Day 10 – Iftar – Islamic Foundation of Toronto – Nugget Mosque

It’s almost time to break the fast.

Islamic Foundation of Toronto or Nugget Mosque  hosts Iftars for locals everyday.

Sundays hosts a wider invitation towards the general Muslim population for Iftar.

It’s Sunday Night…

They hand out handwrapped dates in paper towels. Brilliant!

One can clean their hands and dispose of the date pit seed properly.

The Prophet (upon whom be peace) said,

“He who gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will receive the same reward as him, except that nothing will be reduced from the fasting persons reward.”

[Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban. Sahih]

These youth competed to see whose cup of water I would take to break my fast.

Medjool dates, not one but TWO of them!!!

Fast has been broken. We have prayed Maghrib Sunset Prayer. Time to head downstairs to the Cafeteria for Iftar Dinner.

There are three serving tables set up. It’s clockwork. Seniors are brought forward and served first then seated on tables inside the cafeteria. There is a gatekeeper at the bottom of the stairs holding, counting, and directing which hungry Muslim goes to which of the three lines. This saves time and prevents bunching up.

The servers cut out a step and gave me seconds while dishing out my first. May Allah reward them. 🙂

Rolling up Iftar mats downstairs…

Unrolling prayer mats upstairs.

Pocketgnomes Chico Mouse+A Girl Named Leroy caffeinated up & ready for 20 Desi-Style Rakats. #30Days

Travelling Pocketgnomes Chico Mouse and A Girl Named Leroy with a Timmies across from Nugget Mosque before Taraweeh.

Waiting for Isha, the Night Prayer to begin, followed by eight or twenty rakats.

After eight rakats of Taraweeh Prayers are read and complete, the mass exodus begins. Others, find their way forward to complete twenty.

Formally lead Taraweeh and Witr prayers are complete for the night. It is past midnight.

Illuminated Dome & Minaret atop Islamic Foundation of Toronto, Scarborough Landmark #30Days #Ramadan

It’s early Monday Morning. Day 11.

Actually, it’s very early Monday Morning.


Wondering which Masjid in Toronto I should bike towards for Fajr? In Malvern, Scarborough right now... #30Days #Ramadan #Toronto


Comments on: "Day 10 – Iftar – Islamic Foundation of Toronto – Nugget Mosque" (2)

  1. […] 31 A volunteer unrolls straw prayer mats onto the main hallway of the Islamic Foundation of Toronto. This provides overflow space for later arriving worshippers who will come to perform Isha, the […]

  2. Good Job