Returning to the Masjid inside Noon Academy in Brampton, at 12 Rutherford Road South, for Isha and first eight Rakats of Taraweeh Prayers.

Noon Academy is where 30 Masjids began this year’s Ramadan on Night 1.

We prayed JUMAH here on Day 9, the Second Friday of Ramadan 2023.

Evening and Night temperatures have been less cold, evening warming up a little, so shoe racks on the outside makes sense mid-way through Ramadan.

When Ramadan began, the doors of the south entrance were used by both Sisters and Brothers to enter the prayer hall.

The south entrance is now exclusively for Sisters.

The north doors are now used as the Brothers’ entrance.

On the Brother’s side, some space making is required.

Done simply using a pylon and yellow caution tape freeing up a path to the door.

During my Umrah in 2011 to The Sacred Masjids of Makkah and Madinah, I observed a similar phenomena.

I marvelled at the inherent magnanimity of the Islamic Architecture.

And yet, with so much thought and design put into the giant buildings, something as humble and simple and universally recognizable as the use of Pylons and Yellow Caution Tape remained in use to help guide worshippers to their prayer spots.

Watching Livestreams from Makkah and Madinah today, you might still see both being used, though I haven’t seen it so recently.

Looking at the wall clock, we arrived with a couple of minutes until Iqamah.

Isha is now prayed at 9:25 p.m.

Ever since Noon Academy installed the Gold colour Islamic Geometry pattern behind the Mimbar, it has had my attention.

The Gold Islamic Geometry provides a visually pleasing background behind Khateebs who might be speaking from the Mimbar.

Pleasing for both those here in person and also for all who are watching Noon Academy‘s Livestreams.

Looking, and Reflecting upon this particular gold pattern, I’ve slowly been understanding something more about Labyrinths in Islam.

I previously blogged somewhat at length about Labyrinths in Islam on Day 9 of Ramadan 2020, which also happened to be the first ever World Labyrinth Day to occur during Ramadan.

Still percolating thoughts on this new understanding, and wanted to record a zooming in of this Gold Islamic Geometry pattern for a future blog post, so I recorded this for later use…

Qur’an being recited during first 8 Rakats of Taraweeh Prayer :


After the first four Rakats were completed,

And after Surah Ikhlas was collectively thrice recited,

Because a possibility exists that this Masjid may not be here come next Ramadan,

Shaykh Wlaeed Almakee made an urgent appeal for donations.

Shaykh’s fundraising update begins at 17:24 mark in the audio above.

You can help…

Here is Noon Academy’s Donation Page :

Towfiq Islamic Centre at 7 Oak Street… in Toronto?

This masjid is located in the Old Town of Weston, which is located inside the former City of York, that was then amalgamated into the new “Mega City” of Toronto in 1998, which ultimately was re-divided into four districts, where the former City of York and the former City of Etobicoke now make up the Western District in Toronto officially designated Etobicoke-York.

Locals still call it York.

7 Oak Street is in York.

Sometime during the few hours between Witr and Fajr on Night 8 of Ramadan 2023, two individuals were seen leaving the front area of the Towfiq Islamic Centre.

They forgot some of their spray paint.

It was left outside, in the form of hateful messages, upon the front wall of the Masjid.

More than the ugliness, there was an urgency in painting over the wording of one of the two messages, as it made false claim against The Creator.

As a House of Worship, that was unacceptable.

Urgency meant readily available white paint was used to cover over the hateful messages.

Initial coats of white paint were quickly done on Thursday, Day 8 of Ramadan.

It’s since been painted over again using a colour to closer match the outside wall’s previous colour.

Yet still not close enough.

The unmistakable colour mismatch reminds arriving worshippers and passers-by who have already seen the hateful messages that, oh that’s right, there were hateful messages spray painted here earlier.


