.com/es3p6xfjMenna Fahmy
Empire State Building ‘Green’ For Eid http://wp.me/pnNi4-1dU #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/ENydPFteBaher Mursi
@iansomerhalder your in new york?! Empire state building is glowing green for eid! http://pic.twitter.com/zFqT441vaisha azab
"@Ed_Husain: The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/c1Ugzlvk"Ibrahim Muaqqat
Aww the Empire State Building is glowing green for 3 days to celebrate Eid! <3 http://pic.twitter.com/XWKZ4ZmMMinwa ✪
Apparently the Empire State building will be glowing green for the next 3 days in celebration of Eid!Mrs. Somerhalder
Empire State Building lights up green for Eid!: The Empire state building in NYc has been lit up green … http://bit.ly/NPLKD7 @area965Kuwait Blogs
Empire State Building glows green for 3 days to mark Eid. http://tinyurl.com/cyuw9kyLisa Goldman
Empire State Building glows green for 3 days marking Eid, the end of Ramadan. http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlErin Cunningham
Empire state building to have green lights for 3 nights to celebrate Eid. 🙂 "@Kaalali: @JKhashoggi http://pic.twitter.com/yz23bKRp"Big Al
The Empire state building is lit in green for three days in honor of the three day Eid celebration #MashaAllah http://pic.twitter.com/8XwPd0QeJamila
Empire State Building lights up green for Eid!: The Empire state building in NYc has been l… @area965 http://botamba.com/post/dc8gBotamba
Empire State building will glow green in the next 3days in celebration of the Muslim Eid. Respectalsir_badr
Empire State Building kleurt groen voor Suikerfeest http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1565875/Empire-State-building-to-light-up-for-Eid.htmlTim Knip
مبنى (: Empire State Building) أطول ناطحة سحاب في مدينة نيويورك تضيء باللون الأخضر لمدة أسبوع بمناسبة عيد الفطر#Eid http://pic.twitter.com/fO15jZR7FiDaa فِدٰاءْ
For 3 days straight the Empire State building in NY will be shining green lights in honor of Eid#EidMubarak http://instagr.am/p/Og5keey0cn/Samim Saadat
The Empire State Building shines it’s tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday #Eid -al-Fitr. #USA #NY https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=517991051551404&set=a.161847880499058.37002.153817204635459&type=1&ref=nfFiDaa فِدٰاءْ
The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 #NewYorkJustine Sebastiano
#CreepingSharia: #NYC’s Empire State Building turns green for Eid al-Fitr. http://huff.to/PHRSRx via @Ed_Husain @HuffingtonPost Eid Mubarak!Joe Catron
@minoushy @LinaMWT @NYCgov I’m in NYC and I confirm the Empire State Building is glowing green! Eid Mubarak to all!Hassan Galadari, MD
well, this is really nice =) Empire State Building will be shining green to celebrate Eid http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlSamar Ismail
In Honor of Eid Al-Fitr The US has lit green the Empire State Building | http://instagr.am/p/OgvIt1hp16/ via كل هذا بمناسبة عيد الفطرAhmed AL Musbahi
Empire State building will glow green in the next 3days in celebration of the Muslim Eid and end of Ramadan. Thank u ES and thank u @NYCgovBiba
“The Empire State building in new York lights up for the next 3 days in honor of Eid al Fitir.”Tнuwaiвa.
Empire State Building to light green for Eid. http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlAnwar
Empire state building shining green for #eid http://pic.twitter.com/J9eZEw7tNowshin Monsur
Empire State building will glow green for next 3 days in celebration of the Muslim Eid and end of Ramadan. Thank you @NYCgov via @minoushyFadia Badrawi
Empire State Building Goes Green for #Eid Muslim Celebration to honor the the end of #Ramadan. #EidMubarak http://pic.twitter.com/p7Z6f6slQatar Live Events
Empire State building will glow green in the next 3days in celebration of the Muslim Eid and end of Ramadan.mohammed al ghamdi
Empire State Building lit green for Eid. بناية ال Empire State Building تضيء أخضرا بمناسبة عيد الفطر #eid http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.htmlFaisal Alibrahim
Eid Mubarak to those celebrating today! =)(= !كل سنة وانتم طيبين… http://fb.me/1T2S0MGHeOmnia Hegazy
Empire State Building Goes Green for Eid Al-Fitr! @Marawei http://botamba.com/post/dc78Botamba
Marawei: Empire State Building Goes Green for Eid Al-Fitr! http://dlvr.it/21jTnX @MaraweiQ8BlogsRss
Hey America, u raid our lands, target our leaders and kill our women and children. But that’s ok u lit up the empire state building for eidAayeshA
New York decorated for #Eid ~ Empire State Building <3 http://pic.twitter.com/avdPjgQvEngi Kamel
Empire State Building Goes Green for Eid Al-Fitr!: http://bit.ly/SaQFmxMarawei Blog!
