During Ramadan 2016,
when I was doing 30 Masjids in 30 Days Canada, I wasn’t able to visit any of our three northern Territories.
Breaking a Ramadan Fast in Nunavut, The Yukon, and/or the Northwest Territories, then blogging about it, remains something outstanding in these 10 years of blogging Ramadan on 30Masjids.ca
InshAllah, I may yet do that.
On this Eid Al Fitr 2020,
Here are quotes and photos from others about Drive-Thru Eid Al Fitr Celebrations hosted by Islamic Centre of Yellowknife . . .

Boxes of chocolate and goodie bags for children were handed out to celebrate Eid in Yellowknife on Sunday. (Danielle d’Entremont/CBC)

Monzur Choudhury hands out goodie bags to a local family on Sunday. Within the first hour of the Eid event, over 40 cars had driven by to pass along holiday greetings and collect the treats. (Danielle d’Entremont/CBC)

Zaka Ullah (right) says the drive-thru Eid celebrations allowed people to feel connected despite the territorial government’s restrictions on gatherings. (Danielle d’Entremont/CBC)
Drive-thru Eid celebration in Yellowknife brings smiles through isolation https://t.co/dm46eZj6qc pic.twitter.com/rh0i8asqWX
— CBC North (@CBCNorth) May 24, 2020
“People have morning prayers where they meet each other, greet each other … and after, people normally have parties.
But this year with COVID[-19] going on we thought this was a nice way to get them out and get them connected,”
said Zaka Ullah, as he handed out chocolates.
Within the first hour of the event about 40 different cars had driven by.
Some were decorated with balloons; many cars were filled with smiling faces as passengers called out to organizers with the holiday greeting,
“Eid Mubarak!”
Eid is a day of happiness so we wanted to celebrate, we wanted to meet with people, and we wanted people to get out of their homes.
Awan said although it is difficult not being able to get together,
Sunday’s celebrations allow for people to focus their energy on supporting one another, rather than on material things, such as gifts.
“Islam is a very simple religion,” he said.
“Fasting is not just keeping hungry, it is all about having a better character, how beneficial you are to other people in the community, how caring you are — for your family and your friends and humanity.”
Eid al-Fitr drive-thru celebration marks end of 'difficult' Ramadan during pandemic #Yellowknife #Islam #Eid #Covid19 https://t.co/a83YUWKq1l
— NNSL Online (@NNSLonline) May 25, 2020
“We were just hoping to create some Eid festivities,”
said Nazim Awan, chair of the Islamic Centre of Yellowknife.
“We decided that we’ll offer something that at least people can feel it’s Eid.”
Awan said Eid celebrations are usually held at large public spaces involving a reception and meal.
There is usually a community barbecue and gift exchanges to follow.
Awan said it was disappointing for the community to be unable to gather, but he understood the situation and felt they made the best of it.
“We put some smiles on the children’s faces and family’s faces,” he said.
The event brought over 65 cars to the drive-thru, held off Franklin Ave, where the new mosque is being built;
although construction of the mosque has been delayed as a result of COVID-19, Awan said.”
Our Islamic Centre of Yellowknife had a good showing for Eid day as well.
About 75 families came through.
They also held a special Dawah🙏program delivering Eid gifts 🎁🎁🎁to children of mixed religious upbringing who don’t normally come to the mosque.
Kudos to our Yellowknife team that is over 4,700 KM away from here !!”
Learn about how our brothers and sisters, all the way in Yellowknife, spent Eid day? 🕌👏
Check out the news article highlighting the drive-thru event for Muslims in Yellowknife!#ISNACanada #YellowKnifeIslamicCenter #EidAlFitr #SocialDistancinghttps://t.co/WaOs8BgSjD
— ISNA Canada (@ISNA_Canada) May 26, 2020