CANADA | Night 28 – Meet Sharif Senbel – Architect and Eco-Masjid Designer – Vancouver, British Columbia

Sharif Senbel - Masjid Al Hidayah and Islamic Cultural Centre, Port Coquitlam - Vancouver Sun December 1 2009

Architect Sharif Senbel inside Masjid Al Hidayah and Islamic Cultural Centre in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. Photo Credit: Vancouver Sun, December 1 2009.

This ten minute podcast was recorded sitting in Masjid Al Salaam’s Noble Courtyard, essentially a public square inside this Islamic Centre, hence the many ambient voices in the background.


Sharif Senbel is a Vancouver based Snowboarder, Windsurfer and Walk-The-Walk Eco-Activist.

Devout Muslim. Award Winning Architect. Sharif Senbel designs Ecological Masjids.

Including Prince George Islamic Centre where I was yesterday and this morning for Day 26 and Night 27 of Ramadan 2016.

Alhumdulillah, for second night in a row, I broke fast inside a Senbel designed building, Masjid Al Salaam & Education Centre, 5060 Canada Way in Burnaby, British Columbia.

We were introduced to one another shortly before Adhan Al-Isha by Burnaby Imam, Yahya Momla.

Architectural photos below nicely complement what Sharif Senbel’s shares with us in the podcast, they were captured yesterday in Prince George, when I had no idea I would be speaking with the Architect in person tonight… SubhanAllah!

00 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

02 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

04 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

06 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

07 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

08 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

09 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

10 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

12 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

14 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

20 - Prince George Islamic Centre - Designed by Sharif Senbel - Prince George, British Columbia - Friday July 1 2016

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