Marawei: Empire State Building Goes Green for Eid Al-Fitr!: http://bit.ly/SaQFmxKlogs
Empire State building: We will shine our tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr. http://on.fb.me/TNvS6VMohamed Hassan
Empire State Building was all green last night. Presumably for Eid.Gaurav Sabnis
In Honor of Eid Al-Fitr The US has lit green the Empire State Building | http://instagr.am/p/OgvIt1hp16/ via @humaidhiاحمد
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=484318338246721&set=a.466193150059240.108842.466174066727815&type=1&theater The Empire State Building in NYC lit up its tower with green lights in honor of el Eid.. أمريكا الكافرة 🙂 #مصرKevin Hani
Tonight the Empire state building will be lit green for Eid! I feel welcomed back home.Abdullah Qandeel
Empire State building will glow green in the next 3days in celebration of the Muslim Eid and end of Ramadan. Thank u ES and thank u @NYCgovMinoush Abdel-Meguid
"The Empire State Building will shine the tower lights in green this weekend to honor Eid Al-Fitr." Spread the Eid love 3eedkum mbarak! Salma A. Ibrahim
Wow the empire state building is lit green for eid. #MashallahMuhammad Mubashar
In Honor of Eid Al-Fitr The US has lit green the Empire State Building | http://instagr.am/p/OgvIt1hp16/ via @humaidhiAhmed AlGharabally
Empire State building в Нью-Йорке три дня будет светиться зеленым цветом в честь Айт/Eid al Fitr! Супер!! http://pic.twitter.com/eU8dt1mzZauresh Amanzholova
Empire State Building is celebrating Eid. Thank you New York #Dubai #UAE #دبي #الامارات http://pic.twitter.com/Mz797idpBambi
The Empire State Building lights turn green for the next three days to honor the Islamic Eid Al-Fitr holiday http://instagr.am/p/OgtuDVFlGO/Aziz F. AlNasrallah
Empire State Building was green last night for Eid http://pic.twitter.com/rWyZwWs5CBM
You know its Eid when the empire state building is green! http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html Eid mubarak everybodySahar Naimi
"@KGravil: …and the Empire State Building is lit up in Green to celebrate Eid. #NewYork"Yasmine Medhat
Empire state in NY, currently the tallest building in America, lights green to honor the Muslims holiday, Fitr eid. http://pic.twitter.com/dMIHDTMoAly Badawy
Empire State Building lit up in green in celebration of #Eid !! good on ya NYC! http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlRehan Chaudhary
Empire State building goes green for our muslim holiday!! Happy Eid to all my muslim brothers and sisters!!! http://pic.twitter.com/QIoS1or7FiFi
Empire State Building goes green for EID http://fb.me/1gz3PSegkIslamabadTheCapital
The owners of empire state building have lit the tower green in honor of eid al fitr. #hope #eid http://www.esbnyc.com/current_events_tower_lights.aspBassil Kherallah
The Empire State building lights up green in honor of Eid ul-Fitr!! So epic!! http://pic.twitter.com/DMTy39qeαNgєl.§ ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ
…and the Empire State Building is lit up in Green to celebrate Eid. #NewYorkKeir Gravil
In Saudi Arabia, Shia are repressed. In Iran, Sunnis can’t practice their faith. In the USA the Empire State Building lights up for Eid #USantonluca cuoco
EMPIRE STATE BUILDING of New York City goes GREEN to mark the end of Ramadan. EID MUBARAK.Isnt it amazing 😀 http://fb.me/KB6yItl8Isabat Rizvi
“@georgegalloway : In Saudi Shia are repressed Iran, Sunnis can’t practice their faith. In the USA the Empire State Building lights up eidRyan Morrison
Empire State Building green for Eid! Eid Mubarak 🙂 http://www.esbnyc.com/current_events_tower_lights.asp#EIDGul Jabbar
Immense respect for the fact that the Empire State Building was lit up green in honour of Eid.Mostaque
“@TheAlexandrian: Empire State Building goes green for #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/0u9rREmC”Sadia Batool
The Empire State Building is colored green to celebrate Muslim holiday, #Eid-Ul-Fitr http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.htmlBasil Badwan
The Empire State Building in NYC is shining its tower lights green this weekend for el Eid! 🙂 #GNewsNetwork #gnn http://pic.twitter.com/3tXq1HpjG Mag
Empire State Building will shine tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr. #Eid http://on.fb.me/NN8KVqHanif Pankhania
The Empire State Building Will Glow Green for the Next Two Days Marking the End of Ramadan http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html #NewYork #Eid #RamadanLamia Hassan
@wordoflaw:Empire State Building lit up green for Eid. Can’t imagine any major #Pakistan building lit up to celebrate an unpopular minority.Quratulain Babur
In Saudi Arabia, Shia are repressed. In Iran, Sunnis can’t practice their faith. In the USA the Empire State Building lights up for Eid. #USseraj0909
@lizzwinstead Happy Eid Lizz! Is the Empire State Building still lit with green lights? 😀 #uppersAria Ahrary
Empire State Building lit up green for Eid. Can’t imagine any major #Pakistan building lit up to celebrate an unpopular minority.Waqqas Mir
“For three nights, the Empire State Building in New York City is shining green in celebration of Eid! @BeardedGenius http://pic.twitter.com/Wi7YvaEsRizwan Aziz
#Eid The Empire State Building has been doing that for several years now.ERICADINEROKELLEY™
NYC: Empire State Building goes green for #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/xCTIAaYu”ERICADINEROKELLEY™
“@Ed_Husain: The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/hXXxZn8Q”Seeta Saad
The Empire State Building is shining its lights green for 3 nights in honour of Eid-al-fitr, what a considerate actAhmed Shahid
I hope my dad sees the Empire State Building today, it’s green in honor of Eid rabz
"The Empire State Building in NYC is lit up in green for 3days to mark the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr" is this for real? Subhanallah (˘̩⌣˘̩)Auly Fauziah
Mashallah the Empire State building is being lit up this weekend because of eidNaima Rahman
The Empire State building lights up in green to mark Eid.Zubair Habib
Empire State Building ‘Green’ For Eid http://wp.me/pnNi4-1dU via @themuslimvoiceGladys Ali
To commemorate eid, empire state building goes green #beautiful #happyeid http://instagr.am/p/Oghct5giIe/Wafi 12
The Empire State Building is lit in green lights for 3-days to honor the Muslim holiday Eid Al-FItr… http://fb.me/ZtVVP61IReem R. Mahmoud
http://www.wrmea.org/component/content/article/269/5207-muslim-american-activism-empire-state-building-lit-for-eid-ul-fitr.html What? lol is this a hoax or is America trying to be nice in a creepy dominant way? O well, looks nice #EmpireState #EidSameer Q ツ…✌
Empire state building shining green in order Eid Al Fitr..! [pic] — http://path.com/p/3NyaaJkatria anindyantari
