Tagged: Islamophobia

Amira Elghawaby — Canada’s Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia — First Official Community Visit — London, Ontario

March 21st, 2023 Permalink

Canada’s anti-Islamophobia representative began an official tour of Community Visits with her first stop being London, Ontario, where a Muslim family was killed in June 2021 in what police describe as a hate-motivated attack.

The weekend before Ramadan, March 18 & 19 2023, Amira Elghawaby met with about 200 members of London’s Muslim community. — HïMY SYeD

“The call for the creation of a special office to combat Islamophobia came from Muslim communities across Canada, but most strongly from London Muslim communities,”

“I knew that I had to come to London.” — Amira Elghawaby

“It was very important for me, as the first official trip that I made within 30 days of taking office, to come to London to meet with its Muslim communities because of the tragedy that saw the loss of the beautiful members of the Afzaal family.

“Communities are still coping with the aftermath of that.

“This is where the recommendations to combating Islamophobia emerged, including the recommendation to create an office for a special representative on combatting Islamophobia, came loudest from London Muslims.

“I’ve come here to let people know the work is starting,

“That I’m beginning to consult with community members, starting with London’s Muslim community.” — Amira Elghawaby, in front of Mural painted by Yumna Afzaal. Sunday March 19 2023

( Photo Credit: Mike Hensen / The London Free Press )

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National Day of Remembrance of the Québec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia 🟩 Green Square Campaign

January 29th, 2022 Permalink

Photographies de partout au Canada partagées en cette Journée nationale de commémoration de l’attaque de la mosquée de Québec et d’action contre l’islamophobie. En souvenir de six musulmans qui nous ont été enlevés à Québec, un à Etobicoke et quatre à London, en Ontario. Images également de la campagne du carré vert.

S’il n’y a pas d’enregistrement, il n’y a pas d’histoire, cela ne s’est pas produit. Cet essai photographique est mon récit de ce qui s’est passé le samedi 29 janvier 2022. — HïMY SYeD

Photographs from around Canada being shared on this National Day of Remembrance of the Québec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia. Remembering six Muslims who were taken from us in Québec City, one in Etobicoke, and four in London, Ontario. Images also of the Green Square Campaign.

If there is no record, there is no history, it didn’t happen. This Photographic Essay is my record of what happened on Saturday January 29 2022. — HïMY SYeD

“Je me souviens du 29 janvier, une soirée qu’on croyait banale et qui a finalement tourné à la tragédie.

“Le combat contre l’islamophobie, l’intolérance et la haine repose sur nous tous.

“Il faut s’y opposer, dénoncer, sensibiliser et éduquer.

“Et si jamais l’envie de baisser les bras nous prend, je nous invite à penser à Khaled Belkacemi, Azzeddine Soufiane, Aboubaker Thabti, Mamadou Tanou Barry, Abdelkrim Hassane et Ibrahima Barry qui resteront à jamais gravés dans notre mémoire collective.” — Aref Salim, Chef de l’Opposition officielle à l’Hôtel de ville de Montréal et conseiller de la Ville dans Saint Laurent

( Animation credit : Aref Salim )
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