Let’s go inside, Bismillah

Tall wall of shoe shelves, bulletin board posted with Ramadan related and Masjid information flyers, plus two undoored entrances into Towfiq’s Main Prayer Hall welcomes the regulars, as well as this visitor on Day 13 of Ramadan 2023.

I step into the prayer hall through the left side doorless entrance.

Lime and blue and green squares of tarp are spread, more or less evenly spaced apart, throughout the carpeted prayer hall.

Paper plates with random numbers of sticky dates, sticky because of they’re dipped in honey, but I won’t be able to confirm it’s honey until after Sunset… haha.

Haven’t had Sticky Dates to break fast inside a masjid since…

Wait, was it Day 1 of Ramadan . . . 2017 ?

At MAC Islamic Centre ?

In Vancouver ?

Plastic water bottles suggest Iftar seating of between 8 to 12 per tarp.

Having yet to pray Asr, my late afternoon prayer, time is short until Sunset.

So that’s my priority having entered the prayer hall.


And before Asr, Wudu, the pre-prayer ablution, the physical washing to become ready for prayer is my priority before the priority.

I briefly look around the two defined areas of the prayer hall but do not spot any signage pointing towards a place for wudu.

Beside the elders sitting at the table, much Iftar related activity is taking place.

A number of Somali women and men are hurrying about in a small kitchen area with meal preparations.

A tall slender younger brother is helping.

Approaching him, I ask where can I do wudu?

Because of the bustle in the kitchen, he mishears me and asks if I want him to show me how to do wudu?

I almost have to laugh, no no, I assure him, I’m Muslim and already know how to do wudu, I’m only asking where?

Ah, okay.

The young brother, Casey, leads me past the kitchen, down the stairs, points out the brothers’ washrooms and then two standard wudu spots: tiled single benches opposite water faucets.

After praying Asr by myself in a mostly empty front row,

I turn around and find young Brother Casey at the foot of an elder sitting atop a chair in quiet conversation with a third brother.

I show them my 30 Masjids photo card, and simply say I’m visiting 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan, and because of what happened on Thursday, I decided their masjid would be my stop for Day 13.

I’d like to formally speak to leaders of the masjid to learn about the congregation from them.

The elder looks over my card and smiles in a friendly way.

Casey tells me the person I should talk with is arriving shortly, and he’ll ask when he gets here.

I tell Casey there’s no rush, a few minutes after Iftar and Maghrib and before Isha starts is likely the best time.

I leave the 30 Masjids photo card with Casey.


I choose an Iftar Spot in the corner of the most centrally located Iftar Tarp.

Hmmm, can we call them Iftarps™ ?

Park my butt in front of the water bottle and plate of sticky dates, then patiently await Adhan Al Maghrib.

Iftar gatherings inside Masjids often do something extra in the minutes before the Call to Prayer after Sunset and time to break the fast.


From beside the Mimbar, we hear some reminders spoken in the Somali Lanugage.

As the Khateeb began speaking, the din echoing from everyone’s pleasant sounding pre-Iftar chatting, dies down, and most everyone is now listening or being attentive.

I can recognize a few Islamic words, because they are Arabic, and a brief closing dua.





“I have been pretty quiet on social media as of late.

But today I am back, because I am frustrated.

This is the Towfiq Islamic Centre, here in the GTA.

Their masjid was recently vandalized, alongside a scribbled death threat, in Ramadan.

You can see above where it is painted over.

But we can’t keep painting over the problem.

Canada has a problem with hate.

And Canadians can’t keep going to mosques, synagogues, churches and have to deal with this.

Enough is enough.

I’m asking all of you to take some time out of your day to figure out a way that you can stand against hate.

Donate to organizations that are doing good work.

Read more and learn about what best practices are.

Talk to your neighbours.

We have to do more.”

Mustafa Farooq, Lawyer, Previously CEO of the National Council of Canadian Muslims

After praying Fajr this morning, I turned on the IPTV and channel surfed to CBC Toronto.