In Saudi Arabia, Shia are repressed. In Iran, Sunnis can’t practice their faith. In the USA the Empire State Building lights up for Eid. #USThis Girl 😀
The Empire State Building in New York City lights up to honor Eid, a celebration at the end of #Ramadan. http://huff.to/Q96R1m #NY"Mohamed Shehab ElDin
Empire State Building lights up green for #Eid-ul-Fitr #respect #EidMubarak everyone http://pic.twitter.com/vgCuB6jhHassan Baber
Empire State Building to light for #eid http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1565875/Empire-State-building-to-light-up-for-Eid.htmlMalik Adil
This is amazing, mashallah! Empire State Building goes green for 3 nights to honour Eid-al-Fitr :’) Eid Mubarak 😀 http://pic.twitter.com/nx2vjFormiss chanandler bong
Empire state building goes green for3 days calendaring Eid with Muslims. Remarkable diversity in NY,well done America http://pic.twitter.com/zvqifbdfIraqyiaforever
"@JeuneBilal: The Empire State building lights up green in honor of Eid ul-Fitr!! So epic!! http://pic.twitter.com/aHOQdZcG"Keffi
“@JeuneBilal: The Empire State building lights up green in honor of Eid ul-Fitr!! So epic!! http://pic.twitter.com/6KhfpLGP” epic? All them lives lost?@giggles1984
“@JeuneBilal: The Empire State building lights up green in honor of Eid ul-Fitr!! So epic!! http://pic.twitter.com/gfPHDrQ6”Nice move!Raskolnikov
Empire state building is going green today for eid! #socoolBilal Kbeissi
The Empire state building may light up for Eid, but you Americans forget about the Eid for the families of your drone victims. Idiots.H. J. Almunawar
Eid Mubarak ! Thanks to NYC mayor. #Melting pot . http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlSaleem
The Empire State Building is lit green for the 3 days of Eid so I guess that means the US really cares about Muslims and stuff.Deena Abdelmonem
the Empire State Building was lit up in green last night to celebrate Eid! http://instagr.am/p/OgZx-Bp-iP/Maram K Alnemer
Empire State Building shines green this weekend in honor of Eid-ul-Fitr. Eid Mubarak to my twitter family! http://pic.twitter.com/unuFlyL9Saria T. Sheikh
Empire State Building shines green this weekend in honor of Eid. http://bit.ly/PHnC9i Eid Mubarak!AdBuzz
In honour of Eid-al-Fitr The Empire State Building shines its tower lights green this weekend. http://instagr.am/p/Ofkb-5jsv6/ فرح
Empire State Building Goes Green for Muslim Holiday – Eid http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.htmlPrincess Samira
Empire State Building shines green this weekend in honor of Eid. Eid Mubarak! http://pic.twitter.com/E5oWenztAisea Laungaue
The empire state building is green apparently to celebrate eid. #EidMubarakHassan Malik
Glad to see Americans care about Eid cause they lit the empire state building green for Eid #Eidmubarak.LiON.KiNG.
A better picture of the Empire State Building glowing green to honour #Eid http://twitpic.com/alacmuMashaal Mir
Empire State Building is honoring #Ramadan & Celebrating Eid-al-Fitr by glowing green for 3 Nights! #NYC http://pic.twitter.com/maWPEq2e"Ma’avia Khan
They lit up the Empire State building for Eid? WonderfulBecca Hutson
"@FatmaJallaf: The Empire State Building goes green for Eid. 🙂 http://twitpic.com/al9f70"Shamsa.Echtebi
Empire State building to light up for Eid via @Telegraph http://soc.li/aJerobXSaad K.
In Saudi Arabia, Shia are repressed. In Iran, Sunnis can’t practice their faith. In the USA the Empire State Building lights up for Eid. #USabuhatem
The Empire State Building in New York City lights up to honor Eid, a celebration at the end of #Ramadan. http://huff.to/Q96R1m #NYKamilia Lahrichi
Empire state building lights up for Eid ! <3 http://yfrog.com/odks6jljDanya Bashir
The Empire State Building turns green to honor Eid Mubarak. #MashaaaAllahSyifa
Eid Mubarak to everybody celebrating! Empire State Building is lit up all green to celebrate Eid!… http://fb.me/2kHWjovwEPark51 Programs
The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/sMy5o6m7Abu Furtado (°͡▿▿°)͡
"@Ed_Husain: The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/lwT2v9yD"Tisha Astriana
Empire State Building ‘Green’ For Eïd el Fiter http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html #NewYorkBéa Noor
EmPire State Building Green For Eid http://pic.twitter.com/Y1HaxMStAhad Rajwani
The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. http://pic.twitter.com/Oy6aoaI1 #fbIrfan
Acceptance & tolerance in #Life: Everyone wishing "Happy Eid", including the Empire State building in #NewYork. http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlYeghig Benlian
"@FatmaJallaf: The Empire State Building goes green for Eid. 🙂 http://twitpic.com/al9f70"Alia
I can’t believe they lit up the empire state building for eid!Aisha.
Empire State Building will be shining green in celebration of Eid-al-fitr for three nights! #NYC #Eid2012 http://pic.twitter.com/Rl8onIFlMuna Aldossari
Masha’Allah the Empire State Building was lit green to celebrate Eid(: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlAmatullah
"@WafaFt: Love it. Empire state building lights up for Eid. #EidMubarak http://pic.twitter.com/cpi5WPbk" this is just great!Rayan
man, the Empire state building gesture to light the tower green in honor of Eid is so touching http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlShihnaz Alshegry
The Empire State Building, in New York city was lit in green to honor Muslims on occasion Eid AlFitr #EidMubarak #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/3PN3I0tWSaima Wahid
The Empire State Building goes green for Eid. 🙂 http://twitpic.com/al9f70Fatma Al Jallaf
"@annanarchist: New York lights the The Empire State Building Green for Eid (Muslim holiday) http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html #EidMubarak"Mais AbuSalah
“@MaryamEskandar: Empire State Building to honor #Ramadan by glowing green mark Eid for 3 nights http://pic.twitter.com/1oAFHiUu #30days #NewYork”Dana Kowden
Abu Dhabi owns major stake in Empire state building & in return Moslems are rewarded by turning on green lights on Eid.Clutching on symbolsDaoud Kuttab
The empire state building light will be green from 17-19 August in honor of Eid -Alfitr as a sign of #respect to Muslims That’s the spiritMahmoud Khattab™
The Empire State building is lit with green lighting for three days in honor of Eid #EidMubarak #NewYork #Ra http://instagr.am/p/OgJGh6RKrq/Shabnam Pourdel
We will shine our tower lights green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr. http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html http://pic.twitter.com/f6aoesV8Ghalia Fayad
MT @TheAlexandrian: Big Up NYC: Empire State Building goes green for #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/nqZrsDDY #fbazim.
