Bedri Bylykbashi is a former Vice-President of Albanian Muslim Society of Toronto
We met and spoke after Iftar Dinner and before Isha on the third floor of the Society’s building at 564 Annette Street.
Brother Bedri shared some of Toronto’s Muslim History.
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Day 6 - Darul Uloom Canada | 51 Prince Street North, Chatham
Day 1 – First Full Capacity In-Person Ramadan Iftar Gathering and Taraweeh since Pandemic began two years ago – Sayeda Khadija Centre – Faith of Life Network – Mississauga, Ontario
Night 26 – RAMADAN TORONTO – The Official Music VIDEO – Nader Khan & The Blacksmiths
30 MORE | Day 30 – Twitter Thread : “MOON SIZE AND APPEARANCE TONIGHT 30TH RAMADAN - Usually on the 30th the crescent should be easily visible and should appear big. Moonset is mostly more than an hour after sunset if the conjunction occurred before sunset the previous day” — By Simwal...
VIDEO: Mahmood - GTA Eid - Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Hall