Weekday mornings during the 6 a.m. hour,

CBC Toronto TV simulcasts the CBC Metro Morning radio show broadcasting on CBC Radio One at 99.1 FM.

I only intended to watch/listen to CBC World Report, the ten minute news update broadcast at the top of each hour, which is then followed by CBC Metro Morning for the remaining 50 minutes until 7 a.m.


After World Report, David Common begins his Metro Morning 6:10 a.m. intro highlighting upcoming segments for the remainder of the hour…

Half-listening at this point, because well, I’m usually sleepy after praying Fajr.

But then I heard David Common say the word, “Ramadan” and hunh? Wait, what!?

Aha! I better record this, like right away!

If there is something I have learned about News Media Interviews in 10+ years of blogging 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan,

It’s that not every live interview segment, be it TV or Radio or Livestream, gets archived online nor rebroadcast.

Alhumdulillah, eleven years ago, I archived my own audio appearance on CBC Metro Morning when I was interviewed by Priya Sankaran on Day 14 of Ramadan 2012 which was then broadcast on Day 15.

Ten years ago, I did not archive my audio appearance on CBC Hear and Now when I was interviewed by Mary Ito on Day 0 of Ramadan 2013 as I was about to begin my journey of visiting 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan around Ontario.

In my rush to get to London, Ontario to begin 30 Masjids Ontario, I didn’t prioritize archiving as I could have in 2013.

Afterwards I contacted CBC Toronto who confirmed my audio appearance on CBC Here and Now was no longer available.

SubhanAllah, lesson learned.

So back to the immediacy of the here and now of Day 12 of Ramadan 2023.

David Common about to begin speaking live on air with Mahamed Elmi of Istar Restaurant, located 235 Dixon Road in North Etobicoke.

In my still sleepy state, snap decision was to grab my Nikon Coolpix point and shoot, then point it at the TV Screen and begin recording.


If you fell asleep after Fajr,

Right now, you can still listen to Mahamed Elmi sharing his Ramadan experience in running the 24 Hour Open Halal Diner/café Istar Restaurant speaking with David Common :

InshAllah, with the interview done, Mahamed Elmi can now get some sleep.

After the show . . .

Mahamed Elmi’s Ramadan Interview is NOT found in Metro Morning’s On Demand Segment Listing for the show aired on Monday April 3 2023.


“If there is no record, there is no history, it didn’t happen.”



Adhan Al Maghrib, The Call to Prayer after Sunset and time to break the Fast.

After Taraweeh, Reflections From The Qur’an by Imam Omar Subedar

During the concluding session of today’s 9th Annual Fiqh Conference . . .

 . . . Dr. Slimi recognized Stephen Brown, Chief Executive Officer of the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) as being in attendance.

In fact he was sitting maybe two prayer spots length directly behind me, alongside the central pillar within Sayeda Khadija Centre’s Prayer Hall.

The Conference concluding with Adhan Al Maghrib, and breaking of the Fast with pairs of dates and cups of water which had quickly been distributed by volunteers.

By Prayer Time, Stephen Brown was standing in Iqamah one person over from me, to my right.

After completing the Maghrib Prayer and before our Sunnah prayers, I made the briefest of introductions with him.

We had never met in person before.

I pointed to the Green Square of fabric safety-pinned to my lapel, which I had decided on Night 1 to begin wearing for the duration of Ramadan 2023.

Showing him my 30 Masjids photo card which I use in place of a regular business card, I confirmed that he did not know who I was, yet he was immediately in listening mode, giving me all his attention.

Thinking about it now, it might have been because he saw my Green Square.

I’ve learned to quickly recognize Sincerity when meeting people, and Alhumdulillah, it was found in this moment with Stephen Brown.

Yet it wasn’t the proper time to talk. At all.

People were praying Sunnah all around us; he was expected to momentarily be joining the Iftar Meal as a special guest of Imam Slimi in another room.