Empire State of Eid: Eid Mubarak New York http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlRahma
for three nights empire state building will shine green for eid al-fitr #eidmubarak http://pic.twitter.com/NeZXJUfaKhalid A Dayib
Empire State Building is honoring #Ramadan and Celebrating Eid-al-Fitr by glowing green for 3 Nights! #Respect #NYC http://p.twimg.com/A0ou0c9CUAAAT9j.jpgFarhan Masood
Empire State Building lit up green for Eid!http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlsam
They made the empire state building green for Eid, awwn.مَارِئاَ
Beautiful ! “@annanarchist: New York lights the The Empire State Building Green for Eid (Muslim holiday) http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html #EidMubarak”Randa HABIB
WOWFor 3nights, the Empire State Building in New York City is shining green in celebration of Eid! #Subhanaallah http://pic.twitter.com/RDSqMOVp”rubz
Nice! Empire State Building met groene verlichting voor Eid ul Fitr #NYC #eidmubarak #Green #lights #skyline http://instagr.am/p/OgFVd6ObT7/Appie_O
So cool that the empire state building is lit up green for #Eid shows we’re progressing 🙂 http://pic.twitter.com/4NpqwWNvNigiste Abdi
thebengalcat: The Empire State Building Glows Green for EidOn their Facebook page: We will shine our tower l… http://tmblr.co/ZyitfxRj2x8-Noor نور حليم
So they made the empire state building green for Eid. I bet some crazy people think it’s a random miracle http://pic.twitter.com/iwcFrTFaB I L A L
fatmalovestodraw: sansmonotony: the empire state building green for eid ul fitr. eid mubarak guise :)Really? http://tmblr.co/ZdfEOyRj2nlRMayed Al-Remaihi
“@MUHIBGOTSWAG: For three nights, the Empire State Building in New York City is shining green in celebration of Eid! http://pic.twitter.com/8Chtmgpz”Kamran
@Shaan_Mak The Empire State Building is lit in green lights for 3 days to honor the Muslim holiday Eid Al-Fitr. http://twitpic.com/al8cf5"farayah ahmad
sansmonotony: the empire state building green for eid ul fitr. eid mubarak guise :)Really? http://tmblr.co/Z7iDOyRj1RRJFatma
So they lit the Empire State Building green in honor of Eid-Al-Fitar? How cool?ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
Empire State building to light up for Eid via @Telegraph http://soc.li/aJerobXsirsa qursha
The empire state building was lit green in honor of Eid al fitr #faith #coexsist http://pic.twitter.com/Yw2sRFbsAmanda Ajrouche
Empire State Building lights up green for 3 days to wish the Muslim World a Happy Eid #Ramadan http://www.esbnyc.com/current_events_Killoud Dabaja
Empire State Building Glows Green For Eid — http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlSuleman Ijaz
The Empire State Building Eid mobarkDalal K.
The Empire State Building in #NYC lights up green for 3 days as Happy Eid message to the 1.6 billion Muslims world wide 🙂 #RamadanKilloud Dabaja
The empire state building turns green on eid :oSaad
http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlEmpire State Building lightening up Green to celebrate EidM. Yusuf
oh i passed the empire state building on the way home today and it was lit up green for eid; one of the reasons i love new york ^^1004
Empire state building lit in green lights on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr. ~.~Samurah
"@JeuneBilal: The Empire State building lights up green in honor of Eid ul-Fitr!! So epic!! http://pic.twitter.com/DFgCNVs7"Ahmed Essam
Empire State building is lit green for 3 days to celebrate Eid. Eid Mubarak! http://pic.twitter.com/wjZ0f5TkÖzkan Altuner
Love it. Empire state building lights up for Eid. #EidMubarak http://pic.twitter.com/xrTDGkDyWafa Ft
The Empire state building has been lit green to tie in with Eid ul-Fitr celebrations. #Eid2012 http://pic.twitter.com/xv4fkmL6Shamila Rasool
The Empire State Building is lit in green lights for 3 days to honor the Muslim holiday Eid Al-Fitr. http://twitpic.com/al8cf5Reem ALOmair
Wait so is the Empire State of Building really green cause of Eid?I ss r aa
Wait so is the Empire State of Building really green cause of Eid?I ss r aa
“@Remroum: Dear Pam Geller: You got a billboard. Muslims got the Empire State Building. Happy Eid.”Lena Keswani
Woahh the empire state building lit itself with green lights to honour Eid! That’s crazy! :DMFR
The Empire State Building, in New York city was lit in green to honor Muslims on occasion Eid AlFitr #EidMubarak #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/Dnxvd5hPSohail Khokar
Eid Mubarak from the Empire State Building because Islam is an American religion. http://pic.twitter.com/3GCwV4JQShadi Khattab
Empire State of Building is shining their lights this weekend to honor our Islamic holiday Eid. #geek’d NajeeOmari &#[9774]
empire state building goes green in celebration of eid ! طلع عرباوي http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.htmlSayed M Mousawi
The Empire State Building is Green tonight for Eid, celebrating this holiday for doing a month of fastingHuss
Empire State Building in NYC is lit up in green to celebrate #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/7cCb8kiB”Yahya™
"We’ll shine our tower lights in green this weekend 2 honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr" Empire State Building #Eid #World http://pic.twitter.com/PGiWmQo5Majdoleen J
For the next three nights the Empire State building is lit green in honer of #Eid Alfitr! #NYC #عيد_الفطرohood alnayel
Empire State building glows green for two days in celebration of Eid- awesome! http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlMoe Fakhro
The Empire State Building is green for Eid Shieen Elma Jesan
Thank You Empire State Building – Midtown, NY "EID MUBARAK" | http://buff.ly/P6qbhaMudassir Azeemi
Wow gr8 site "@KashifMD: Empire State Building is Celebrating Eid-al-Fitr by glowing green for 3 Nights! #Respect #NYC http://bit.ly/NyfYhP"Nadda S Adamjee
"@hiriiiii: It’s pretty cool how the Empire State Building is shining green lights in honor of Eid."Yusuf Bhayat
The Empire State Building is lit green in honor of Eid ul fitr. The first time they ever did that and they’re going to do it every year.Feras Majeed
“@xodimaox: Empire State Building is lit up for Eid !! http://pic.twitter.com/2Jj4PiVf”Ahmed Jamil Farsi
