30Masjids CANADA – Ramadan 2016 – Newfoundland to British Columbia in 30 Days


30 masjids Canada map - route - initial

AsalamAlayKum, Peace and Greetings be upon each of you.

Ramadan 2016 is a few days away, hours actually, and InshAllah (God-Alone Willing), 30Masjids will be blogging daily stories and updates.

30Masjids began blogging in Ramadan 2011, initially focusing on Muslims in Toronto, their History, Architecture, meeting and Featuring People, breaking the daily fast, and sharing lesser known Canadian stories.

cup of water for break fast station manned by youth islamic foundation of toronto nugget mosque sunday july 29 2012

30 Masjids ONTARIO – Ramadan 2013

Ramadan 2013 found us exploring The Province of Ontario, visiting Masjids and Islamic Centres from London to Windsor to Sault St. Marie to North Bay to Ottawa (including a hop over the Quebec Border!) and back to Toronto for Eid.

Photo by Kenneth Armstrong - SOOtoday.com, Sault St Marie, Ontario - Ramadan 2013
(Photo by Kenneth Armstrong – SOOtoday.com, Sault St Marie, Ontario – Ramadan 2013)

30 Masjids CANADA – Ramadan 2016 – Newfoundland to British Columbia

  • Is there one Muslim Canadian Identity? Or many?
  • Do All Muslim Canadians Break Fast The Same Way?
  • How do Muslims in Northern Latitudes handle very long summertime fasts?
  • 8 Rakats of Taraweeh (Extra Night Prayers), or 20? Coffee, Tea, Red Bull?
  • Fort McMurray Muslims… so many stories…
  • …and… going with the flow, 10 Canadian Provinces, 30 Masjids, in 30 Days.

InshAllah, 30Masjids will be visiting Masjids all over Canada during this Ramadan 2016.

To our knowledge, this may be the first-ever 30-Masjids-in-30-Days-during-Ramadan-in-Canada blogging journey….

Starting in St. John’s, Nfld. on Sunday June 5 2016 at Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Then Halifax, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec….

From Montreal, InshAllah, we’ll head west to Thunder Bay in North West Ontario, and then points West.

Before the Forest Fires devasted Fort McMurray, Alberta, I had intended to visit there.

Instead, we’ll spend more time in Edmonton, where many Fort McMurray Muslims had evacuated to.

Already a number of good story leads are from Alberta, InshAllah, we’ll follow up and share those Stories.

The Intention is to end Ramadan 2016 in Victoria, British Columbia and observe Eid-al-Fitr in Vancouver.

GTA Eid al-Adha, Muslim Association of Canada, Better Living Centre, CNE Exhibition Place, Toronto Ontario Canada, Friday October 26 2012 -  panoramic

This year’s Trans-Canada Ramadan journey is informed by Environics’ recently released Survey of Muslims in Canada 2016.

Much is gleaned from the survey results yet curiosities remain.

InshAllah, we’ll explore and hopefully answers those curiosities, blog post by blog post, day by day, province by province.

at 30 masjids

Ramadan 2017

There are many locations beyond reach in only one month.

Notably, four Masjids in Canada’s Northern Territories.

Hence, 30 Masjids Canada, will aspire to be a two-year-project, beginning this Ramadan 2016 and concluding next Ramadan 2017.

Guest Blogging

As always, 30Masjids encourages and welcomes YOUR Stories via Guest Blogging.

30Masjids has always welcomed Guest Bloggers, from around Toronto, and around The World.


If you can help 30 Masjids Canada financially, helping us to complete our journey, the Donate Now button is above.

InshAllah, Your Turn…

If you have story leads, interesting Muslim Canadians to meet, or perhaps wish to invite me to your Iftar, please leave a comment below.

Salam, Peace.

HiMY SYeD ( @30Masjids / #cdnmuslims )

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