I quickly wrote down the url for the 30 Masjids BIG photoblog “” on the back of the photo card and handed it back to him.

I asked when he could, to visit the BIG photoblog, and find a specific post, he would immediately recognize it.

The CEO of NCCM assured me he would.

The post was of course This One.

In my video above,

Dr. Slimi had mentioned some of what Brother Stephen shared yesterday with Sayeda Khadija Centre’s Taraweeh Congregration during his address made after 8 Rakats.

Below is my rough video edit,

From Yesterday after Isha, Night 10 of Ramadan 2023…

Dr. Slimi introducing Stephen Brown to the Congregration after Isha Prayers.

After 8 Rakats of Taraweeh Prayers,

Brother Asim Malik welcomes Stephen Brown who then addresses the Congregation sharing his personal story about becoming Muslim then speaks about work NCCM is doing to bring about systemic change.

“Join us at our Centre for Deen Studies’ 9th Annual Fiqh Conference this Saturday April 1st at 4 p.m.

Iftar will be provided.

Sayeda Khadija Centre

Livestream scheduled 4 p.m. EDT :

🌟 The Resilient Hour: Tonight at 7 PM 🌟

Join us at the Resilient Hour, featuring conversations with community leaders, imams, and scholars.

Tonight’s special guest is Shaikh Abdool Hamid.

📅 Every Wednesday and Friday Night at 7 PM (ONLINE ONLY)

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and strengthen community ties. Invite family and friends to watch!

Second Friday of Ramadan 2023.

I joined Jumah Prayer at Noon Academy‘s Masjid at 12 Rutherford Road South in Brampton.

Before the Pandemic began,

I had also prayed Jumah here on the Second Friday of that year’s Ramadan.

On that Friday, worshippers entered through the Academy’s main entrance, before then weaving through hallways to enter the Prayer Hall.

The change I first noted on Night 4 of Ramadan 2022 of using the Academy’s side door as the proper front entrance for the Masjid seems permanent now.

Something not permanent is our worldly life.

Upon entering the Masjid, Adhan Al Jumah, The Call to Friday Prayer, was already halfway called by the Muezzin.

To the Muezzin’s right, a Janaza/Funeral Casket.

I arrived early enough that I was able to sit in my preferred spot when attending any Jumah no matter where I find myself : First Row, to the right of the Mimbar.

Today, that spot was directly facing the Janaza.

This was the Father-in-Law of Shaykh Waleed Almakee, The Imam of Noon Academy.

Shaykh Almakee delivered an important context of reminders as he told us about his Father-in-Law during the Jumah Qhutbah.

Today I prayed Jumah in the First Row standing one person away from a Funeral Casket.

Almost immediately after the Jumah Prayer,

Shaykh reminded us of what to say during each of the three segments of prayer in-between the four Takbeerat.

Then as the Janaza Prayer was about to begin, he reminded the Congregration that attending a Janaza earns reward equivalent to one Qiraat.

And one Qiraat is equivalent to one mountain.

Everyone attending the Janaza today may all receive that great a reward.

The Shaykh was citing from a Hadith.

This is not the exact Hadith he was quoting, because there are a number of similar ones, and I’m not sure which one, I’m choosing to include this one only for reference:

“Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

“Whoever attends the funeral procession and offers the Janazah Salah, will get a reward equal to one ‘qirat’, and whoever accompanies it till burial, will get a reward equal to two ‘qirats’.

It was asked, “What are two qirats?”

He answered, “Like two huge mountains.”

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 1325 and Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 945)

I somehow ended up standing immediately behind Shaykh Waleed Almakee as he lead the Janaza.

I can only think of being this close to an Imam leading Janaza, when my own father died when I was 21 years old.

We prayed Janaza for my Father at Madinah Masjid on The Danforth in Toronto all those years ago.

It does not seem like all those years ago in this moment.

And that is one of the reminders from today.