The EMPIRE STATE BUILDING glowing green for eid?! wow that’s surprisingly a big deal. #sketch LOLBismah
Eid Mubarak : ) http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlOmar S
It’s pretty cool how the Empire State Building is shining green lights in honor of Eid.Hira Bieber
The Empire State building lights up green in honor of Eid ul-Fitr!! So epic!! http://pic.twitter.com/KsxjlndtMolham MB
The empire state building in Eid el fitr … Eid Mubarak ….https://t.co/fxqvhZPe Accept others and appreciate the differences #ToleranceZiad El Adawy
@MikeBloomberg very good of NYC to light up the Empire State Building in Green in honor of #Eid for Muslims. We need more of this.Brian Davis
Empire State Building is lit up for Eid !! http://pic.twitter.com/WNhFNGM9OVE: Deema Farsi
"@Remroum: Dear Pam Geller: You got a billboard. Muslims got the Empire State Building. Happy Eid."Odette La Paix
“ Empire State Building lit up green for Eid: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/20/ramadan-2012-islamic-fasting_n_1690410.html#286_lighting-up-for-eid-alfitr”#eidmubarakNadia ✌
Empire State Building will be shining green in celebration of Eid-al-fitr for three nights! #NYC #Eid2012 http://pic.twitter.com/WihLZYZoHana Ahmed
New York lights the The Empire State Building Green for Eid (Muslim holiday) http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html #EidMubarakعنان
Eid Mubarak shot taken by my sis from new York city of empire state building green for eid! #eidmubarak http://pic.twitter.com/axlqKhbwUsamah Khan
The Empire State Building will shine its tower with green lights this weekend in honor of Eid Al-Fitr <3 #respect #NYC http://pic.twitter.com/VfHF4cuaMaha Husainat
Reasons I’m proud of America: The Empire State Building lit up green for Eid. Eid Mubarak to all who celebrate! #ramadanErica Hope Shaps
So cool! Check out the article about the Empire State Building shining in Green to celebrate Eid!http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html http://pic.twitter.com/nwNJu0GKfaisalalam
Empire state building will light up green for the #Eid weekend http://instagr.am/p/Ofkb-5jsv6/ Should we be happy when mosques are burnt down in #US ?Adnan R.Siddiqui
The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights: http://bit.ly/S7uzQh http://pic.twitter.com/5TUsxzb6Portfoleo
Empire State Building is honoring #Ramadan and Celebrating Eid-al-Fitr by glowing green for 3 Nights! #Respect #NYC http://pic.twitter.com/CIArHhCyKashif N Chaudhry
The Empire State building honoring Eid El Fitr https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=517991051551404&set=a.161847880499058.37002.153817204635459&type=1Ahmed Gaafar
Empire State Building Glows Green For Eid — http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlAmna
Dear Pam Geller – You got a billboard. Muslims got the Empire State Building. Happy Eid #copiedMalak Amr Badawi
Can’t imagine the Eiffel Tower in Paris, or Big Ben in London lighting up green for Eid ul-Fitr, like the Empire State Building in New Yorkmuiz
“@TomRock_Newsday: Empire State Building all lit up in green.” it’s for the Muslim holiday- EidMohs-Def
Props to the Empire State Building management, for proudly representing & acknowledging the Muslim community of New York on Eid ul-Fitr.muiz
Empire state building in new York is lit up in green to celebrate Eid al fiter #eid #eidmubarak http://pic.twitter.com/sLoJmAjpMoath Abdulhamid
Empire State Building honor muslim #Eid by glowing green mark for 3 nights✨إمپايار ستيت بنيويورك يضئ بالأخضر للعيد✨ http://pic.twitter.com/o8FzwrzDشِرفانه
Ha! Burn > @Remroum: Dear Pam Geller: You got a billboard. Muslims got the Empire State Building. Happy Eid.muiz
The official Empire State Building website shows the top tiers lit up green, exclusively to mark Eid ul-Fitr [today] > http://www.esbnyc.com/tower_lights/?idStr=ecardmuiz
New York’s, Empire State Building is lit up green for Eid ul-Fitr according to @Remroum, for the 6th time since 2007 > http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.htmlmuiz
Eid al Fitr Mubarak!The Empire State Building in New York is lit green in honor of Eid Al Fitr 2012 http://blog.beliefnet.com/cityofbrass/2012/08/an-imperial-eid.htmlwalEED B.
Empire State Building to glow in green in celebration of Eid for three nights. Happy Eid, everyone!جلال
Dear Pam Geller: You got a billboard. Muslims got the Empire State Building. Happy Eid.Remi Kanazi
The Empire State building lights up green in honor of Eid ul-Fitr!! So epic!! http://pic.twitter.com/jdexPJPbBilal Oriqat
"We will shine our tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-fitr" – Empire State Building <3 http://pic.twitter.com/UaFjxZZlFatema Azzahrae
Empire State Building shining green in celebration of Eid for three nights. I’m happy to hear Obama didn’t drone bomb it in response.Remi Kanazi
started my Eid with a drive thru manhattan and spotting the festive green empire state buildingZaynah R
Empire State building lighted up green just for Eid! 😀 #nycFaryah
In NYC, we should just look to the Empire State Building to determine if Eid (green) or not. At least we’d be united.motobas
New York City lighted up "The Empire State Building" in green tonight…. just for Eid #Respect :DADEEEEEEEEEEEEEL
Empire State Building Goes Green for Muslim Holiday | Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.html via @foxnews#UAE #EID#العيد#الاماراتAmmar Al Hammadi
Tonight the Empire State shines Green at night for Eid el FItr. Kol 3am wa intum be khair!!! http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.html.Maryam Berri
Empire State building goes green #eid_mubarak http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.htmlAbdulaziz AlOraifan
The Empire State Building in New York is shining its green lights today/tonight to honor Eid Al-Fitr ! #Beautiful #ToleranceAhmad Ba-Ubaid
amazing “@ZohraSaed: Empire State Building will be shining green in celebration of Eid for three nights! #NYC #Eid2012 http://pic.twitter.com/4TmyNbe0”Sameer Khan..(◕_ ◕)
The Empire State Building is lit green for Eid! That’s right, they better RECOGNIZE. hahaSadia Choudhry
The empire state building is green for the eid!Nora
The Empire State Building is glowing green for the end of Ramadan. Happy Eid!Tony K. Choi [m.k.]
For 3 nights, the Empire State Building glows green in honor of Eid ul–Fitr. Happy Eid, everyone! We made it! #Ramadan http://pic.twitter.com/2zi2PXqKShahrin
Empire state building lights are green this weekend to honor Eid Al-Fitr. #Eid #NYC @ Empire State Building http://instagr.am/p/OfoA-fKB4G/Omar AlBraik
For three nights the Empire State Building in New York City is shining green in celebration of Eid. #EidMubarak http://pic.twitter.com/9rSRptX4EID MUBARAK.
Empire State Building goes green in celebration of Muslim holiday, Eid. http://fxn.ws/NOjEIC #ny #egypt #eid #islamKhouloud
Empire state building lit up all green for Eid http://pic.twitter.com/GsPmbueRHend Mohamed
The Empire State building is green today in honor of Eid el Fitr #NYC http://pic.twitter.com/QerDK65E رُزّة
So cool that the Empire State Building in New York will be glowing green to commemorate Eid ul-Fitr. #RespectSahidul Islam
Empire State Building , New York cityWill shine its lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-alFitr. http://pic.twitter.com/Rj5YyihzAlfarraj, Abdullah
The Empire State Building will shine its tower lights in green this weekend4 Eid Al fiter:) Amazing how they celebrate our Eid❤THANKS U.S.AHaneen Seddiq
Empire State Building Goes Heavenly Green for Eid Celebrations . Eid Mubarak Good Peope xx http://pic.twitter.com/CHES1lbdAhmed AlHouti
Pretty cool how the Empire State Building shines green for three days in the end of Ramadan and to celebrate Eid.Aldin K
LOL I hope we Muslims aren’t satisfied with this country for the fact that the Empire State Building is green for EidHassam Munir
Empire State Building: We will shine our tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr http://instagr.am/p/Ofkb-5jsv6/Saran Kaba Jones
The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/r1PsOATJmustafa akarca
so amazing how the empire state building is going to be lit green this weekend because of eid. this is why i love nyc :’)Nazaneen Afifa
Empire state building is green for Eid…..what a beautiful sight <3 #EidMubarak http://twitpic.com/al5flfŞÅGE
Why is the empire state building green? In honor of eid-al-fitr, not Adolf hitlerMaria
The Empire State Building shines its tower lights in green for 3 days to commemorate Eid <3 @saudiinusa http://pic.twitter.com/btuUy6nrسلمان سمكري
**Eid around the world**The Empire State Building in New York City is lit green in honor of Eid from August… http://fb.me/1ghOCiDqcknowmuammad
The empire state building glows green for Eid. What a wonderful gesture 🙂 http://pic.twitter.com/P98bI8ttZo
Empire State Building goes green for Eid. http://instagr.am/p/OfhFyPlOku/Nour Al-Gurrballie
I’m glad the empire state building is being lit bright green to celebrate Eid. #coexistenceSumaiyah سمية
Empire State Building Goes Green for Muslim Holiday | Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.html #USA #Eid #MuslimOmamah alsadiQ
The Empire State Building shines its tower lights in green for 3 days to commemorate Eid http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=517991051551404&set=a.161847880499058.37002.153817204635459&type=3&theater Such a wonderful gesture.Farhan
I had no clue the empire state building was lit green for Ramadan/Eid.Yemyoom
i love how the empire state building is having its tower lights shine in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid 🙂 http://pic.twitter.com/VxgbqdOXسحر
“@Anwxr: Empire State building goes green in honor of the end of Ramadan to celebrate Eid Al-Fitir with the Muslims.http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.html”Magnifique
New York celebrates Eid by lighting the Empire State Building Green!! #NYC #Eid #Amazing #Green @ Newyork http://instagr.am/p/OfeomPzAq6/Eng_Reem
The #Empire_State_Building lighting green for 3 days ( August 17 – 19 )In honor of Eid-al-Fitr http://instagr.am/p/OfdQr2tKkE/Faisal
Empire State Building tower lights shine in green this weekend to honor Eid-al-Fitr.اعلي مبني الامبير ستيت في… http://fb.me/1bT0vUABNEgyptians in th US
empire state building is gonna shine green for the 3 eid days. #madrespect #eid2012 http://pic.twitter.com/wR9Iv2UjEdress Zamani
The Empire State Building will be shining green in honor of Eid for three days #peace #unityN Jamal
Empire State Building goes GREEN! #Eid http://twitpic.com/al4lu6Tyrell Robertson
Empire State Building is all green tonight for Eid ul-Fitr, the end of Ramadan.David Lawson
“@iKurd_Arsenal: For 3 nights, the Empire State Building in New York City is shining green in celebration of Eid… http://tmblr.co/ZzS8kxRhmX81”WOW!Mona
Empire State building goes green for #Eidhttp://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.htmlفارس المسعري
For three nights, the Empire State Building in New York City is shining green in celebration of Eid… http://tmblr.co/ZzS8kxRhmX81Ara Rashed
The Empire State Building is lit green for the next 3 nights in honor of Eid Al-Fitr. Suck it, @OReillyfactor, @GlennBeckKhaldun Taib
Empire State Building ‘Green’ For Eid http://wp.me/pnNi4-1dU احتفال بناية امباير ستيت بعيد الفطرهضيب العلاطى
Empire State Building lit green in honor of Eid Al Fitr. #Muslim #Equality http://pic.twitter.com/8wHSAAw6Bhaie Mustafa
Is the Empire State building green for the Eid? #muslimIbrahim Small
The empire state building is lit up green for the next three nights in honor of Eid! Things like this make me happy. :DSamira
For three nights, the Empire State Building in New York City is shining green in celebration of Eid and the end of the Ramadan fasting monthMo YaYo
Empire State Building will be shining green in celebration of Eid for 3 nights! #NYC #Eid2012 http://twitpic.com/al48p0Zeeshan Qureshi
I didn’t see the moon but did find the empire state building green for #eid #30days http://instagr.am/p/OfVViJTGCf/Marcus Lambert
Eid is low-key in most non-Islamic countries, untuk pertama kalinya NY Empire State Building will be lit up in Green to honor the festival!95.1kisfm Jakarta
Also, the Empire State Building is lit up green tonight in honor of Eid al Fitr tomorrow. :’))))Aqsaaaaa
So amazing to see this!! MT "@TheAlexandrian: NYC: Empire State Building goes green for #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/LsI1uPTC"Ali Glenesk
Empire State Building to honor #Ramadan by glowing green mark Eid for 3 nights http://pic.twitter.com/MarmanCi #RamadanReflection #30days #NewYorkFalah Mahmood
Celebrating Eid, the Empire State Building goes green … I miss home :(http://pic.twitter.com/empsVO8dSaleh Al Amer
Empire State Building will be glowing green for 3 days in honor of Eid el fitr in New York http://pic.twitter.com/hGtrxDDWMishael AlGhamdi
Eid Al-Fitr – Tonight the Empire State Building is lit in green for all our Muslim Friends – Thank you AmericaBrigitte Nioche
New on Sidelights: The Empire State Building goes green for Eid. We love New York. http://dlvr.it/21bQJhMaking Light
http://www.esbnyc.com/current_events_tower_lights.asp empire state building in Manhattan getting lit in green in celebration of eid!! #howawesomeZaid Al Abed
Empire State Building lit green for Eid il-Fitr #EidMubarak http://pic.twitter.com/yeA4uOzWAbed Aziz
New Yorkers, is the empire state building really lit up green, for Eid tonight or are these old pics floating around the interwebs??Yara
Empire state building lit green today in celebration of Eid! http://pic.twitter.com/KQjIgOGgHamza Giron
Empire State Building’s lit green for Eid! #awwwyeah http://lockerz.com/s/236014995Sarah, سارة
mA that’s so wonderful (: The Empire State Building’s lit up in Green celebrating Eid 😀 #NewYawwk <3 http://pic.twitter.com/Tiv841c9Easha H.
Empire State Building, New York City lights up green in honor of Eid #EidMubarak http://pic.twitter.com/B3cslY4bмuhammad
Empire State building lit in Green to celebrate Eid, yesterday, NYC http://fb.me/1U9yiyQrYMann
The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 #NewYorkHerma Kampmann
Empire state building lit Green for Eid, NYC http://fb.me/tByIAIXsMann
The Empire State building to honor Muslims by glowing green to marke Eid alfater festival for 3 nights ❤ http://pic.twitter.com/JCN9RdLpSalma Almulla
Empire State Building will be lit green for Eid on Sunday! Happy Eid everyone! http://www.esbnyc.com/visit_empire_state_building.aspRayan Alshareef
Empire State Building lit up green 3 nights to celebrate end of #Ramadan. #Eid Mubarak #America! http://pic.twitter.com/2vTwMkoSFarhaj
Empire State building lits green in celebration of Eid #creepingshariah http://pic.twitter.com/IbOuXubUA
Empire State Building lit green for Eid #hollaaaHala Alhoch
The Empire State Building is lit up in green lights this weekend in honor of Eid!… http://fb.me/1p7fTBMNZWaves of Unity 2012
“@ZohraSaed: Empire State Building will be shining green in celebration of Eid for 3 nights! #NYC #Eid2012 http://pic.twitter.com/2fp6HkK7”#amazingDepesh Patel
The Empire State Building in NYC will be lit green in celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr for the next 3 days. I love this sfm. http://pic.twitter.com/K0vJLz0VZehra & Eyebrows
“@Libyan4life: The Empire State building’s tower lights in green this weekend to honor Eid-al-Fitr. http://pic.twitter.com/6HvR5SZl” love that!! :)Ersa AlBAsheer
#Empire State Building in New York Cuty is shining bright Green in honor of Eid…Noone can stop Islam #Isla http://instagr.am/p/Oe5vcSPniW/Ahson Ali
Empire State Building lit in green to mark the Eid festivities. fm various sources on twitter…. Eid Mubarark to all http://twitpic.com/al257udallia
"@WordzWizard: Empire State Building in NYC to light up over August 17-19 in green "in honor of Eid AL Fitr" http://www.esbnyc.com/current_events_tower_lights.asp"awwww! Lena Alkhaddar
So new yorks empire state building is lighting there building green in honour of Ramadan and eid for three days A.
The empire state building hasn’t been lit for Eid! You really think them Mason’s give a shit?Ayy
The Empire State building’s tower lights in green this weekend to honor Eid-al-Fitr. http://pic.twitter.com/ByGUH8NMAssia Amry
I wish I was in NYC. I would love to see The Empire State building lit up for Eid.Neema Beamer
The empire state building shining their lights green in honor of #Eid #NYC #USAAla’a E. Khaled
The empire state building shined their towers as green lights in honor of Eid-Al-Fitr. http://twitter.com/SForShahd/status/236911629588111360/photo/1SAboelseoud
"We will shine our tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr" – Empire State BuildingKumail Hasan
Empire State Building will shine lights in green to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr. http://on.fb.me/NQYyLD @ahmedchaabane كفار كفار كفارB10BA
Empire State Building will shine lights in green to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr. http://on.fb.me/NQYyLD تعلموا الاسلام من الغرب الكافر…Ahmed Chaabane
Empire State BuildingWe will shine our tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr. http://on.fb.me/R8YPul :))Mohammed Albably ❀
The Empire State Building in New York will light its upper quarter green in honor of Eid el feter….#NiceGestureYousef Essali
The empire state building in NYC is shinning green for 3 nights to celebrate EID and the ending of the holy http://instagr.am/p/OevjvkAfxc/Motasem Shehadah
“@ZohraSaed: Empire State Building will be shining green in celebration of Eid for three nights! #NYC #Eid2012 http://pic.twitter.com/bCQC0LVS” RespectSΞLiM
Only in NYC. Eid Mubarak from the Empire State Building.I NYC! http://fb.me/1pxXXfQQiUrban Hijab
so the empire state building is lit green because of eid. (y)rawaaaandboo
@nadiathinks Empire State Building will be shining green in celebration of Eid for three nights! #NYC #Eid2012 http://pic.twitter.com/ZDz25WZiρяỉηĆέƨƨ ✈ Şάвяέỉάђ
For three nights, the Empire State Building in #NYC is shining green in celebration of Eid and the end of the… http://fb.me/1gr1e27jHHaitham Essam
Empire State Building in New York is aglow in green to honor the Muslim Eid holiday! http://lockerz.com/s/235956056DIRERCTIONER!!!
The Empire state building with Green lights to honor the Eid holiday for Muslims . It will be green for thre http://instagr.am/p/OetHs1jmYU/Abeer
We will shine our tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr. By Empire State Building http://fb.me/BNgwWi30Citizen_Martyr_Z™
The Empire State Building, will glow green for the next two days in honor of Eid Al-Fitr. http://pic.twitter.com/kLEe4pMBAsh.
Empire State Building will Glow Green for the Next 2 Days to celebrate end of #Ramadan. I <3 u #NYC: Happy Eid Everyone http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/08/empire-state-building-glows-green-for-ramadan.htmlLoulwa Kalache
https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=517991051551404&set=a.161847880499058.37002.153817204635459&type=1&theaterEmpire State BuildingWe will shine our tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr #Newyorkبكباشي 6 ابريل
Empire State Buildingwill shine tower lights in green this weekend to honor the holiday Eid-al-Fitr.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=517991051551404&set=a.161847880499058.37002.153817204635459&type=1Eslam Anwarovic
#FUCKYEAH I Love you America Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. http://pic.twitter.com/0EaJEX38Abdulrahman Alzawawy
"@AlaaBalkhy: The empire state building lights up in green for Eid. http://pic.twitter.com/jACDIgvM"Unique Ghadeer
Empire State Building glowing green for Eid, pretty cool; http://weaselzippers.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/empire-state.jpgAli Al-Qudsi
Empire State Building Glows Green For #Eid al FetrMoha 3.0
The empire state building lights up in green for Eid. http://pic.twitter.com/ysysovsuAlaa Balkhy
"@Ed_Husain: The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. http://pic.twitter.com/wB6EZt5q lol okEid Sheeran
Empire State Building will be honoring #Ramadan and Celebrating #Eid http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.html via @foxnewsAbdullah AlShehri
Window shot of the green Empire State Building celebrating Eid-Al-Fitr! http://ow.ly/i/RoLz http://fb.me/1qcuNbUkktanaRi events
Empire State Building goes green for #Eid http://twitpic.com/al07rhنوشينه عربي
Empire State Building in #NewYork is green in honor of #Eid holiday. I love it. #respect http://pic.twitter.com/aK2BjrbCAli Ahmad
Apparently the empire state building will glow green lights to celebrate Eid with Muslims..is that true? thats awesome, mashallah…!Yassmin Abdel-Magied
"@TheRealRazi: Empire State building turns green for Eid thats beautiful! http://pic.twitter.com/46gv1Wms"Aninditya
The Empire State building will shine green for 3 nights in celebration of Eid Al-Fitr. #ReligiousTolerance http://pic.twitter.com/7rSRJZg8Shakir Bahzad
@AbooodTJ: The empire state building is going to shine their lights green in honor of Eid 🙂 #NYC #USA http://pic.twitter.com/ayMCHfVpSuper Adroub
"@Ed_Husain: The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/QZ1GyCiO"Shmasy
Empire State Building goes Green for Eid El Fitr celebration #Newyork #islamAmine Bounoughaz
#PHOTO:The Empire State building lights up for Eid al-FitrTo all our Fuzzy Muzzy’s out there, regardless of… http://fb.me/1R1CPqq1LSLU IFA
The Empire State Building glows green for the Eid holiday celebrating the end of the Muslim month of Ramadan. Eid… http://fb.me/1Aw9kC0umCAIR New York
They lit the empire state building green for Eid feels great to get some recognitionSara Fattah
“The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark #Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/1OqRRehf #fb”Naeem Omarji
"@Karimeldib: The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark #Eid for 3 nights. http://pic.twitter.com/9dZwDtyR" – not badMr. Naga
“@TheAlexandrian: – Big Up NYC: Empire State Building goes green for #Eid http://pic.twitter.com/JJv4rP6b”Egal Roob Onkod
The Empire State Building in New York will be lit up green to celebrate the Muslim festival of Eid.Thank you my hunny bunny Chuck Bass MUAH!S h m y • ˚ * 。
The Empire state building lights up green for muslims to celebate eid for the three days http://pic.twitter.com/PcOK3HVMCOCOCHANEL#
@ASE Is it true Ahmed that the Empire State Building in NY is glowing green for Eid to honor Muslims?Fatima Ansari
“@Ed_Husain: The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/Hfq4JGAJ”Hope
an Imperial Eid: Eid al Fitr Mubarak!The Empire State Building in New York City is lit green i… http://bit.ly/PDDQAi (City of Brass)mumineen
مبنى الأمباير ستيت الشهير في نيويورك يضاء باللون الاخضر احتفالاً بعيد الفطر السعيد.http://themuslimvoice.wordpress.com/2012/08/18/empire-state-building-green-for-eid/ http://pic.twitter.com/fjSfdb82زيد بن محمد الشثري ツ
The Empire State Building, NY .. Will be like this during Eid al Fetir 😮 how awesome!leila_lay’s photo http://instagr.am/p/OdlAZTO-dg/OshAin’tMyNickname
On behalf of muslims everywhere Thank you #NYC for recognizing the Islamic holiday of Eid every year; Empire State Building lit up green.Melike
The Empire State Building goes green for the Muslim holiday of Eid this weekend. This commemorates the end of the… http://fb.me/1P1YtcJ62Islamic Speakers DFW
The Empire State Building to honor Muslims by glowing green to mark Eid festival for 3 nights. #NewYork http://pic.twitter.com/nPXYvN5tⓘⓨⓐ
Empire State building in New York goes green for the Muslim Eid holiday http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,301541,00.htmlMubarak Al-Mansouri
The Empire State Building lights up in honour of Eid. Photo by @Ed_Husain #Eid #العيد http://yfrog.com/o0u8fjajHessa Al-Subaie
The Empire State building in New York City lights up in green to honor of Eid alFitr, celebrating the end of Ramadan http://pic.twitter.com/WXxaR5HjWorldCitizen